Error processing request


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Unknow state transition: LINE -> END






INNER {returnImm {Unknow state transition: LINE -> END} {}} CALL {my render_wikit {Ask, and it shall be given # 12} **\ How\ to\ post\ on\ this\ page\ **\n\n'''Please\ do\ not\ edit\ this\ part,\ it\ is\ meant\ as\ a\ guide!'''\n\n\ \ \ *\ Started\ on:\ 2015\ January\ 18th\n\ \ \ *\ Ended\ \ \ on:\ ...\n\n\ \ \ *\ Previous\ :\ \[Ask,\ and\ it\ shall\ be\ given\ #\ 11\]\ <<br>>\n\ \ \ *\ Next\ page:\ \[Ask,\ and\ it\ shall\ be\ given\ #\ 13\]\n----\n\n<<TOC>>\n\n----\nThis\ page\ runs\ the\ risk\ of\ being\ deleted\ and\ corrupted.\ Please\ be\ very\ careful\ when\ editing\ it.\ \nIf\ you\ inadvertently\ delete\ it,\ immediately\ revert\ your\ edit\ using\ the\ History\ link\ \non\ the\ left\ side\ of\ this\ page.\ \n\nDo\ NOT\ attempt\ to\ restore\ it\ by\ copying\ and\ pasting\ the\ text\ from\ a\ previous\ revision,\ \nor\ all\ page\ formatting\ will\ be\ lost!\n\nPlease\ put\ new\ questions\ '''at\ the\ TOP\ of\ the\ page''',\ below\ this\ section,\ \nso\ that\ as\ the\ page\ grows\ longer,\ new\ questions\ are\ seen\ first.\n\nAlso\ please\ put\ a\ section\ header\ on\ top\ of\ every\ question\ and\ put\ two\ stars\ in\ the\ beginning\ of\ the\ title\ and\ two\ stars\ in\ the\ end.\ This\ will\ make\ your\ question's\ section\ easily\ editable.\n\nOnce\ you\ have\ received\ a\ satisfactory\ answer,\ please\ cut\ your\ question\ and\ answer\ directly\ on\ an\ appropriate\ page\ of\ the\ wiki.\ If\ you\ cannot\ find\ an\ existing\ page,\ create\ a\ new\ one.\n\nYou\ might\ also\ simply\ want\ to\ put\ a\ hyperlink\ leading\ to\ a\ page\ of\ the\ wiki\ where\ your\ question\ is\ included\ like\ Didier\ has\ done\ on\ February\ 5th\ 2011.\ \nThis\ will\ save\ you\ the\ trouble\ of\ cutting\ your\ question\ to\ an\ existing\ page\ afterwards.\n\n'''Put\ your\ question\ below.\ Thanks!'''\n\n**\ Questions\ **\n\n\n----\n***\ new\ question\ ***\n\[Who\]\ 2016-02-13:\ \n''to\ create\ a\ new\ question,\ just\ copy\ and\ edit\ this\ section''\n----\n**\ split\ out\ token\ and\ background**\n\[gold\]\ 25MAR2017,\ I\ have\ loaded\ Sumerian\ counting\ board\ on\ this\ wiki\ and\ need\ help\ splitting\ out\ Value\ and\ background\ tokens.\ I\ only\ want\ to\ count\ value\ tokens,\ otherwise\ get\ twice\ the\ value.\ Can\ somebody\ help\ out\ with\ some\ ideas?\n======\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ set\ tilename\ \ \[expr\ \{int(rand()*1000000000.)\}\]\n\ \ #\ .cv\ itemconfigure\ token\ \ -tag\ \[concat\ mv\ xdat_\$x\ \ ydat_\$y\ obj_\$tilename\ #\ \$worth(\$tag)\ value_\$worth(\$tag)\ \]\n\ .cv\ itemconfigure\ token\ \ -tag\ \[concat\ mv\ xdat_\$x\ \ ydat_\$y\ obj_\$tilename\ #\ \$worth(\$tag)\ value_\$worth(\$tag)\ colorxit_\[.cv\ itemcget\ \$item\ -fill\]\ \ \]\ \ \ \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ itemconfigure\ token\ \ -tag\ \[concat\ mv\ xdat_\$x\ \ ydat_\$y\ obj_\$tilename\ \ \]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \{\[.cv\ itemcget\ \$item\ -fill\]\ ==\ \"gold\"\}\ \{\ .cv\ itemconfigure\ token\ \ -tag\ \[concat\ mv\ xdat_\$x\ \ ydat_\$y\ obj_\$tilename\ colorxit_\[.cv\ itemcget\ \$item\ -fill\]\ \ \]\ \ \ \ \}\ \ \ \ \ \n=======\n\n***\ Signing\ a\ JWT\ header\ for\ Google\ OAuth2\ (again)\ ***\n\[nurdglaw\]\ 2017-03-06:\ \nI've\ seen\ the\ page\ \[Signing\ a\ JWT\ header\ for\ Google\ OAuth2\]\ but\ I\ can't\ get\ the\ code\ there\ to\ work.\n\n\ \ \ *\ Google\ now\ recommends\ that\ you\ download\ your\ information\ as\ JSON.\ The\ above\ page\ assumes\ that\ it's\ in\ a\ .pem\ file.\ A\ little\ searching\ suggests\ strongly\ that\ the\ JSON\ data\ keyed\ by\ private_key\ is\ the\ content\ of\ a\ .pem\ file.\ The\ openssl\ utility\ appears\ to\ confirm\ this.\n\ \ \ *\ The\ private_key\ data\ is\ wrapped\ in\ -----BEGIN\ PRIVATE\ KEY-----\ and\ -----END\ PRIVATE\ KEY-----.\ Using\ pki\ version\ 0.6,\ the\ pki::pkcs::parse_key\ routine\ seems\ to\ expect\ it\ to\ be\ wrapped\ in\ -----BEGIN\ RSA\ PRIVATE\ KEY-----\ and\ -----END\ RSA\ PRIVATE\ KEY-----.\n\ \ \ *\ Even\ after\ I\ change\ the\ private_key\ data\ so\ that\ it's\ wrapped\ appropriately,\ pki::pkcs::parse_key\ \$private_key\ throws\ an\ error\ -\ Expected\ Integer\ (0x02),\ but\ got\ 30.\n\nSo,\ either\ I\ need\ to\ supply\ a\ password,\ or\ I\ have\ to\ do\ something\ completely\ different.