[GWL] 6/6/2014, Has anyone done a APK of AndroWish+TkChat? If so, is it available for download? ---- [JM] 3/15/2014, How do I set the HOME env var so I place my .wishrc there? It should be something simple but I could no set what is described like this in [Androwish]: wrote a trivial .wishrc ("puts hello") in /sdcard/home (because Jota+ doesn't let me edit in /data), let AndroWish copy it to $HOME, restarted.. and got "hello" :D Excellent. For file transfer, I'd prefer my $HOME on sdcard0 or sdcard1 (those get mounted on netbook when USB-connected - but not /data and below that). Solution: I have a small file .wishrc in /data/data... which contains set env(HOME) /sdcard/home cd ~ source wishrc.tcl And that latter file will contain the real customizing code. ---- Answering to myself... Everything was there, I was probably missing some more wording to get the idea. rewriting it here: wrote a trivial .wishrc ("puts hello") in /sdcard/home (because Jota+ doesn't let me edit in /data), copy it to $HOME (you may even use Androwish for that) file copy .wishrc /data/data/tk.tcl.wish/files/ restarted.. and got "hello" :D Excellent. For file transfer, I'd prefer my $HOME on sdcard0 or sdcard1 (those get mounted on netbook when USB-connected - but not /data and below that). Solution: I have a small file .wishrc in /data/data/tk.tcl.wish/files/ which contains: set env(HOME) /sdcard/home cd ~ source wishrc.tcl And that latter file will contain the real customizing code. 4/4/2014 btw, my wishrc.tcl is like this: sdltk textinput on set script [tk_getOpenFile] if {$script != ""} { source $script console hide } else { puts "hello!" } As the few scripts I am playing with are not using the console... ---- [JM] 3/19/2014,I am reading that Regarding orientation a event handler on a toplevel with "wm attributes -fullscreen 1" might detect changes in screen orientation. Could you provide an example for that? [chw] 2014-03-20: try this code snippet: proc configure_event {w} { set ::conf "W x H: [winfo width $w] x [winfo height $w]\n" append ::conf "phys.: [winfo screenmmwidth $w]mm x [winfo screenmmheight $w]mm" } wm attributes . -fullscreen 1 label .l -textvariable ::conf pack .l -side top -fill both -expand 1 bind . {configure_event %W} Important point: make the widgets in the toplevel to take up all space (to expand) in order to use the entire screen estate. Otherwise ''winfo width .'' and/or ''winfo height .'' are smaller. To get the pixel width/height of the screen, use ''winfo screenwidth .'' and ''winfo screenheight .''. ---- [pi31415] 2014-03-23: I built sdl2wish8.6 on Linux/SDL2/DirectFB sans X11. I made a few small changes to fix the build with the latest SDL2, and without X11. It runs but quits at [[[package require] [Tk]]] with no output and exit code 1. Troubleshooting ideas are welcome. [chw] 2014-03-24: please fetch the latest AndroWish sources which are built with libSDL 2.0.3 (patched e.g. for proper selection support on Android and X11). Regarding the early termination I'm afraid gdb is your best friend. Place breakpoints e.g. on SdlTkXOpenDisplay and SdlTkFontInit to see how far it goes. [pi31415] 2014-03-24: Thanks for the suggestions. I used the load command to directly load libsdl2tk8.6.so and found that the early termination happened because I did not set the DISPLAY environment variable. tkSDL.c TkGetDefaultScreenName() [chw] 2014-03-25: I see. That will be fixed in a later release. It will report ":0.0" in case the environment variable is not set since this makes much more sense under SDL. ---- '''[PBB] - 2014-03-26 17:47:38''' Need help for running HelloTclTk in a Android Emulator. I have installed ADK ... on my Linux (Debian 7.1.0) and created a AVD (like NexusS) Unzip the HelloTclTk.zip and did the build and installed Latest (Mar-24-2014) AndroWish and HelloTclTk on the AVD. I can run AndroWish on the Emulator and tried the tk_MessageDialog which works correctly. Tried few other commands. Now if I click on HelloTclTk the screen goes blank for a few seconds and then returns to the menu screen. What am I missing ? How to debug this ? I even modified HelloTclTk tcl code to ====== console show puts "111111111111111111111" vwait v ====== No success. Is there a particular AVD setting I am missing or wrong. [chw] 2014-03-27: What Android version is your AVD running? 