** Attributes ** Website: [http://people.cs.vt.edu/~mccricks/%|%cs.vt.edu%|%] Website: (not found on 2007-10-25) [http://www.cc.gatech.edu/grads/m/Scott.McCrickard/agentk/%|%gatech.edu Contact: [mailto:mccricks@cc.gatech.edu%|%D. Scott McCrickard%|%] ** Description ** A series of unique 'multimedia' widgets - not to display multimedia, but instead which use motion and audio to communicate more information in a small space. The set includes a fade widget, ticker widget, navigation bar, roll widgets, earcons, anthropomorphic widgets, relevance enhanced image reduction widgets, and possibly others. Package also includes sample programs such as tkwatch, NewsAgent, and checklpq. ** Download ** [http://courses.cs.vt.edu/~cs6724/programs/asst1.html%|%cs.vt.edu%|%]: [http://ynform.org/w/Pub/AgentkScottMcCrickard%|%ynform.org%|%]: <> GUI | Package | Widget | Multimedia