\n\nIf\ I\ need\ a\ password,\ where\ do\ I\ get\ it\ from?\ Google\ doesn't\ mention\ one\ when\ downloading\ service\ account\ information\ as\ JSON.\nIf\ I\ should\ be\ doing\ something\ different,\ then\ what?\n\nThanks\ in\ advance.\n\nPS\ -\ Sorry\ if\ this\ should\ go\ on\ the\ above\ page\ -\ please\ reply\ there\ if\ appropriate\ and\ remove\ this\ question\ from\ here.\n\n\n----\n***\ Different\ behavior\ of\ scale\ in\ 8.6.6\ ***\n\[beppe\]\ 2017-02-19:\ \nOn\ initialization,\ scale\ widget\ executed\ command\ callback\ while\ in\ 8.6.6\ it\ does\ not.\nSince\ my\ code\ is\ running\ on\ machines\ with\ different\ TCL/TK\ versions\ I\ am\ struggling\ to\ find\ a\ good\ solution\ for\ everything.\ The\ code\ to\ reproduce\ this\ behavior\ is:\n\n======\n\nset\ sliderValue\ 50\npack\ \[label\ .l1\ -text\ \"Init\"\]\nproc\ onChange\ \{sliderValue\}\ \{.l1\ configure\ -text\ \$sliderValue\}\npack\ \[scale\ .s1\ -variable\ sliderValue\ -command\ onChange\]\n\n======\n\n\nAt\ beginning,\ the\ label\ will\ be\ \"Init\"\ in\ 8.6.6\ and\ \"50\"\ in\ previous\ versions.\nI\ did\ not\ find\ any\ mention\ of\ this\ change\ in\ the\ documentation.\n\n\[MG\]\ Assuming\ that\ this\ is\ your\ actual\ use\ case,\ and\ not\ just\ a\ simplified\ demonstration,\ you\ can\ do\ away\ with\ the\ proc\ entirely,\ by\ changing\ the\ label\ to\ \n\ \ label\ .l1\ -textvariable\ sliderValue\n\nThe\ docs\ for\ the\ \[scale\]\ command\ say\ that\ the\ -command\ is\ invoked\ \"whenever\ the\ scale's\ value\ is\ changed\ via\ a\ widget\ command\",\ so\ I\ wouldn't\ expect\ it\ to\ be\ run\ when\ the\ widget\ is\ initially\ created.\ I\ am\ still\ seeing\ that\ behaviour\ in\ Tk\ 8.6.1,\ though,\ so\ if\ it's\ not\ happening\ in\ 8.6.6,\ it\ may\ be\ a\ more\ recent\ bugfix.\ Googling\ for\ \"Tk\ Changelog\"\ brings\ up\ so\ much\ out\ of\ date\ crap\ that\ I\ can't\ find\ any\ actual\ recent\ changes\ at\ a\ glance,\ though,\ so\ I\ couldn't\ say\ for\ sure.\n\n\[beppe\]\ 2017-02-19:\ \nUnfortunately\ my\ callback\ function\ is\ much\ more\ complex,\ I\ cannot\ solve\ my\ problems\ as\ you\ indicated.\ I\ used\ that\ example\ just\ to\ highlight\ the\ different\ behavior\ of\ TK\ versions.\ \n\nIn\ the\ meantime\ I\ found\ the\ following\ in\ the\ summary\ of\ 8.6.6\ changes:\n\n''\ *\ Fix:\ circumstances\ of\ command\ callbacks\ from\ \[scale\].\ \ ''\n\nBut\ I\ was\ not\ able\ to\ find\ a\ description\ of\ the\ \"circumstances\".\ At\ the\ end\ I\ need\ to\ fix\ my\ code\ in\ a\ way\ that\ will\ behaves\ in\ the\ same\ way\ for\ 8.6.6\ and\ previous\ versions.\ \ \n\n\[MG\]\ There\ are\ a\ couple\ of\ things\ you\ could\ do,\ then\;\ add\ something\ like\n\n======\nif\ \{\[package\ vcompare\ \[package\ require\ Tk\]\ 8.6.6\]\ >=\ 0\}\ \{\n\ \ onChange\ \$sliderValue\;#\ invoked\ automatically\ for\ versions\ prior\ to\ 8.6.6\n\}\n======\nto\ manually\ invoke\ the\ command\ for\ 8.6.6+.\ Or\ you\ could\ replace\ your\ \[scale\]\ call\ with\n\n======\npack\ \[scale\ .s1\ -variable\ sliderValue\]\n.s1\ configure\ -command\ onChange\nonChange\ \$sliderValue\n======\nThat\ way,\ it\ will\ never\ be\ automatically\ invoked\ on\ widget\ creation,\ and\ you'll\ be\ manually\ running\ it\ every\ time.\n\n\[EMJ\]\ The\ change\ was\ quite\ possibly\ this:\\n\n\[beppe\]\ Thanks\ MG\ and\ EMJ,\ I\ find\ it\ pretty\ weird\ but\ I'll\ probably\ go\ conditioning\ my\ code\ to\ the\ TK\ version\ used\ as\ suggested\ by\ MG.\ If\ the\ change\ is\ related\ to\ what\ EMJ\ pointed\ out,\ the\ fix\ is\ addressing\ an\ issue\ raised\ in\ 2008!\ I\ am\ not\ able\ to\ judge\ if\ this\ was,\ or\ was\ not,\ a\ real\ bug,\ however\ I\ wonder\ if\ this\ fix\ is\ worth\ breaking\ the\ compatibility\ with\ previous\ versions.\ Something\ to\ ask\ elsewhere\ \;-)\ \ \ \ \n\n----\n***\ need\ help\ on\ Field\ Expansion\ subroutine\ ***\n\n\[gold\]\ -\ 2017-01-20\nOn\ the\ this\ tcl\ wiki,\ the\ code\ in\ Field\ Expansion\ calculator\ is\ working\ when\ solution\ approachs\ the\ answer\ from\ below\ the\ desired\ number,\ but\ the\ solution\ needs\ to\ approach\ correctly\ from\ either\ below\ or\ above\ the\ desired\ number.\ This\ routine\ is\ sort\ of\ like\ a\ double\ barreled\ newton's\ method\ from\ \[Square\ Root\],\ especially\ proc\ SqrtB\ \{num\}\ \{#\ Newton's\ method\}.\ Wrote\ a\ test\ console\ program\ for\ a\ field_expansion_procedure\ at\ bottom\ of\ wiki\ page.