2.3.3 could have issues since the emulation has poor GLES support. This is far better for 4.x devices. The reason for HelloTclTk terminating early could be that you did not install the latest. There are subtle version problems. The HelloTclTk must fit the AndroWish runtime. In general, '''adb logcat''' is your friend to be run on the development system. [pbb] 2014-03-27: Thanks. It works now. I downloaded the latest HelloTclTk.zip and unzipped it. Edited local.properties to set he sdk.dir. Then changed project.properties target=android-15 as my AVD has Android 4.0.4 API 15. Build the code and installed it. I see that the ICON changes to that of AndroWish. It runs as expected. The previous HelloTclTk.zip I had was downloaded on Mar-8 ---- [escargo] 2014-03-27: Is it possible to access the alarms on the device? If so, can they be manipulated (create, report, update, delete)? [chw] 2014-03-28: good point, but not implemented right now. What about adding this to [AndroWish: Ideas]? ---- '''[ET] - 2014-04-16 10:35:44''' I'm having the same problems with the /data/data directory. I can't browse to it using my sftp client nor cd to it using ssh client. The solution above was not clear to me. And where does all the environment variables get set? How is HOME set? Is there a .bashrc (or is it just the sh shell). I haven't use sh for centuries, so I'm not sure how to get there from here. ---- '''[Jorge] - 2014-04-16 14:34:09''' I understand /data/data/tk.tcl.wish/files/ is empty by default, or...it may only contain hidden files. If you want something to be initially set when you launch Androwish, then you can create a file named .wishrc, and then copy it to /data/data/tk.tcl.wish/files/ to copy the file from wherever you created it, you can use Androwish like this: file copy .wishrc /data/data/tk.tcl.wish/files/ such file can indeed, set your home like this: set env(HOME) /sdcard/home cd ~ you can then restart Androwish and your .wishrc will be read and executed on start up. ---- '''[escargo] 2014-04-09''' Is there a way to connect [AndroWish] with Android Voice Actions? My ultimate goal is to trigger complex timers through voice actions in a cafe bakery environment. My hands are often covered with gloves or flour, and touching a smartphone or table under such circumstances is not practical. [AMG]: I must ask if your bakery serves escargot. ;^) [chw] 2014-04-17 will try to implement something in this direction, seems similar in semantics to ''borg activity'' with callback. Reminds me of one of my favorite songs of a Bavarian band: Excuse me Sir, can you help me out? I wanna bake a cake but I don't know how. No I don't, but I'm sure I will so what do we need for your bakery? It's like dancing in the sun having trouble, having fun having anything you wish to come Then it suddenly smiles your way and you have an easy day. Let's have an easy day. ---- '''[ET] - 2014-04-24 20:34:28''' First, thankyou for AndroWish, I haven't had this much fun programming in quite some time. Couple of things, * Is there an example of how to translate movement using <> to scroll a window? I see that the console window can scroll by quick up/down touch movements. Was that specially programmed into the console for Androwish? BTW, I think the difference %X %Y (or %x %y, forget which) only works when touch movements are moving down. I have been playing with bwidgets and I built a scrollable window with a scrollable frame where I can place buttons that can be scrolled with the scrollbar. To be more android like, I should be able to slide these left/right in a frame to mimic how many apps do this. A couple of minor problems: * Writing to the console can be especially slow on AndroWish, so I've made use of my console hack that lets me turn off scrolling. Otherwise, a statement such as parray env can take 3 or 4 seconds to complete with scrolling enabled. * I'm experiencing several refresh glitches. Button presses don't turn the background color back to normal after the button is released until the next time I update something, or give focus to another widget. Sometimes rotation (using the fullscreen example binding on esp. portrait to landscape) leaves my screen half rendered. My workaround is to do a delayed setting (after 1000 [[list set ::conf $c]] where ::conf is the textvariable for a label) at the end of my callback. I realize this is early and so this might be a well known bug, but where