List of AndroWish Bugs '''11 Jan 2014''' The "Metropolis" edition: package require Thread cannot find symbol "Tclthread_Init": Symbol not found: load_library[1109]: Library '' not found Fixed starting with the ''"James Joyce"'' edition '''2014-01-13'''. ---- jima 2014-01-13 According to a report from rmax in the Tcler's Chat: ====== wm overrideredirect . 1 ====== kills AndroWish. [chw] 2014-01-14 confirmed for all versions of AndroWish. "adb logcat" reports a SIGSEGV in the X11 emulation code for XDestroyWindow. This bug will be fixed soon, hopefully. ---- [MG] Not sure if it's a bug (my experience with Android devices is limited to 0, and so far I've only played in the SDK's emulator), but info nameofexecutable returns an empty string - assuming it's possible to [exec] an APK to run it, it would be handy if it returned a path (or whatever is needed for said [exec]ing) instead. [chw] 2014-01-14 wouldn't call this a bug. Process (application) startup on Android is quite different from traditional UN*Xen. It is not possible to start an APK by means of exec(2) or exec(n). However from within AndroWish it is of course possible to use exec(n) to spawn a normal UN*X process (e.g. "ps"). When you need information about AndroWish's execution environment there's hopefully everything available in the "env" array: env(EXTERNAL_FILES) app specific directory on external storage env(EXTERNAL_STORAGE) path name of external storage (could be internal SD card) env(EXTERNAL_STORAGE2) path name of external storage (real external SD card) env(HOME) app's home directory (internal storage) env(INTERNAL_STORAGE) app specific directory on internal storage (identical with $env(HOME)) env(LANG) system language env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH) load path for shared libraries including app specific directory env(OBB_DIR) on some Android versions extra stuff bundled with the app env(PACKAGE_CODE_PATH) path name of the app's APK env(PACKAGE_NAME) package name where the app's main class comes from env(PATH) path for exec(n) including app specific directory env(TMPDIR) path name for temporary files For the structure of an APK please see The "assets" directory from the APK is "mounted" on application startup using the built-in virtual ZIP file system of the Tcl shared library. This is where all Tcl library code (and possibly your application Tcl code) has been bundled at build time (e.g. /assets/tcl8.6, /assets/tcllib1.5 etc.) The entire APK is mmap(2)'ed on application startup, thus the cost for accessing the files under "/assets" is decompression time only. Parts of the APKs "lib" directory (mostly architecture specific shared libraries) are copied to internal device storage at installation time of the APK. That is the reason, why all extension shared libraries are kept below "lib" and not "assets". ---- [MG] just noticed a couple of things: 1. tcl_platform(pathSeparator) is set to ":" not "/" 1. Running the latest AndroWish on the official Android SDK emulator, the cursor keys aren't working (no binding fires for them at all). Not sure whether the problem lies with AndroWish or the emulator, though. Other than that, everything seems to be working perfectly so far. Thanks for all your time and effort on it. ---- [RS] pathSeparator is correct on Unixes with ":". The question is how elements of $env(PATH) are separated, C:\bin;D:\bin or /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin [MG] D'oh, my mistake - confused it with [file separator]. Thanks, Richard. ---- [ramsan]: these two commands give me problems: package require img::png package require treectrl ---- [mh2] 26.01.2014, when I run a big tcl program (impress.tcl from [] sligtly modified for tk8.4), on my cheap tablet with 256MB RAM and android 2.3.3, than: 1. with androwish 8.4, impress.tcl works perfectly 1. with androwish 8.6, impress.tcl crash (android's oom killer kills it or something else?) is androwish 8.6 much more memory hungry than 8.4 ??? if it is so, than may be 8.4 line of androwish should be continued ??? [chw] 2014-01-26 turned out to be a SIGSEGV in the Xlib emulation, please refetch the "''Leningrad''" edition, should work now. ---- '''[ES] - 2014-02-09 12:19:44''' Wow, fantastic response - confirm that "Jules Verne" fixes the Bluetooth bug under Android 4.0.3. Thanks! ---- [MG] I just built the HelloTclTk example app on Windows using Eclipse from the Android SDK, but the resulting file fails to load, saying it can't find - full log at . I haven't gotten around to firing up a Linux VM to try the other buildtools yet. [chw] pretty sure your build environment is not the culprit. Where on your device is located when you install the latest AndroWish-debug.apk? That's most likely the problem. Unfortunately, the HelloTclTk Java code has /data/data/lib/tk.tcl.wish/lib hard coded as the path where it expects the AndroWish native runtime. And this takes places in a static initializer where no full Android application context is established. [chw] 2014-02-11 16:10+0000: please refetch the ZIP and the APK files. I hope it is fixed now. ---- [GCS] 2014-02-15 Galileo Galilei has a problem with the new SQLite3: ====== package require sqlite3 attempt to provide package sqlite3 3.8.3 failed: package sqlite3 provided instead ====== The trivial workaround in a script is to use [catch], but thought this should be reported. ''Eppur si muove!'' [chw] 2014-02-15 18:58+0000: thanks, should be fixed now. ---- [GCS] 2014-02-22 The Heinrich Hertz files do not seem to be on the server [chw] 2014-02-22 15:39:47+0000: should be fixed now. ---- Uli 2014-03-02 13:57 Androwish containing Tk8.6 crashes when you type in ''lower .'' ! Androwish containing Tk8.4 is ok! [chw] confirmed for all my devices. Bug must have been invented in the 8.6 port. Fixed in ''Pioneer 10'' edition as of 2014-03-03. ---- NN 2014-03-07 (Pioneer 10): accelerator values seem to be wrong reported by virtual event <> %s is 1 or 2 or 3 (axis) -> ok, but values are e.g. 200, 32000, 212. I would expect e.g. 0.2, 9.8, 0.3 [chw] 2014-03-07: not a bug, see updated [AndroWish: Documentation]. In the SDL library the accelerometer is handled like a joystick with 3 axes. The values are reported as signed shorts {-32768...+32767}. ---- '''[Superlinux] - 2014-03-08 18:18:08''' command [checkbutton] exits. command [ttk::checkbutton] does not exist. On the desktop, latest ActiveTcl this command exists. ---- '''[JM] - 2014-03-15''' Looks like extension .tcl is always added to the file selection dialog from the console's menu File>>>Source. For example, I was trying to source a script named "blt", and I am always getting the error message saying that "blt.tcl" does not exist, while the name is just "blt" without any extension. Of course, you can source it from the console but I should be able to source a file without extension with the dialog... [chw] 2014-03-16: yes, that is a misfeature (or even bug?) of the file selection dialog on all UN*Xen including Android. I'll try to fix that in a later edition of AndroWish, however IMO you should file that bug report for Tk in general. [JM] It was really a very minor thing, but now, with the "The Dark Side of the Moon" edition, I cannot see any file to source with the fileSelection dialog...I see the directories, and the file that I want to source is there of course, it is just that is not listed anymore... I am very happy with the Icon though ;) [chw] 2014-03-25: oooooops! I've messed the file selection up. Will fix it soon. And again [JM] thank you for the Icon. ---- '''[Superlinux] - 2014-04-01 09:09:54''' I had a crash of AndroWish ("The Dark Side of the Moon" edition, 2014-03-24) when I installed it on Android-x86 4.4 RC1. [|%get it here]. Crash report here: [|%open report here] ---- '''[PWE] - 2014-05-12''' I tried to run the tkgamepack.kit on android, and got errors. A closer look at the problem showed that a "package require Tk" in a slave interpreter causes an error in androwish. Other tclkit programs and wish do not give an error. set s slave interp create $s $s eval { package require Tk } <>Android