\ Can\ someone\ help\ or\ load\ corrected\ code\ for\ the\ console\ program\ at\ bottom\ of\ page.\ I\ am\ drawing\ a\ mental\ blank.\ \n\[Babylonian\ Field\ Expansion\ Procedure\ Algorithm\ and\ example\ demo\ eTCL\ calculator,\ numerical\ analysis\]\n\n\[gold\]15feb2017.\ \ \ question\ answered,\ program\ seems\ to\ be\ working\ if\ spaghetti\ code.\n----\n***\ treating\ extended\ lines\ with\ pretty\ print***\n\n\[gold\]\ -\ 2017-01-20\nI\ have\ been\ using\ ased\ editor\ for\ some\ code\ on\ my\ wiki\ pages.\ When\ the\ tcl\ lines\ with\ extended\ lines\ and\ empty\ lines\ are\ indented,\ the\ code\ is\ garbled/will\ not\ compile.\ Can\ someone\ direct\ me\ to\ a\ PC\ based\ editor\ that\ will\ handle\ extended\ lines\ or\ help\ me\ clean\ up\ some\ of\ my\ wiki\ pages\ in\ their\ own\ editor?\ \ Thanks\ in\ advance.\[Refrigerator_Pinyin_Poetry\]\ \[Random\ Poetry\ Chalkboard\]\ \[Chinese\ Xiangqi\ Chessboard\]\ has\ extended\ and\ empty\ lines.\n\n\[gold\]15feb2017.\ \ maybe\ question\ answered,\ wiki\ page\ \[ASED\]\ has\ been\ updated\n----\n***\ Ms\ windows\ exec\ and\ paths\ with\ embedded\ braces\ ***\n\n\[TomT\]\ -\ 2017-01-09\ 18:58:57\n\nI\ have\ been\ trying\ for\ several\ days\ to\ pass\ a\ native\ file\ name\ (MS\ windows)\ with\ a\ path\ component\ of\ \{...\}\ through\ the\ exec\ command.\ I\ always\ get\ \"extra\ characters\ following\ a\ close\ brace\".\ Is\ there\ a\ bit\ of\ magic\ I\ am\ missing\ here?\ (MS\ windows\ commonly\ uses\ GUIDs\ enclosed\ in\ braces\ as\ path\ names.)\ As\ near\ as\ I\ can\ tell\ the\ exec\ command\ reduces\ all\ backslash\ sequences\ to\ one\ or\ zero\ backslashes.\ That\ makes\ it\ impossible\ to\ have\ a\ backslash\ protected\ character\ after\ a\ file\ path\ separator.\ Here\ a\ simple\ test\ case:\n\n======\nexec\ cmd.exe\ /c\ echo\ \{c:/to/\{left\}/and\ right\}\n======\n\n\[??\]\ 2017-01-09\ 21:00:00\ ??\ \ please\ id..\n\nA\ example\ with\ \[env\]\ and\ winword.exe\n======\neval\ exec\ \ \{\$env(ProgramFiles)/Microsoft\\\ Office/Office14/winword.exe\}\ \ &\n======\nor\n======\nexec\ \{*\}\[auto_execok\ start\ \]\ \ echo\ \ \{c:\\tmp\\Neuer\ Ordner\}\n======\n\n\[Tom\ T\]\ 2017-01-10\ 11:19:30\n\nThose\ examples\ do\ NOT\ exhibit\ the\ problem\ which\ seems\ to\ be\ caused\ by\ the\ following\ sequence\ in\ a\ parameter\ \"\\\{\"\ where\ as\ \"\\a\{\"\ seems\ just\ fine.\ We\ can\ shorten\ the\ example\ to:\n\n\n======\nexec\ \{c:\\foo\\\{bar\}\\x\}\ \nextra\ characters\ after\ close-brace\n======\nvs\n======\nexec\ \{c:\\foo\\a\{bar\}\\x\}\ncouldn't\ execute\ \"c:\\foo\\a\{bar\}\\x\":\ no\ such\ file\ or\ directory\n======\n\nThe\ second\ has\ a\ correct\ file\ name,\ i.e.\ what\ was\ asked\ for.\n\n\[gre\]\ 2017-01-10\ 21:19\n\na\ path\ and\ a\ file\n\nC:\\tmp\\12\{abc\}\\a\ b\\test.bat\n======\nset\ x\ 12\{abc\}\nexec\ \{*\}\[auto_execok\ cmd.exe\]\ /C\ \[file\ join\ \ c:/\ tmp\ \ \$x\ \"a\ b\"\ test.bat\]\n======\n\n\[MG\]\ On\ Windows\ 7,\ I\ made\ a\ file\ called\ \{test\}.txt\ in\ my\ E:/\ drive,\ then\ did:\n======\n%\ file\ exists\ \[file\ join\ E:/\ \"\{test\}.txt\"\]\n1\n%\ exec\ \[file\ join\ E:/\ \"\{test\}.txt\"\]\ncouldn't\ execute\ \"E:\\\{test\}.txt\":\ no\ such\ file\ or\ directory\n%\ exec\ \{*\}\[auto_execok\ start\]\ \[file\ join\ E:/\ \"\{test\}.txt\"\]\n======\nThe\ second\ \[exec\]\ worked\ fine\;\ I'm\ guessing\ the\ error\ message\ from\ the\ first\ is\ misleading,\ and\ just\ means\ that\ there's\ no\ executable\ file\ found.\n\nThe\ reason\ for\ your\ 'extra\ characters'\ error\ was\ that\ your\ \\\ is\ escaping\ the\ inner\ opening\ brace,\ so\ the\ inner\ closing\ brace\ is\ ending\ the\ arg,\ and\ then\ the\ \\x\}\ after\ is\ unexpected.\ It\ works\ fine\ if\ you\ double\ the\ backslashes,\ or\ just\ use\ forwardslashes.\ (But\ you'll\ still\ need\ to\ use\ `auto_execok\ start`\ unless\ your\ file\ is\ a\ .exe\ or\ something\ else\ executable.)\n\n\n***\ Tcl/Tk\ program\ crashes\ on\ Exceed***\n\[Jack\]\ 2016-12-05:\ \n\nI\ recently\ got\ a\ Open\ Code\ program\ that\ crashes\ on\ a\ Linux\ system\ when\ I\ select\ a\ file\ in\ an\ Open\ dialog\ box,\ and\ the\ end\ result\ is\ a\ \"Bad\ Window\"\ error.\ \ I\ am\ accessing\ the\ Linux\ system\ through\ a\ Windows\ PC\ on\ my\ desk\ through\ Exceed,\ and\ am\ fairly\ certain\ the\ problem\ is\ somehow\ related\ to\ this\ method\ of\ access\ -\ If\ I\ run\ the\ program\ directly\ on\ the\ Linux\ system\ (not\ from\ my\ PC\ through\ Exceed),\ it\ runs\ fine.