Version 24 of Andreas Wilm

Updated 2012-08-27 21:16:08 by LkpPo

PostDoc at the Higgins Bioinformatics Lab [L1 ] (Topic: Bioinformatics)

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Using Tcl since 2000.

Used Tcl a lot for my PhD in Bioinformatics. Since Tcl is lacking a Bio-counterpart I developed squicl, a Tcl frontend to Sean Eddy's squid library [L2 ] and to the Vienna RNA package [L3 ], that includes some generally useful stuff as well. See squicl on [L4 ]

If I have some spare time I'm going to update this page and add some BioTcl stuff :)

Have a closer look at BioTcl on this wiki [L5 ] and the BioTcl framework [L6 ]