Version 49 of Apple Macintosh and Tcl/Tk

Updated 2011-01-19 22:24:01 by RLE
 # Product information
 set ::gCopyright              "Copyright 2010, Activision, Inc."
 set ::gCxVersion              "7.1.1"
 set ::gPublicVersion          "1.0"
 set ::gProduct                "cxoffice"
 set ::gRealProductId          "Black Ops"
 set ::gCustom                 "chromiummac"
 set ::gProductName            "Call of Duty - Black Ops"
 set ::gHasMultiUser           "1"
 set ::gHasCrossBoot           "0"

 set ::gBannerImageName        "data/img_top_cxoffice.std.bmp"
 set ::gSplashName             "splash.cxoffice.std.xpm"

 set ::gIsDemo                 0
 set ::gDemo_ImageName         "data/img_top_cxoffice.demo.bmp"
 set ::gDemo_SplashName        "splash.cxoffice.std.xpm"
 set ::gDemo_Text              ""
 set ::gDemo_Url               ";sku%5Bsku%5D=cxstd;sku%5Bqty%5D=1"
 set ::gDemo_UrlVisible        ""
 set ::gDemo_Extrep            "0"
 set ::gDemo_AllowRegistration 1
 set ::gDemo_SKU               "cxstd"

 set ::gIsMacOSX               1
 set ::gIsBranded              1
 set ::gHasPlugin              0
 set ::gHasOffice              1
 set ::gHasServer              0
 set ::gHasGames               0