|What:| Agentk Widgets| | Where:| http://www.cc.gatech.edu/grads/m/Scott.McCrickard/agentk/| | Description:| A series of unique 'multimedia' widgets - not to display multimedia, but instead which use motion and audio to communicate more information in a small space. The set includes a fade widget, ticker widget, navigation bar, roll widgets, earcons, anthropomorphic widgets, relevance enhanced image reduction widgets, and possibly others. Package also includes sample programs such as tkwatch, NewsAgent, and checklpq. || Currently it is at version 1.0b4.| | Updated:| 02/2000| | Contact:| mailto:mccricks@cc.gatech.edu (D. Scott McCrickard)| ---- [pcam] 25/10/2007 Broken link. ---- [kjn] 03/11/2007 Scott McCrickard has moved from Georgia Tech to Virginia Tech - his home page is now http://people.cs.vt.edu/~mccricks/ No sign of a new home for Agentk, but if you are interested you could try contacting Scott. <> GUI | Package | Widget | Multimedia