is the best place to report these sorts of glitches. But, I'm loving it. I got my first android tablet 2 weeks ago and in 1 week I am programming it in tcl/tk. Contrast this with trying to re-learn Java with a gazillion new classes to wade through. I've already built a few small apps using some tcl code for sockets that I've had lying around for years. [chw] 2014-04-25 11:25:38: It should not be necessary to specially deal with <> since by default the ''sdltk touchtranslate'' is on (see [AndroWish: Documentation] for details). For text, listbox and entry widgets, that gives a usable standard behavior using emulation of mouse button 2 (and has the advantage not to require any changes in the standard bindings of these widgets). If you can implement a similar panning using mouse button 2 events in your code you'll have the benefit, that this will work on desktop platforms, too. Regarding slowness of the text output in the console I'm testing right now some improvements which (when ready) will be in the next [AndroWish] release. Regarding refresh glitches when the device is rotated: I have an ASUS tablet (Android 4.1) which shows similar behavior, the same scripts run on a Lenovo tablet (Android 4.2) work fine so this will not be easily tracked down. ---- '''[ET] - 2014-04-28 00:35:47''' Thanks, I did get some buttons inside BWidgets scrolling up and down, though I'm sure there's a cleaner way. I ended up computing my own deltas from the %Y on <2> and subsequent events, and did a ====== if { $delta < 0 } { .top47.scr50.f yview scroll -1 units } else { .top47.scr50.f yview scroll 1 units } ====== for each motion event, ignoring the magnitude of the deltas. Going by units is not as smooth as Native Android in this regard, but it works well enough. In the meantime, here's a hack I'm using to make the console work pretty well. It redefines ConsoleOutput to delay scrolling to at most 5 times a second. The tk::do_scroll is optional, as written it has no effect. I bind it to a checkbox I add to the console window. I also was able to increase the console text size now that it doesn't affect performance. ====== console eval { set ::tk::console::maxLines 5000 ;# optional set ::tk::console_flag 0 set ::tk::do_scroll 1 ;# use console eval to set this if desired proc ::tk::console_hack {} { if {$::tk::console_flag && $::tk::do_scroll} { .console mark set insert end .console see insert set ::tk::console_flag 0 } after 200 ::tk::console_hack } proc ::tk::ConsoleOutput {dest string} { set w .console $w insert output $string $dest ::tk::console::ConstrainBuffer $w $::tk::console::maxLines set ::tk::console_flag 1 } after 200 ::tk::console_hack } ====== [mh2] (03.05.2014) Is it possible to load Tk package in (sub) interp ? Unfortunately this code interp create int1 int1 eval {package re Tk} does not work (tested on latest 8.4 androwish). Each intepr should have its own "." window. I was trying to add something to auto_path or to load some .so files without good result. Such a possibility is very convenient if we want to run external scripts... (probably tkgamepack.kit is working in this way). Best regards, [mh2]. [chw] 2014-05-03: try this, hope that it works: ====== interp create -- int1 interp eval int1 {package unknown {}} interp eval int1 [list package ifneeded Tk $tk_version {load {} Tk}] interp eval int1 { set argv {} package require Tk .... } ====== However, there might come up many new bugs and problems since I've never verified having multiple Tk instances running with SDL and the X11 emulation, but let's see. [mh2] It is enough to do "load {} Tk". Seems to work perfectly, we can have as many as we want Tk instances in a single androwish process!!! For example we can run at the same time 2 different games in "int1" and "int2". Thanks [chw]! [mh2] Unfortunatley, if we 1. create interp, 2. load Tk, 3. run a script, and 4. destroy interp, then there is a small memory leak ("ps" command shows that VSIZE RSS increase sligtly...). ---- '''[ET] - 2014-05-04 21:22:15''' This is outstanding! I’d begun building a mini-launcher using namespaces, but this was clumsy and the launchee had to be written accordingly. This is much cleaner using an interpreter. My launcher scans a subdirectory (launchees) and creates a page of buttons (eventually to be in a gesture scrollable bwidget frame), one for each of *.tcl in that directory and