149 lines with little testing code and comments. That's why I like Tcl - complex language flow control construct in such a snippet. Actually, it was my second attempt. First was a lot uglier and bigger. ---- # Algebraic types. # Creating constructors and deconstruction by pattern matching. namespace eval atypes { # List of defined constructors. # Actually, it is an map from constructor names to their typenames, # and used to keep track of constructor name uniqueness. array set defcons {} # Create algebraic type. # Argument 'typename' is useless, but FP languages need it. # 'args' argument is a list of constructor # descriptions. They are in the form # ConstructorName ?param? ?param ...?. # ConstructorName should be unique. # # At the end we create a bunch of commands. proc atype {typename args} { variable defcons # Defining constructors for type. foreach c $args { # Split constructor definition into name and args set cvars [lrange $c 1 end] set constrname [lindex $c 0] if {![string is upper [string range $constrname 0 0]]} { error "Incorrect constructor name '$constrname' for type $typename" } if {[info exists defcons($constrname)]} { error "Constructor $constrname (type $typename) was already defined for type $defcons($constrname)" } # We ought to create constructor header and # construction part. Constructor header is a list # of variables. set construction [list $constrname] foreach cv $cvars { if {[llength $cv]!=1} { error "Improper argument name $cv for $constrname (type $typename)" } lappend construction "\[set $cv\]" } set construction [join $construction " "] proc ::$constrname $cvars "return \[list $construction\]" } } # Match a constructed value against pattern(s). # Pattern can be: # $ - if element starts from $, then [string range 1 end] # is considered variable name to bind. # _ - for dummy variable (expression is matched but dropped from # assignment) # {ConstrName ?pattern pattern ...?} - match of constructed expression proc match {expr patterns} { foreach {p pcode} $patterns { # Try to match foreach {ok bindlist} [matchbind $expr $p] break if {$ok} { foreach {var val} $bindlist { uplevel 1 [list set $var $val] } set rcode [catch {uplevel 1 $pcode} result] return -code $rcode $result } } error "$expr does not match patterns $patterns" } # Auxillary function. # Actually tries to match expression and pattern. # Returns [list 1 bindlist] for success and [list 0 {}] for failure. proc matchbind {expr pattern} { # pattern might be a '_': if {[string equal _ $pattern]} { return {1 {}} } # pattern might be a $var: if {[string equal \$ [string range $pattern 0 0]]} { return [list 1 [list [string range $pattern 1 end] $expr]] } # Complex structural match case. # First, 'shape' of pattern binding and # expression should match: if {[llength $expr]!=[llength $pattern]} { return {0 {}} } # Split pattern and expression into respective constructors # and arguments. set subps [lrange $pattern 1 end] set pattconstr [lindex $pattern 0] set subexprs [lrange $expr 1 end] set exprconstr [lindex $expr 0] # Second, head of expression and pattern should be equal. if {![string equal $pattconstr $exprconstr]} { return {0 {}} } # Okay, then we should match every expression with # every pattern, going recursively, if needed. set binds {} ;# bind list foreach p $subps e $subexprs { # Match subexpression with subpattern foreach {ok bindadd} [matchbind $e $p] break if {!$ok} { # If not matched - fail. return {0 {}} } # Otherwise - grow bind pars list. set binds [concat $binds $bindadd] } # Return success return [list 1 $binds] } # Export such a useful command: namespace export atype match } catch {rename match {}} catch {rename atype {}} namespace import atypes::* # tests: if 1 { # Maybe type (single element list) atype Maybe {Nothing} {Just a} # List as it should be: atype List {Nil} {List head tail} # Verifying construction: puts [Nothing] puts [Just "hello, world!"] puts [List ? [List ! Nil]] # Verifying matching. proc testmatch {e} { match $e { {Just $x} {puts "Just x branch: $x"} {Nothing} {puts "Nothing branch"} {List $head {List $head2 $tail2}} { puts "Complex list branch." puts "head '$head', head2 '$head2', tail2 '$tail2'" } {List $head $tail} { puts "List branch: head '$head' tail '$tail'" } {generate error} { puts "We will generate an error" error "Error was generated" } _ { puts "Unknown expression $e" } } } testmatch [Just "what?"] testmatch [Nothing] testmatch [List ? [List ! Nil]] testmatch [List ? Nil] testmatch ??? testmatch "generate error" } ---- You may see that we testing a match with arbitrary string in testmatch "generate error" This is