|%Apache Geode%|% provides a database-like consistency model, reliable transaction processing and a shared-nothing architecture to maintain very low latency performance with high concurrency processing. It is open source by [|%Pivotal%|%] (Pivotal GemFire Core). You can connect to Apache Geode through the following interfaces: * Java using the Geode client API or embedded using the Geode peer API * Java: [|%Spring Data GemFire%|%] or [|%Spring Cache%|%] * [|%REST%|%] * [|%memcached%|%] ---- [ray2501]: I write a Tcl extension [|%GeodeREST%|%] and play Apache Geode REST Interface. For [memcached] interface, you can use [|%memcached-for-Tcl%|%] to access. <>Database