Ajax stands here for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML http://www.adaptivepath.com/publications/essays/archives/000385.php is an pretty informative article on how Ajax works. Ajax is an Rich Internet Application framework that uses [Javascript], but not [Flash] to achive interactivity at the client. - [Zarutian] 7. august 2005 ---- ''[escargo] 26 Sep 2005'' - Is there infrastructure in place to use [Tcl] in the same way as [Javascript]? It seems like Tcl (using the [Tcl/Tk Tclet Plugin]) could accomplish much the same thing. Would it be necessary to use the XMLHttpRequest object? It would be nice to be able to demonstrate AJAX-like behavior in Tcl. ---- See also: * [JSON] * [Using Tcl to write WWW client side applications within the WWW browser] ---- [Category Internet]