perfectly Ok and I mean it from the start. "[Everything is a string]", isn't it? I eliminated use of lassign so it doesn't need Tclx anymore. So I (and you) can use it on my (or your) Linux notebook without any upgrades. Take a look at [Simple BDD] for demonstration of capabilities. I've used algebraic types for expression manipulation. An example could be found here: [Expression Tree Package]. [NEM] notes that this code appears to be written by [SZ]. I've also had a go at implementing algebraic pattern matching while playing with [Monadic TOOT], and you can see the code on that page. [Haskell] is full of interesting ideas... ---- [NEM] 2009-05-15: Here is a version of algebraic data-types that can handle matching multiple values simultaneously: ====== # datatype.tcl -- # # Algebraic datatypes and pattern matching in Tcl. # package require Tcl 8.5 package provide datatype 0.1 namespace eval ::datatype { namespace export define match matches namespace ensemble create # Datatype definitions proc define {type = args} { set ns [uplevel 1 { namespace current }] foreach cons [split [join $args] |] { set name [lindex $cons 0] set args [lrange $cons 1 end] proc $ns\::$name $args [format { lreplace [info level 0] 0 0 %s } [list $name]] } return $type } # Pattern matching # matches pattern value envVar -- # Returns 1 if value matches pattern, else 0 # Binds match variables in envVar proc matches {pattern value envVar} { upvar 1 $envVar env if {[var? $pattern]} { return [bind env $pattern $value] } if {[llength $pattern] != [llength $value]} { return 0 } if {[lindex $pattern 0] ne [lindex $value 0]} { return 0 } foreach pat [lrange $pattern 1 end] val [lrange $value 1 end] { if {![matches $pat $val env]} { return 0 } } return 1 } # A variable starts with lower-case letter or _. _ is a wildcard. proc var? term { string match {[a-z_]*} $term } proc bind {envVar var value} { upvar 1 $envVar env if {![info exists env]} { set env [dict create] } if {$var eq "_"} { return 1 } dict set env $var $value return 1 } proc match args { #puts "MATCH: $args" set values [lrange $args 0 end-1] set choices [lindex $args end] append choices \n [list return -code error -level 2 "no match for $values"] set f [list values $choices [namespace current]] lassign [apply $f $values] env body #puts "RESULT: $env -> $body" dict for {k v} $env { upvar 1 $k var; set var $v } catch { uplevel 1 $body } msg opts dict incr opts -level return -options $opts $msg } proc case args { upvar 1 values values set patterns [lrange $args 0 end-2] set body [lindex $args end] set env [dict create] if {[llength $patterns] != [llength $values]} { return } foreach pattern $patterns value $values { if {![matches $pattern $value env]} { return } } return -code return [list $env $body] } proc default body { return -code return [list {} $body] } } ====== As an example of use, here is an implementation of insertion into a Red-Black tree, as described at [http://www.rosettacode.org/wiki/Pattern_Matching] (based on the [Haskell] code there): ====== datatype define Color = R | B datatype define Tree = E | T color left val right # balance :: Color -> Tree a -> a -> Tree a -> Tree a proc balance {color left val right} { datatype match $color $left $val $right { case B [T R [T R a x b] y c] z d -> { T R [T B $a $x $b] $y [T B $c $z $d] } case B [T R a x [T R b y c]] z d -> { T R [T B $a $x $b] $y [T B $c $z $d] } case B a x [T R [T R b y c] z d] -> { T R [T B $a $x $b] $y [T B $c $z $d] } case B a x [T R b y [T R c z d]] -> { T R [T B $a $x $b] $y [T B $c $z $d] } case col a x b -> { T $col $a $x $b } } } # insert :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a proc insert {x s} { datatype match [ins $x $s] { case [T _ a y b] -> { T B $a $y $b } } } # ins :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a proc ins {x s} { datatype match $s { case E -> { T R E $x E } case [T col a y b] -> { if {$x < $y} { return [balance $col [ins $x $a] $y $b] } if {$x > $y} { return [balance $col $a $y [ins $x $b]] } return $s } } } # Test on random numbers: set tree [E] set i 0 while {[incr i] < 20} { set n [expr {int(rand()*100)}] set tree [insert $n $tree] } puts $tree ====== TODO: * Assumes each element is a well-formed list * Assumes string equality comparison * No way to match a literal string beginning with a lower-case letter or underscore I believe these can all be solved by treating each type itself as an ensemble and having per-type equal and match "methods" (with built-ins for strings and numbers). <> Category Functional Programming | Category Mathematics | Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming