Version 4 of Animated Vertical Tabs

Updated 2003-08-13 09:32:15

* Purpose: Demonstrate an animated vertical tab scheme

This provides a vertical column of buttons on the lefthand side of the screen. Click a button and a frame and associated widgets slides out. Click it again and the frame slides back in. Click an alternate button and the currently displayed frame slides back and the new frame slides out.

I wrote this in one sitting and have not actually used it in any app yet, so if you see any problems with the concept or have other ideas of how to implement this, please feel free to add to the page. I don't know if I am reinventing a wheel here but didn't find a similar page.

 # the next line restarts using wish \
   exec /usr/bin/wish "$0" "$@"
 # by Mike Tuxford
 array set opt {
   "gui,x" 640 "gui,y" 480
 array set vt {
   "0,bg" "#deb887" "1,bg" "#000000" "2,bg" "#ff0000"
   "3,bg" "#00ff00" "4,bg" "#0000ff" "5,bg" "#ffffff"
   "current" -1
 ### Begin Bitmaps ###
 array set bmp {
 "dot" "#define dot11_width 11 #define dot11_height 11
 static unsigned char dot11_bits[] = {
    0x00, 0x00, 0xf8, 0x00, 0xfc, 0x01, 0xfe, 0x03, 0xfe, 0x03, 0xfe, 0x03,
    0xfe, 0x03, 0xfe, 0x03, 0xfc, 0x01, 0xf8, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00};"
 ### end Bitmaps ###
 image create bitmap dot -data $bmp(dot)
 proc buildTab {n} {
   global colors opt vt
   button .g.v.vt$n \
     -activebackground #c6e2ff -bg #eaeaea -fg #000000 -image dot \
     -bd 3 -relief raised -command "animate $n"
   pack .g.v.vt$n -in .g.v -side top -fill y -expand 1
   frame .g.f$n -bd 1
   label .g.f$ -relief solid -bd 1 -bg #eaeaea -image dot \
     -height 13 -width [expr $opt(gui,x) - 22]
   pack .g.f$ -side top -expand 1
   canvas .g.f$n.c -bd 1 -relief solid -bg $vt($n,bg) \
     -width [expr $opt(gui,x) - 22] -height [expr $opt(gui,y) - 31]
   pack .g.f$n.c -side top -expand 1

 proc animate {n} {
   global opt vt
   if {$vt(current) >= 0} {
       for {set i 0} {$i >= [expr 20 - $opt(gui,x)]} {incr i -10} {
       place .g.f$vt(current) -in .g -x $i -y 0
       after 10
   if {$vt(current) == $n} {
     set vt(current) -1
   } else {
     for {set i [expr 20 - $opt(gui,x)]} {$i <= 20} {incr i 10} {
       place .g.f$n -in .g -x $i -y 0
       after 10
     set vt(current) $n

 proc GUI {} {
   global opt
   set w .g
   toplevel $w
   wm focusmodel $w passive
   wm geometry $w $opt(gui,x)x$opt(gui,y)
   wm minsize $w $opt(gui,x) $opt(gui,y)
   wm maxsize $w $opt(gui,x) $opt(gui,y)
   wm deiconify $w
   wm title $w "Vertical Tabs Test"
   wm withdraw .
   menu $w.main -tearoff 0
   $w.main configure -font {Helvetica 10}
   set ma $
   menu $ma -tearoff 0
   $ma configure -font {Helvetica 10}
   $w.main add cascade -label "File" -menu $ma -underline 0
     $ma add command -label "Exit" -command {destroy . .g}
   set mz $
   menu $mz -tearoff 0
   $mz configure -font {Helvetica 10}
   $w.main add cascade -label "Help" -menu $mz -underline 0
     $mz add command -label "About"
     $mz add command -label "Item 2"
   $w configure -cursor draft_small
   $w configure -menu $w.main
 frame $w.v -height $opt(gui,y)
 for {set i 0} {$i < 6} {incr i} {
   buildTab $i
 place $w.v -in $w -relheight 1.0 -x 0 -y 0
 # key bindings
 bind .g <Control-c> {destroy .}

Mike Tuxford

FW: This doesn't work on my XP box, the text in the labels just mushes together into a circle-looking black blog.

MNO: That's a bitmap of a dot (i.e. intentional) - see the "image create" and "-image dot" sections of the code.

MAK}: That's kind of nifty, but pretty slow. My suggestion would be, rather than working in fixed X coordinate increments, select a fixed time (short -- maybe 0.5 - 1.5 seconds, maybe configurable) and calculate the offset each iteration based on (width/maxtime)*t. Possibly set a variable marking the time that expansion started, and use the event loop and [after to update the position as fast as the event loop triggers tell you to, moving to exactly the right position based on the elapsed time.