\ \ Unfortunately,\ this\ is\ not\ an\ option\ here\ as\ a\ work\ around,\ so\ I\ have\ to\ get\ the\ Exceed\ problem\ fixed.\ \ Is\ anyone\ familiar\ with\ this\ (I'm\ sure\ not!)\ -\ Any\ help\ would\ be\ greatly\ appreciated.\ \ Thanx!\n\n\[MG\]\ You're\ likely\ going\ to\ need\ to\ give\ a\ lot\ more\ information.\ What's\ the\ program\ you're\ running?\ A\ quick\ google\ suggests\ Exceed\ is\ some\ form\ of\ X\ forwarding\ (over\ ssh?)\;\ what\ exactly\ does\ your\ access\ of\ the\ Linux\ system\ look\ like?\ What's\ the\ full\ error\ message\;\ can\ you\ screenshot\ it?\n\nI\ am\ running\ a\ Freeware\ program\ supplied\ by\ NASA\ as\ an\ engineering\ tool\ -\ I'm\ not\ a\ programmer,\ so\ most\ of\ this\ is\ unfamiliar\ to\ me.\ \ However,\ I\ was\ able\ to\ do\ a\ little\ sleuthing\ and\ determined\ the\ line\ where\ the\ failure\ occurs.\ \ The\ line\ is:\n\n\ \ \ \ togl\ \$dw\ -width\ \$Pref(dw,wwidth)\ -height\ \$Pref(dw,wheight)\ -rgba\ true\ -double\ true\ -depth\ true\ \\\ -ident\ Box2\ -overlay\ \$overlaybool\n\nAnd\ the\ error\ message\ I\ get\ is:\n\n\n\ \ \ \ Error\ of\ failed\ request:\ \ BadWindow\ (invalid\ Window\ parameter)\n\ \ \ \ Major\ opcode\ of\ failed\ request:\ \ \ 3\ (X_GetWindowAttributes)\n\ \ \ \ Resource\ id\ in\ failed\ request:\ \ \ 0xffffffff\n\ \ \ \ Serial\ number\ of\ failed\ request:\ \ \ 8704\n\ \ \ \ Current\ serial\ number\ in\ output\ stream:\ \ \ 8705\n\nThe\ version\ of\ Tcl/tk\ I'm\ running\ is\ 8.5.8.\ \ My\ access\ to\ the\ Linux\ system\ is\ through\ a\ Windows\ PC,\ but\ once\ Exceed\ starts\ it\ \"looks\"\ like\ a\ Linux\ terminal.\ \ The\ version\ of\ Linux\ is\ Red\ Hat\ v6.0,\ and\ although\ it's\ an\ X\ Windows\ platform,\ I\ invoke\ the\ offending\ program\ via\ a\ command\ line\ interface.\ \ I'm\ not\ sure\ if\ all\ that\ matters\ because\ as\ stated,\ it\ runs\ fine\ if\ I\ log\ directly\ in\ to\ the\ Linux\ system\ without\ using\ Exceed.\n\nThanx\ A\ MILLION\ for\ your\ help!!!!!\ :-)\n\nJack\n\n\[AM\]\ (2016-12-06)\ The\ problem\ may\ be\ that\ togl\ is\ an\ interface\ to\ OpenGL\ and\ that\ eXceed\ is\ missing\ the\ necessary\ packages\ that\ enable\ the\ interaction\ between\ X11\ and\ OpenGL.\ However,\ I\ am\ not\ an\ expert\ -\ perhaps\ better\ to\ ask\ on\ comp.lang.tcl.\n\n\[AMG\]:\ Are\ you\ able\ to\ run\ other\ \[OpenGL\]/3D\ programs?\ Try\ \"glxgears\"\ for\ example.\ I'm\ wondering\ if\ your\ version\ of\ Exceed\ doesn't\ support\ OpenGL.\ You\ might\ also\ try\ other\ X\ servers\ for\ Windows\ such\ as\ VcXsrv\ \[\]\ in\ place\ of\ Exceed,\ used\ in\ combination\ with\ PuTTY\ \[\]\ for\ remote\ terminal\ access\ and\ X\ forwarding.\n\nThis\ may\ be\ the\ case,\ but\ it\ may\ be\ subtle.\ \ I\ do\ have\ OpenGL,\ and\ I\ am\ successfully\ running\ GUI's\ in\ Matlab\ 2016a,\ which\ I\ know\ for\ a\ fact\ addresses\ OpenGL.\ \ Our\ OpenGL\ is\ software\ (I\ guess\ that\ makes\ a\ difference\ since\ I\ had\ a\ problem\ with\ Matlab\ in\ the\ beginning\ because\ of\ that,\ but\ the\ fix\ was\ really\ simple\ such\ that\ even\ I\ could\ understand\ it).\ \ I\ say\ it's\ subtle\ because\ the\ program\ that\ I'm\ having\ problems\ with\ is\ able\ to\ open\ a\ fileopen\ dialog\ box,\ and\ it\ functions\ to\ the\ point\ of\ me\ being\ able\ to\ drill\ down\ through\ directories\ and\ select\ an\ input\ file.\ \ After\ that\ point,\ the\ program\ crashes\ at\ the\ \"togl\"\ line.\ \ Also\ of\ note\ -\ I\ did\ set\ a\ debugging\ flag,\ which\ sends\ some\ output\ to\ the\ command\ screen,\ and\ it\ does\ successfully\ echo\ back\ the\ name\ of\ the\ input\ file\ I\ pick\ from\ the\ dialog\ box.\ \ Does\ that\ help...?\n\n\n----\n***Package\ origin***\n\[lm\]\ 2016-10-25\n\nI\ have\ several\ instances\ of\ a\ same\ package.\ Is\ there\ a\ simple\ way\ to\ know\ from\ which\ directory\ the\ package\ loaded\ after\ '''package\ require'''\ comes\ from\ ?\ One\ way\ may\ be\ to\ do\ the\ same\ job\ as\ '''package\ require'''\ does,\ and\ outputting\ the\ instances\ in\ the\ order\ they\ appear\ with\ version\ ...\ This\ may\ be\ the\ aim\ of\ a\ new\ package\ command\ ?\n\n\[MG\]\ There\ is:\n\n======\nset\ package\ \"http\"\nif\ \{\ !