[DKF]: Here is some code that I have used to analyse the benchmarks by category. This is far more illuminating than trying to guess what is going on from the overall figures. To use, cut-and-paste the normalized benchmark results (just the lines that correspond to an individual result) into a file called ''speeds.txt'' and run this script on them. After a bit of time, you'll get some nice geometric averages printed out by category. MISC corresponds to the category names that aren't alphanumeric. ---- set f [open speeds.txt] set data [read $f] close $f array set vl {} array set svl {} # For non-UNIX catch {console show} proc parseData {data {bestIndex 0}} { global vl svl typeNames array set types {} foreach line [split $data \n] { set head [string trim [string range $line 0 45]] set tail [string trim [string range $line 45 end]] set n 0 set best [lindex $tail $bestIndex] set type [lindex [split $head] 1] if {![regexp {^\w+$} $type]} { set type MISC } if {[string length $type] > 7} { set type [string range $type 0 4][string range $type end-1 end] } set types($type) 1 foreach datum $tail { incr n if {[string is double -strict $datum]} { scan $datum %f d lappend vl($n) [expr {$d/$best}] lappend svl($type,$n) [expr {$d/$best}] } } } set typeNames [lsort [array names types]] } proc average {list} { set total 0 foreach item $list { set total [expr {$total + log($item)}] } return [expr {exp($total / [llength $list])}] } proc printAverages {} { global vl svl typeNames puts "\tTotal\t[join $typeNames \t]" foreach n [lsort -integer [array names vl]] { puts -nonewline [format "%d:\t%.3f" $n [average $vl($n)]] foreach t $typeNames { if {[catch { puts -nonewline [format "\t%.3f" [average $svl($t,$n)]] }]} then { puts -nonewline \t } } puts "" } } parseData $data 6 ;# 6 corresponds to 8.4.2 in the dataset printAverages ---- To use harmonic means instead of geometric means, replace ''average'' with this: proc average {list} { set total 0 foreach item $list { set total [expr {$total + 1/$item}] } return [expr {1/($total / [llength $list])}] }