then a button push launches that file using the below ::_launcher_launch proc. I had to create a few aliases inside the slave to deal with calls to the console and exit. We don’t want the launched program to truly exit, but we do want the slave interpreter it’s in to get deleted on an exit call. Only an exit from the master interpreter should exit AndroWish. I use a procedure, lpr, that lets me copy proc’s into the slave. I copied in some debugging proc’s (lg and ltree2, not shown here) as a test. I made sure exit was redefined in the slave first. I don’t know if the after idle is really needed, but it seemed best if the code was sourced from the global event scope. I tested it with a file created by Visual-Tcl (Am I the only one still using that?). I launched two instances of the same program, each in its own interpreter. Each one handled it's own scrollable bwidget window/frames that responded to the finger motion events. Exit by closing the window or calling exit worked as expected. ====== proc ::_launcher_launch {who} { #launch a file from the launchees folder set file [file join [pwd] launchees $who] append file .tcl set inter [interp create] #puts "inter= |$inter| " interp alias $inter console {} console ;# allows slave to use console interp alias $inter ::_launcher_exit {} _launcher_exit ;# this is called from redefined exit set do ";[lpr lg];[lpr ltree2];set argc 1; set argv $inter; load {} Tk; " interp eval $inter " proc exit {} { puts \"called exit from $inter\" _launcher_exit $inter return 0 } " $do " after idle source $file ; " } proc ::_launcher_exit {arg} { # called by slave, defined in master puts "launcher exit called with $arg" ;# arg is the slave interpreter id interp delete $arg } proc {lpr} {{namepat *}} { # reconstruct procedure(s) to copy into slave set output {} foreach proc [info procs $namepat] { set space "" append output "proc $proc {" foreach arg [info args $proc] { if [info default $proc $arg value] { append output "$space{$arg $value}" } else { append output $space$arg } set space " " } append output "} {" append output [info body $proc] append output "}\n" } return $output } ====== Just downloaded the latest with speech recognition. Is there a small example showing the use of this? [chw] 2014-05-08: No [http://www.ch-werner.de/AndroWish/aw-no-work.jpg] Wait. Try this: ====== proc myproc {result data} {puts "result=$result data=$data"} borg speechrecognition {android.speech.extra.LANGUAGE_MODEL free_form} myproc ====== The result is made up of a list of key value pairs. When the `result` item is -1, `data` is another key value pair thing with the speech recognition result information. So right now I've spoken `AndroWish sucks` into my tablet and got ====== result=-1 data=android.speech.extra.RESULTS {{anrufen Fax} {anrufen sag} \ {anrufen ich sag} {anrufen Fax an}} android.speech.extra.CONFIDENCE_SCORES \ {0.94742095 0.0 0.0 0.0} query {anrufen Fax} ====== Not really impressing, but I didn't change the language of my tablet to be English, so they (Google?) interpreted it in Goethe's native language. So I've slightly modified the parameters: ====== borg speechrecognition {android.speech.extra.LANGUAGE_MODEL free_form android.speech.extra.LANGUAGE en_US} myproc ====== Et voila, that is output ====== result=-1 data=android.speech.extra.RESULTS {{andro which sucks} \ {and roll which sucks} {andro wish f***} {central which sucks} \ {entra which sucks}} android.speech.extra.CONFIDENCE_SCORES \ {0.2972375 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0} query {andro which sucks} ====== Reminds me heavily to work on my pronounciation although `which` and `wish` are not so different. ---- Ah, nice. Very nice! Couple questions... I take it that this command does action `android.speech.action.RECOGNIZE_SPEECH` and thus one cannot specify, say, `android.speech.action.VOICE_SEARCH_HANDS_FREE`, as that would be a different action. I purposely misspelled `free_form` to see if I'd get an error back, but it seemed to not care. I did add a prompt, using `android.speech.extra.PROMPT` and that worked. So, feeling self assured, I entered, `android.speech.extra.MAX_RESULTS 1` and it didn't seem to take that. It still returned several answers. Or do I have the meaning wrong here? Will the final result, following query, always be a repeat of the one with the highest confidence score? Besides for a -1, what other results are possible here? Is this -1 a result code, like, `RESULT_NO_MATCH` (value of 1)? And a java thingy, am I right that something like `LANGUAGE_MODEL_FREE_FORM` is a string variable whose value is `free_form`, and it's this value we use in the borg command, not the constant's variable name (if that makes any sense). So the former is a compile time symbol and the later is the actual text string that is used at runtime. ---- [chw] 2014-05-09: have to see what `android.speech.action.VOICE_SEARCH_HANDS_FREE` really does. When it is useful I'll add another parameter to `borg speechrecognition`. The `free_form` value is required according to the Android documentation, maybe there's some fallback behind the scene. Regarding the maximum number of results you should try to use `{int android.speech.extra.MAX_RESULTS} 1` instead, otherwise `1` is put as a string into the intent extras which is the wrong type according to the documentation. The `result` value is the generic intent result code of the speech recognition intent. -1 simply means successfully finished. Other values may indicate some error but I'm unsure. All those keys in the argument list (which make up the intent extra data) are strings which are put into some hash map on the Java side. That hash map has string keys and Java objects as values. That is the reason I've added some type conversion (int, long, float, Uri, etc.). ---- '''[ET] - 2014-05-18 02:26:06''' I just installed the "let it be" version and tried to use the udp package but I get this: ====== cannot find symbol "Tcludp_Init": Symbol not found: load_library(linker.cpp:746): library "libtcludp.so" not found cannot find symbol "Tcludp_Init": Symbol not found: load_library(linker.cpp:746): library "libtcludp.so" not found while executing "load libtcludp.so" ("package ifneeded udp 1.0.10" script) invoked from within "package require udp " (procedure "testit" line 12) invoked from within "testit" ====== Any ideas what's wrong? [chw] 2014-05-18: Unfortunately, the ''pkgIndex.tcl'' of the UDP package is broken in the ''Let It be'' edition. Until this is fixed use this workaround: ====== load libtcludp.so Udp ====== [ET] Great, thanks, now I have my wake on lan going, see here [AndroWish Feature Requests]. I mentioned one minor issue; if I didn't close the socket before opening another one, AW would crash. I had adapted an existing example, which didn't close the socket because it just did an exit. I don't know if this is an AW problem or a UDP problem. To see the crash, one would just comment out the close at the bottom of the example. ---- '''[ET] - 2014-06-01 00:28:38''' Is there any way to adjust gesture detection sensitivity? When tapping a tk (or ttk) button, especially with my thumbs, AW will often interpret my button tap as touch and motion events and not invoke the code for a button. I do sometimes have this problem in other Android apps, but not nearly as often. It seems AW is more sensitive than other apps in this regard. With AW, I have to be very precise with touch down/up on a tk/ttk button. I have created a workaround, to replace all my button callbacks with a bind on <> ====== proc debounce {{root .}} { set class [winfo class $root] if { $class == "Button" || $class == "TButton" } { set cmd [$root cget -command] $root configure -command {} bind $root <> [list after idle $cmd] } set children [winfo children $root] if { $children != "" } { foreach child $children { debounce $child } } } ====== While this makes my button taps work at an acceptable rate it unfortunately conflicts with the use of gestures such as <>. I saw some Android documentation that seems to suggest there’s a gesture sensitivity setting, but only via java code. I couldn’t find an app that would let me adjust this globally. Any thoughts? ---- '''[AM] - 2014-08-10 16:16:02''' I have what must be a very simple question. I am using a listbox to display a list or items of variable length. How can I stop the window from scrolling left to right? When I "slow" scroll up and down, I cannot stop the window contents from scrolling left to right at the same time. I know it must be to do with <> but I cannot seem to work it out. [chw] 2014-08-10: if you like to turn off horizontal scrolling by one finger wipe in your listbox you should override the and bindings for that individual listbox, e.g. bind .mylistbox <2> { %W scan mark 0 %y ; break } bind .mylistbox { %W scan dragto 0 %y ; break } [AM] 2014-08-11: Thank you. I find a similar command in the canvas manual page, so it seems that these follow the same conventions. Very interesting. [AM] 2014-10-04: I applied this code to my listbox and as I said it does the job perfectly, however I find a strange effect which may not be connected. I have a listbox on my first screen, tapping an item opens a text widget. If I run the code under wish on the PC then moving the mouse wheel forward (away from me) scrolls the listbox up to show the top of the list and the text widget does the same, showing the top of the text. Under androwish on the phone, swiping up the screen moves the text widget up to show the bottom of the widget, but on the listbox swiping up moves the list shown down, to show the top of the list, whereas I would have expected the opposite effect. This seems counter intuitive to me. [chw] 2014-10-04: That is intended behavior like the swipe gestures on other Android apps. If you're in your list of SMSes and swipe up, the content of the list scrolls down and vice versa. It can be changed easily by flipping the sign of %y in the above example. [AM] 2014-10-04: Strangely swiping on my SMSs works as expected, the opposite to swiping in my listbox. I will try reversing the direction in the code. [chw] 2014-10-04: I'm afraid you've found a bug. For listboxes in AndroWish (not when compiled for desktop Linux) both X and Y axes are inverted in the code which simply is wrong. It will be fixed in the next release. [AM] 2014-10-05: Thank you ---- '''[AM] - 2014-08-15 13:07:30''' Not sure what the problem is, but I cannot get the on screen keyboard to come up. I used the HelloTclTk code and changed the label to an entry, just to make sure that it was nothing in the code in my application, and still, touching the entry box does not bring up the keyboard. In my own code I even tried "sdltk textinput on". Following up with "sdltk textinput" returned 1 - true but still no keyboard. (Android - SDK 17 Release 4.2.1) [chw] 2014-08-15: it could be that your HelloTclTk template is too old (and I'm not sure, if that on http://www.ch-werner.de/sdltk/AndroWish/HelloTclTk is up to date). The underlying archive which unfortunately must match your installed AndroWish is .../libs/tcltkapplib.jar. When in doubt you can recreate it from the fossil repo on http://www.androwish.org. It's in the tcltkapplib subproject and only requires the Apache ant and Android SDK (not the NDK) for building. BTW: what is the output of "borg keyboardinfo"? Any error messages from "adb logcat"? Other possible reason: if you have activated a hardware keyboard (e.g. Bluetooth keyboard) the on screen keyboard isn't shown at all. PS: even simpler, the HelloTclTk template is checked in into the fossil repo, too, and that one matches the latest AndroWish from http://www.androwish.org. [AM] 2014-08-16: quite right. Updated tcltkapplib.jar and it now works fine. Incidentally I could not find tcltkapplib.jar anywhere except in the HelloTclTk folder. Am I supposed to build it myself, and if so, how? [chw] 2014-08-16: no, better use the prebuilt HelloTclTk template which is in sync with the current AndroWish. But you easily can rebuild the library for yourself following the instructions in http://www.androwish.org/index.html/artifact/1c010e56cf7449bf6117d12055abc21d8824c58e. [AM] 2014-09-29: can you just tell me if tcltkapplib.jar is the only file I will need to update when a new release of Androwish is released? Sorry if this is a dumb question but I am learning all the time :-) [chw] 2014-09-29: Not a dumb question. tcltkapplib.jar is a variant of AndroWish's Java glue code with a slightly different startup regarding loading of native shared libraries. This needs to be in sync with the installed AndroWish (until I will have found a better solution). The other important file is AndroidManifest.xml which declares the entry points into the App and sets up permissions, but this changes very infrequently. ---- '''[Kc] - 2014-09-30 06:56:00''' Can anyone tell how to adjust screen brightness in androwish? I tried "borg content update" but it does not wo rk.May be done with wrong parameter.Please help! [chw] 2014-09-30: There's currently no interface in AndroWish to achieve this. ---- '''[calm] - 2014-10-21 04:07:08''' First: