[Kevin Walzer]: Who is using [Tile] in their applications? I'm using it on several of mine. One example is [PortAuthority], a GUI to manage [MacPorts] packages (see http://www.codebykevin.com/portauthority.html). [http://www.codebykevin.com/portauthority-running.png] [SRIV] Here's a screenshot showing several of my apps using tile, including the window manager! DVRCam, tkinspect, kitfactory, srcalc, identcl, srmenu (upper right corner) and Whim window manager. Warning: big image http://www.sriv.net/images/whim1.png ---- * [MIB Smithy] - SNMP MIB Editor/Compiler * [MIB Views] - SNMP MIB Browser ---- JHU - Database Fishing Tool (DaFT [http://www.itft.net]) is a front-end to database that can be connected with ODBC (or unixODBC). DaFT is ditributed as Open Source, and packaged as a TclKit. The Tile engine is put into the kit. Any custom themes can be added in the form of a zip file, and will be mounted as a directory an read as a tile theme package. More info on this can be found at the DaFT theme page [http://www.itft.net/daftthemes]. On this page an example is given of how to create your own theme. ''Update'': Version 1.4.0 has just been released, and the main difference is that it uses the tile's treeview for tables and columns, added with horizontal scrollbars. The horizontal scrollbar is not a treeview native function (tile 0.7.2), but has been added by pure tcl (in a kit file). Currently there are two extra themes available; Itft1 and Smog. Here's a screenshot of DaFT with Itft1 theme: [http://daft.sourceforge.net/daftthemes/daft14_01_plain_itft1.jpg] ---- [Eolas]' [Muze] uses Tile on OSX ---- MechMaster [http://scripts.one.pl/mm/] uses Tile on Linux and Windows. [http://scripts.one.pl/mm/screenshots/shot13.png] [http://scripts.one.pl/mm/screenshots/shot9.png] ---- The [WITS] application uses both Tile and native widgets to try and get as close to XP look as possible [http://magicsplat.com/wits/screenshot.png] ---- [TLu] 2006.05.16. updated 2007.02.08 '''tlpmgui''' (GUI for TeX Live package manager) application uses tile. More about TeX Live: [http://tug.org/texlive/doc/texlive-en/live.html]. tlpmgui use [HelpSystem] for display help, in previous version used [HelpBrowser]. Installation window [http://www.team-tl.livenet.pl/tomek/tlpmgui/tlpmgui-1.png] Maintenance window during add a package [http://www.team-tl.livenet.pl/tomek/tlpmgui/tlpmgui-2.png] After porting into Linux: [http://www.team-tl.livenet.pl/tomek/tlpmgui/tlpmgui-2a-l.png] 2007.01.13: It run under MacOX x86 too: [http://www.team-tl.livenet.pl/tomek/tlpmgui/tlpmgui_darwin_aqua.jpg] ---- [Grimoire] uses Tile on OSX ---- Hv3, the web browser that uses Tkhtml3 uses Tile widgets when available. * http://tkhtml.tcl.tk/hv3.html [http://tkhtml.tck.tk/hv3.html] * http://freshmeat.net/hv3 [http://freshmeat.net/hv3] [http://tkhtml.tcl.tk/screenshot2.gif] ---- [SQLiteStudio] [http://sqlitestudio.one.pl/ss/full_13.jpg] ---- ActivePerl's PPM UI [http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/docs/ActivePerl/5.8/faq/ActivePerl-faq2.html#ppm_gui] uses tile via Perl/Tkx, as do the ActiveState Perl Dev Kit and Tcl Dev Kit UIs. ---- [Tcl-Pkg] makes use of Tile when it is available. ---- Please add links and screenshots to real-world apps using [Tile]! It's important to show this vital Tk extension being used in a production setting. ---- [Category Application]