\[catch\ \{package\ require\ \$package\}\ currver\]\ \}\ \{\n\ \ foreach\ ver\ \[package\ versions\ \$package\]\ \{\n\ \ \ \ puts\ \"\$ver:\ \[package\ ifneeded\ \$package\ \$ver\"\n\ \ \}\n\}\n======\nProduces\ output\ like\ this\ for\ me:\n\n======\n2.8.7:\ package\ provide\ http\ 2.8.7\;source\ -encoding\ utf-8\ C:/Tcl/lib/tcl8/8.6/\n1.0:\ tclPkgSetup\ C:/Tcl/lib/tcl8.6/http1.0\ http\ 1.0\ \{\{http.tcl\ source\ \{httpCopyDone\ httpCopyStart\ httpEof\ httpEvent\ httpFinish\ httpMapReply\ httpProxyRequired\ http_code\ http_config\ http_data\ http_formatQuery\ http_get\ http_reset\ http_size\ http_status\ http_wait\}\}\}\n======\n\nIf\ you\ just\ want\ the\ version\ loaded\ and\ not\ info\ on\ all\ available\ versions,\ `package\ ifneeded\ \$package\ \$currver`\ instead\ of\ the\ foreach\ will\ work.\n\n----\n***\ Formatting\ Label\ ***\n\[Beware\]\ 2016-10-21:\ \nI'm\ looking\ for\ a\ quick\ way\ to\ add\ bold/italic\ options\ to\ a\ label.\ \ I\ can't\ see\ anything\ already\ created\ on\ the\ wiki.\ \ using\ an\ HTML\ widget\ seems\ a\ little\ overkill.\ \ Any\ ideas?\n\n--If\ the\ text\ doesn't\ have\ to\ change,\ how\ about\ using\ an\ image?\ \[Beware\]\ The\ text\ is\ configurable\ by\ the\ user...\n\n\[MG\]\ Do\ you\ want\ all\ the\ text\ in\ bold/italic,\ or\ just\ some?\ If\ you\ want\ all,\ it's\ just\ a\ matter\ of\ configuring\ the\ -font\ option\ (`\$label\ config\ -font\ \[list\ Arial\ 12\ \"bold\ italic\"\]`).\ (For\ ::ttk::labels,\ it's\ a\ bit\ trickier,\ as\ they're\ not\ very\ user-friendly\ to\ get\ from\ the\ default.)\ If\ you\ just\ want\ to\ format\ specific\ words/parts\ of\ the\ label..\ that's\ not\ so\ easy,\ and\ you\ might\ need\ to\ use\ multiple\ labels\ or\ a\ \[text\]\ widget\ pretending\ to\ be\ a\ label,\ or\ something\ like\ that.\n\n\[Beware\]\ I\ want\ some\ sort\ of\ mini\ markup\ so\ certain\ words\ can\ be\ bold/italic.\ \ I'll\ leave\ it\ for\ version\ 2\ of\ the\ script\ and\ probably\ switch\ to\ \[text\].\ \ Thanks.\n\n----\n\[MG\]\ 2016-10-08\ -\ A\ few\ people\ have\ reported\ getting\ an\ error\ message\ on\ my\ bundled\ Tcl\ app\ saying,\ 'You\ can’t\ use\ this\ version\ of\ the\ application\ \"XXX\"\ with\ this\ version\ of\ macOS'\ after\ a\ recent\ OS\ update\ was\ released.\ I\ don't\ have\ a\ Mac\ myself\ (the\ bundle\ was\ put\ together\ for\ me\ by\ someone\ else)\ so\ can't\ test\ things.\ Does\ anyone\ know\ the\ cause/solution?\ Thanks.\n\n----\n\[gold\]2016-06-01.\ cancel\ following,\ found\ my\ answer\ on\ busted\ computer,2016-06-03r.\ \ Did\ somebody\ happen\ to\ save\ an\ old\ (~~2014)\ copy\ of\ \[Sumerian\ Coefficients\ in\ the\ Pottery\ Factory\ and\ Calculator\ Demo\ Example\]\ on\ their\ backup\ drive\ or\ distribution\ cd-tape.\ Some\ of\ my\ offline\ images\ and\ my\ ACER\ laptop\ died\ but\ I\ was\ able\ to\ replot\ some\ on\ my\ home\ computer.\ I\ was\ unable\ to\ grab\ the\ images\ with\ the\ many\ archaic\ kiln\ styles\ and\ the\ double\ chamber\ kiln.\ Is\ there\ someway\ to\ grab\ an\ html\ copy\ on\ the\ wayback\ machine?\ thanks.\ \n\n----\n***Picture\ loading***\n\[gold\]1may2016,\ can\ someone\ load\ jpg\ TkReverse\ screen\ \[TkReverse\ screen\]\ into\ TkReverse\ \[TkReverse\]?\ getting\ spam\ alerts.thanks\n\n----\n***Multiple\ windows***\n\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-04-12:\ <<br>>\nHi\ again.<<br>>\ \ I\ need\ to\ create\ a\ GUI\ with\ several\ windows.\ \ I\ have\ searched\ and\ Googled\ but\ cannot\ get\ a\ definitive\ answer.<<br>>\nDo\ I\ ...<<br>>\n(a)\ create\ all\ of\ the\ Toplevels\ in\ one\ file?\ \ It\ would\ be\ huge!<<br>>\n(b)\ Create\ separate\ files\ for\ each\ Toplevel\ (preferable)\ and,\ if\ so,\ how\ do\ I\ open\ the\ different\ windows?<<br>>\n(c)\ Create\ separate\ 'programs'\ and\ somehow\ 'launch'\ them\ on\ a\ button\ press?<<br>>\n(d)\ Give\ up\ the\ whole\ idea\ and\ go\ out\ and\ cut\ the\ grass\ \;o)<<br>>\n\nEach\ window\ will\ probably\ call\ a\ dialog\ or\ a\ sub-window<<br>>\n\nAny\ advice\ and/or\ sample\ scripts\ would\ be\ more\ than\ welcome.<<br>>\n\nCJ.<<br>>\n\n\[bll\]\ 2016-4-12\ <<br>>\n(b)\ You\ can\ do:\ `source\ fileB.tcl`\ for\ each\ file.\ \ You\ would\ have\ to\ be\ very\ careful\ with\ your\ variable\ names\nand\ namespaces.<<br>>\n(c)\ This\ works\ fine.\ \ `exec\ fileC.tcl`\ to\ launch.\ \ \ I\ use\ this\ method\ and\ sockets\ to\ communicate\ between\ the\ processes.<<br>>\n(d)\ Always\ works.\ \ You\ can\ use\ multiple\ windows\ to\ look\ at\ the\ grass.