Purpose: document such [Tk] "widget sets" as the following. ''Please'' feel free to add more info, create specialty pages containing additional details, etc. point to reference material or images of the widgets, mention the platforms, etc. * BLT is a C based widget library adding visualization and other helpful Tk widgets. See http://www.tcltk.com/blt/ for more details. * BWidgets is a Tcl/Tk based widget library that is stored as a separate module of http://tcllib.sf.net/. * efftcl includes a number of useful Tk widgets. See [[add url]] for more details. * Donal Fellows has a variety of useful Tcl and Tk scripts at http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/%7Efellowsd/tcl/ , including a percent progress bar, etc. * [[incr Tk]] is a C based megawidget framework based on [[incr Tcl]] for combining Tk widgets into more useful forms. [[incr Widgets]] is a collection of such useful widgets. See http://incrtcl.sf.net/ for more details. * Img is a C based Tk library that adds to Tk a variety of new image formats that can be manipulated. See http://www.purl.org/net/nijtmans/img.html for more details. * mkWidgets is a Tk metawidget support library, containing a variety of useful widgets. You can find it at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/mmg_kraus/TclCornr.htm . * Pie Menus http://art.net/Studios/Hackers/Hopkins/Don/piemenus/ * PLPLOT includes a Tk plotting widget. * POOL http://www.purl.org/NET/akupries/soft/pool/ is a personal library of routines, including caledar widgets, megawidgets, etc. (code useful for either GUI or just Tcl programming). * scwoop is a script based Tk megawidget structure built on stooop. More details can be found at http://jfontain.free.fr/scwoop.htm . * Tix is a C based widget library which is based on the Tk code, providing a variety of new widgets . See http://tix.sf.net/ for more details. * tkTable [[add more details here]] * tkpiechart , a part of the packages available at http://jfontain.free.fr/ * vu ( a version of which is available as part of the code found at http://www.purl.org/net/hobbs/tcl/capp/ ) * add something for html viewing * Jeff Hobb's megawidget code can be found at http://www.purl.org/net/hobbs/tcl/script/widget/ . Also see [http://www.purl.org/NET/Tcl-FAQ/part5.html]. ---- [Useful Tk Widgets] - [Arts and Crafts of Tcl-Tk Programming]