thank you CH Werner by androwish. You is my new hero. Tcl is my favorite programming language ever. I'll love to programming to Android. But, nothing is perfect. Some problems here: -A freewrap for android solution to pack tcl scripts could be realy cool (using java?). The proposed http://www.androwish.org/index.html/wiki?name=HelloTclTk solution is not good because people can get angry by know they need download a extra 20 megs apk to get the new app they just download working properly (android depedency hell!). -The android bar is not available whem running androwish so some times it hangs and the only way to get control to the phone back is by turning phone off an on (people really get furious on turn off their communication device). Thank you again, great job. [chw] 2014-11-18: Regarding a "freewrap" like solution I'm afraid this is not feasible due to the constraints given by Android's package management. So the second best solution is still to package up an app with few Java/Dalvik stuff and the tcl code and re-use the installed native infrastructure of the AndroWish package. If that is not what you want, then get the source code of AndroWish, strip off everything you don't need, and finally build your own package from it. When you want to target both ARM and x86 devices, be prepared that your resulting apk will still have a minimum size of about 10 MByte. The missing title bar shouldn't be a problem at all since the home (hardware or soft) button is always visible and should allow you to navigate back to the home screen regardless of AndroWish's state. ---- '''[AM] - 2014-11-15 10:14:23''' I wonder if you could give me a hand using "sdltk textinput ?on|off ?x y ?hint???" I want to turn on a specific keyboard when I tap on an entry widget, but "sdltk textinput on 0 0 4" returns an error referring to the cursor co-ordinates. The other problem I have is that I do not know how to specify the cursor position in an entry widget. PS - thanks for the last update. Scrolling works as expected for me now. [chw] 2014-11-18: Please recycle the code from the entry widget's bindings (in proc ::tk::EntryButton1) regarding "sdltk textinput". See http://www.androwish.org/index.html/artifact/fc4f9fac01abb4cbc4f96fc6d2f7baf3dbd95e39 [AM] 2014=11=23: Thanks for the link. I have used the hints but still have a few problems with calling a specific keyboard. As you would see with this code: bind .value <1> { set bbox [%W bbox insert] set x [lindex $bbox 0] set y [lindex $bbox 1] catch { incr x [winfo rootx %W] incr y [winfo rooty %W] sdltk textinput 1 $x $y 4 } tk_messageBox -message "Keyboard 4" } the numeric keyboard is loaded, but immediately after pressing OK on the message, it is overwritten by the alpha keyboard. I do not know why. [chw] 2014-11-23: the bindings for <1> according to bindtags are all evaluated, and the last in that chain is the code for <1> for the Entry widget class which will bring up the standard keyboard. So better add a break at the very end of your specific binding for <1>. ---- [MG] 2014-11-18 What are the chances of getting a minimal AndroWish build? The list of supported packages is impressive, but rather bulky for every day use. It would be really nice to get a barebones version, maybe with the packages compiled and available as separate starkits that can be loaded into it as desired? [chw] 2014-11-19: would be no problem if loading of native code would be similar to our usual Win32, UN*X, MacOSX platforms. And of course if distribution of additional stuff (including native code, i.e. "load"able stuff) were similar easy (i.e. not possibly constrained by permissions of the download or install location). Right now, the way is to get the source, strip off things you don't need, and rebuild it from sources to get a footprint you prefer. ---- [ggarrett] 2014-12-20 I have an application that needs to keep running without user interaction. How can I prevent the device from going to sleep? I've tried both sdltk screensaver off and tk inactive reset without success. I suppose I could build a HelloTclTk with the layout attribute android:keepScreenOn="true", but is there a way to do this in script? [chw] 2014-12-20: the "sdltk screensaver" command is the way to go. It is now fixed in the trunk on http://www.androwish.org and will be available in the next release of [AndroWish]. <> Android | AndroWish