\n\n\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-04-26:\ <<br>>\nHi\ bll,<<br>>\nSorry\ for\ the\ delay\ but\ I\ have\ been\ involved\ in\ some\ urgent\ Basic\ programming\ but\ I'm\ still\ keen\ to\ learn\ Tcl\ :o)<<br>>\nOn\ the\ serious\ side\ (there's\ not\ much\ grass\ here\ in\ spain)\ (c)\ seems\ to\ be\ the\ best\ solution\ for\ me.\ \ If\ I\ 'exec'\ another\ file\ will\ the\ first\ script\ wait\ for\ the\ other\ script\ to\ finish\ or\ can\ I\ just\ close\ file\ 1\ before\ opening\ file\ 2?\ \ You\ can\ do\ it\ both\ ways\ in\ Realbasic.<<br>>\nThanks\ for\ the\ help<<br>>\nCJ.<<br>>\n\n\[AMG\]:\ \[\[\[exec\]\]\]\ is\ an\ awfully\ big\ hammer\ to\ drive\ in\ this\ thumbtack\ of\ a\ problem.\ \ You\ say\ your\ desire\ is\ to\ divide\ a\ large\ program\ into\ multiple\ files.\ \ That's\ what\ \[\[\[source\]\]\]\ is\ for.\ \ Just\ remember\ that\ (by\ default)\ everything\ will\ live\ in\ the\ same\ namespace\ and\ interpreter,\ so\ take\ care\ that\ the\ names\ don't\ collide.\ \ If\ that\ is\ a\ problem,\ Tcl\ supports\ multiple\ namespaces\ per\ interpreter\ and\ multiple\ interpreters\ per\ process.\n\nIf\ you\ use\ \[\[exec\]\],\ you'll\ have\ your\ multiple\ files\ (good),\ but\ you'll\ also\ have\ multiple\ processes\ which\ means\ needing\ to\ take\ on\ the\ challenge\ of\ interprocess\ communication.\n\n\[bll\]\ 2016-4-26:\ You'll\ have\ to\ tell\ us\ more\ about\ what\ you\ are\ doing.\ \ If\ your\ different\ toplevels\ are\ independent\ programs\nand\ don't\ need\ to\ communicate\ with\ each\ other,\ then\ \[\[exec\]\]\ is\ fine.\ \ Otherwise\ you\ will\ want\ to\ look\ into\ \[\[namespace\]\]\ and\n\[\[source\]\]\ or\ \[\[package\]\]\ in\ order\ to\ split\ up\ your\ code.\ \ As\ AMG\ says,\ managing\ multiple\ processes\ and\ the\ intercommunication\ncan\ add\ a\ lot\ of\ overhead.\ \ \n\nexec\ will\ wait\ for\ the\ other\ script\ to\ finish.<<br>>\n\n\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-04-28:\ <<br>>\nHi\ guys.<<br>>\nThe\ only\ thing\ that\ my\ program\ will\ need\ to\ share\ amongst\ windows\ is\ the\ client\ ID.\ \ Each\ window\ will\ perform\ a\ different\ task\ on\ the\ client\ record\ or\ a\ task\ not\ specifically\ related\ to\ the\ client\ but\ is,\ for\ example,\ an\ accounting\ task.<<br>>\n\nI\ have\ been\ looking\ at\ the\ examples\ provided\ by\ GRIDPLUS\ and\ this\ seems\ to\ solve\ the\ need\ for\ many\ of\ the\ individual\ windows\ by\ using\ notebook\ pages\ for\ add\ and\ edit\ etc.,<<br>>\n\nIt\ seems\ to\ me\ that\ I\ can\ write\ the\ ClientID\ to\ a\ database\ or\ .ini\ file\ and\ transfer\ it\ between\ source\ files\;\ so\ I\ will\ work\ towards\ that\ method.\n\nAs\ always,\ thanks\ very\ much\ for\ the\ responses.\ \ I\ am\ supposed\ to\ be\ 'retired\ to\ the\ Sun'\ but\ I\ am\ busier\ than\ ever\;o)<<br>>\n\nThe\ problem\ is\ that\ over\ the\ years\ my\ brain\ has\ filled\ up\ and\ there\ is\ not\ much\ space\ left\ in\ the\ memory\ banks\ for\ all\ this\ new\ data.<<br>>\n\nCiao,<<br>>\n\nCJ.<<br>>\n\n\[gold\]\ 1may2016.\ \ Possibly,\ multiple\ frames\ for\ separate\ program\ screens\ could\ solve\ your\ problem,\ as\ opposed\ to\ multiple\ windows.\ The\ kingdom\ \[Game\ kingdom\ of\ strategy\]\ and\ other\ calc\ demos\ have\ multiple\ frames\ for\ separate\ tasks\ (eg.\ display\ canvas,\ list\ of\ buttons,\ text\ entry,\ and\ report\ text\ in\ separate\ frames).\ 4\ or\ 5\ frames\ could\ display\ 4\ or\ 5\ canvases\ for\ many\ separate\ programs.\ I\ think\ the\ multiple\ frames\ could\ incorporate\ separate\ source\ tcl\ files\ as\ necessary,\ to\ make\ things\ more\ complicated\ enough.\n\n\n----\n***\ Am\ I\ an\ idiot??\ ***\n\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-03-12:\ <<br>>\nI\ have\ read\ all\ the\ online\ tutorials\ and\ still\ can't\ get\ my\ head\ round\ how\ to\ compile\ the\ tcl\ and\ td\ sources.<<br>>\nMy\ latest\ attempt\ on\ Windows\ 7\ involved\ downloading\ the\ XP\ virtual\ PC\ and\ creating\ a\ new\ VS6\ install\ thereon.<<br>>\nWhether\ I\ use\ the\\ or\ the\ dsw\ in\ VC6\ it\ still\ gives\ me\ errors\ which\ I\ don't\ understand.\ \ Can\ anyone\ point\ me\ to\ an\ idoits\ guide\ <<br>>\nor\ a\ walkthrough\ so\ that\ I\ can\ see\ where\ I\ am\ going\ wrong\ ...\ and\ yes,\ I\ have\ set\ up\ the\ environment.<<br>>\nAny\ help\ will\ be\ greatly\ appreciated.\ \ CJ.<<br>>\n\n\[MG\]\ Any\ particular\ reason\ you\ need\ to\ compile\ it\ yourself,\ instead\ of\ downloading\ ActiveTcl\ or\ a\ TclKit\ to\ use?\n<<br>>\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-03-13:Hi\ MG,\ I\ have\ an\ existing\ program\ that\ is\ written\ in\ a\ version\ of\ Basic\ and\ I\ want\ to\ convert\ it\ to\ cross-platform.<<br>>\nTcl\ has\ been\ suggested\ and\ I\ have\ 'played'\ with\ ActiveTcl.\ \ However,\ my\ program\ runs\ stand-alone\ from\ an\ SD\ card\ and\ so\ I\ will\ have\ to\ 'wrap'\ the<<br>>\nscript\ to\ get\ an\ executable.\ \ I\ don't\ think\ I\ can\ do\ that\ with\ ActiveTcl.\ \ I\ am\ not\ sure\ what\ TclKit\ does\ -\ I'll\ investigate\ later\ but\ am\ out\ today<<br>>\nto\ the\ Reus\ (Spain)\ classic\ car\ show.\ \ I\ just\ wish\ I\ could\ afford\ to\ buy\ one\ \;o)\ \ CJ<<br>>\n\n\[MG\]\ Ahh,\ I\ see.\ There's\ actually\ no\ need\ to\ compile\ Tcl\ yourself\ for\ that.\ There\ are\ a\ couple\ of\ ways\ you\ could\ go:\n\n\ \ \ *\ Just\ put\ your\ Tcl\ script\ on\ the\ SD\ card,\ and\ rely\ on\ the\ host\ having\ a\ copy\ of\ Tcl\ that\ you\ can\ use\ to\ run\ the\ script.\n\ \ \ *\ Put\ a\ TclKit\ or\ ActiveTcl\ basekit\ on\ the\ SD\ card\ for\ each\ platform\ you\ want\ to\ run\ on,\ along\ with\ your\ Tcl\ script,\ and\ run\ the\ script\ with\ the\ appropriate\ executable\ on\ each\ platform\n\ \ \ *\ Or,\ if\ you\ don't\ want\ to\ include\ the\ raw\ Tcl\ script\ on\ the\ SD\ card,\ make\ a\ Starpack,\ which\ is\ basically\ a\ Tcl\ runtime\ executable\ and\ your\ Tcl\ script\ bundled\ into\ a\ single\ file.\ You\ don't\ need\ to\ compile\ Tcl\ yourself,\ just\ use\ the\ \[sdx\]\ tool\ to\ bundle\ them\ together.\ See\ \[How\ to\ create\ my\ first\ Starpack\].\n\n\[TclKit\]s\ and\ \[basekit\]s\ are\ just\ pre-compiled,\ single-file\ runtimes\ which\ can\ be\ used\ either\ as\ stand-alone\ Tcl\ interpreters\ or\ for\ creating\ Starpacks.\ Some\ just\ include\ Tcl\ or\ Tcl/Tk,\ and\ some\ are\ compiled\ with\ other\ extensions\ included.\ \n\n<<br>>\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-03-13:\nThanks\ for\ that\ MG,\ I'll\ have\ a\ play\ with\ the\ options\ to\ see\ what\ is\ best\ for\ me<<br>>\n\nIs\ there\ a\ pre-compiled\ kit\ that\ includes\ the\ SQLite\ library.\ \ My\ program\ is\ a\ bespoke\ appointments\ system\ and\ uses\ a\ lot\ of\ database\ access.<<br>>\n\nBy\ the\ way,\ the\ car\ show\ was\ good\ and\ certainly\ worth\ a\ visit.<<br>>\nCJ.\ <<br>>\n\n\[MG\]\ I'm\ not\ sure,\ off\ the\ top\ of\ my\ head,\ but\ the\ \[basekit\]s\ page\ lists\ a\ few\ different\ builds\ and\ the\ extensions\ built\ into\ them.\ However,\ you\ can\ bundle\ the\ extension\ inside\ your\ starpack\ (the\ same\ way\ you\ include\ your\ Tcl\ script),\ and\ Tcl\ can\ load\ it\ from\ there,\ so\ it\ shouldn't\ be\ a\ problem\ if\ there\ isn't.\n<<br>><<br>>\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-03-14:<<br>>\nThanks\ MG,\ I\ was\ working\ through\ some\ other\ web\ pages\ last\ evening\ and\ saw\ a\ way\ to\ bundle\ the\ sqlite\ into\ the\ Starpack.\ \ It\ looks\ like\ the\ way\ to\ go<<br>>\nAll\ I\ have\ to\ do\ now\ is\ get\ my\ head\ round\ the\ geometry\ and\ re-design\ the\ pages.\ \ Don't\ we\ have\ fun!<<br>>\nOnce\ again,\ many\ thanks\ for\ the\ advice.<<br>>\nCJ.\ <<br>>\n----\n***\ snack\ compilation\ Problem\ ***\n\[nscerqueira\]\ 2016-03-05:\ see\ \[snack\ compilation\ Problem\]\n----\n***\ problems\ with\ openbox\ ***\n\[tomwildturkeyranchnet\]\ 2016-02-29:\ \n''In\ a\ quest\ for\ a\ simpler\ window\ manager\ I\ (up?)dated\ to\ 'openbox'.\ ''\ <<br>>\nThe\ issue\ I\ am\ having\ is\ with\ buttons\ with\ bitmaps\ being\ rendered\ as\ a\ black\ blob.\ <<br>>\nThis\ only\ happens\ when\ either\ pack\ or\ grid\ expands\ the\ button\ to\ fill\ the\ space.\ <<br>>\nIt\ also\ seems\ to\ be\ dependent\ on\ the\ colors\ (and\ seems\ to\ some\ how\ redefine\ what\ given\ colors\ refer\ to).\ <<br>>\nAside\ from\ preventing\ expansion\ by\ pack\ or\ grid,\ is\ there\ another\ way\ to\ fix\ this?\ <<br>>\n(For\ an\ example\ of\ this\ see\ \[filerunner\]\ on\ sourceforge)\n\n\[AMG\]:\ I'm\ not\ aware\ of\ Openbox\ having\ any\ connection\ to\ Tcl\ or\ Tk.\ \ Why\ are\ you\ asking\ your\ question\ here?\n\n\[EMJ\]\ 20160301\ \ \ :\ \ \ but\ \[filerunner\]\ is\ a\ Tcl/Tk\ application.\ I\ have\ fetched\ \[|%the\ OP's\ version\]\ and\ it\ starts\ and\ looks\ OK\nwith\ '''twm'''\ as\ the\ window\ manager\ (that's\ what\ I\ use\ and\ I\ don't\ have\ any\ others\ installed).\ Tried\ in\ any\ other\ window\ managers?\n\n----\n***\ Multiple\ levels\ of\ variable\ substitution?\ ***\n\[B-Unit\]\ 2016-02-24:\ \n''Is\ there\ a\ way\ to\ perform\ variable\ substitution\ on\ a\ variable\ \nwhose\ name\ is\ itself\ specified\ by\ variable\ substitution?''\ <<br>>\nFor\ instance,\ if\ I\ make\ a\ list\ and\ then\ name\ it\ using\ \"\$\{x\}list\",\ \nis\ there\ a\ way\ to\ get\ at\ the\ items\ in\ that\ list\ \nwithout\ having\ to\ type\ out\ the\ value\ of\ x\ manually?\ \ \nBasically,\ \$(\$\{x\}list)),\ except\ that\ doesn't\ actually\ work.\n\n\[HJG\]\ You\ found\ \[how\ do\ i\ do\ \$\$var\ -\ double\ dereferencing\ a\ variable\],\ \n\[deref\]\ and\ \[array\ get\]/\[array\ names\]\ ?\n----\n\n***\ Alternative\ bindings\ for\ buttons\ ***\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-02-23:\ I\ want\ a\ button\ that\ does\ different\ things\ \non\ left/middle/right-click,\ or\ when\ pressed\ with\ shift\ or\ control.\n\nThe\ manual\ on\ buttons\ mentions\ that\ it\ is\ possible\ to\ change\ the\ default-bindings,\nbut\ gives\ no\ example.\ <<br>>\nHas\ this\ been\ done\ yet\ ?\n\n\[APN\]\ Just\ use\ the\ standard\ bind\ command\ like\ for\ any\ other\ widget.\n\n======\nbind\ .b\ <Shift-Button-1>\ YOUR-SCRIPT\n======\n\[HJG\]\ Thanks!\n\n----\n***\ Missing\ Category\ \"Tcl\ syntax\ help\"\ ***\nfor\ example,\ in\ \[source\]\ and\ \[string\ totitle\].\n\n\[AMG\]:\ This\ page\ used\ to\ exist\ and\ serve\ as\ a\ quasi-category\ page\ listing\ all\ the\ core\ Tcl\ commands,\ script\ variables,\ and\ shell\ environment\ variables,\ plus\ a\ few\ other\ useful\ references.\ \ See\ the\ last\ such\ version\ here:\ \[\].\ \ The\ page\ was\ deleted\ because\ it\ duplicated\ the\ \[Tcl\ Commands\],\ \[Tcl\ syntax\],\ \[tclvars\],\ and\ \[Magic\ names\]\ pages,\ but\ the\ references\ were\ not\ cleaned\ up.\ \ I\ don't\ think\ it\ was\ a\ good\ idea\ to\ delete\ it,\ so\ I\ will\ reinstate\ it\ as\ a\ collection\ of\ links\ to\ pages\ about\ Tcl\ syntax\ help.\n\n----\n***\ rename\ wiki-pages\ ***\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-02-19:\nIs\ is\ it\ possible\ to\ rename\ wiki-pages,\ without\ loss\ of\ history\ ?\n\nI\ would\ like\ to\ rename\ \[String\ Manipualtion\ Functions\]\ -->\ \[String\ Manipulation\ Functions\].\n\n\[AMG\]:\ Copy\ the\ contents\ of\ the\ old\ page\ to\ the\ new,\ and\ include\ a\ link\ to\ the\ old\ page's\ history\ somewhere\ in\ the\ new.\ \ I\ just\ did\ this\ for\ the\ pages\ mentioned\ above.\n\n----\n***\ Spam\ detected\ on\ user-page\ /\ false\ positive\ ***\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-01-27:\nI\ edited\ a\ section\ of\ my\ userpage\ on\ this\ wiki\ today,\ and\ got\ this\ message:\n\ \ Edit/Upload\ of\ type\ 'text/x-wikit'\ on\ page\ 14271\ -\ HaJo\ Gurt\n\ \ Your\ changes\ have\ NOT\ been\ saved\ because\ they\ are\ considered\ SPAM.\nI'm\ pretty\ sure\ there\ is\ no\ spam\ on\ my\ page.\ So,\ what\ triggered\ that\ message\ ?\ <<br>>\nAlso,\ doing\ the\ same\ edit\ on\ the\ whole\ page\ was\ accepted\ without\ error\ when\ saving.\n\nThe\ page\ has\ a\ lot\ of\ links,\ but\ mostly\ to\ pages\ within\ this\ wiki.\nSo\ I\ guess\ the\ heuristic\ to\ detect\ spam\ is\ ''way''\ off...\n\n\[PYK\]\ 2016-01-31:\ \ Efforts\ to\ counter\ the\ current\ spam\ attack\ are\ ongoing.\ \ Your\ report\ will\ make\ it\ to\ the\ right\ people.\ \ Stay\ tuned.\n\n\[stevel\]\ 2016-02-01:\ \ I've\ tweaked\ the\ filter,\ your\ home\ page\ should\ be\ OK\ from\ now\ on.\n\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-02-02:\ The\ problem\ is\ still\ present\ -\ see\ my\ latest\ changes\ to\ section\ \"Demos\ &\ Placeholders\",\nwhich\ has\ only\ internal\ links.\n\n\[stevel\]\ 2016-02-02:\ I\ won't\ go\ into\ the\ details\ of\ how\ the\ spam\ mitigation\ works\ (because\ I\ don't\ want\ to\ alert\ the\ spammers)\ however\ lots\ of\ empty\ links\ in\ a\ page\ can\ trigger\ a\ false\ positive.\ \ Please\ send\ me\ a\ copy\ of\ the\ rejected\ page\ text\ via\ email\ and\ I'll\ tweak\ the\ filter\ again.\ \ \ \ I\ apologise\ for\ the\ inconvenience,\ we'd\ rather\ not\ have\ false\ positives\ but\ we\ certainly\ don't\ want\ the\ spam.\n\n\[HJG\]\ Here\ is\ an\ easy\ testcase:\ <<br>>\nedit\ section\ '''Bughunting''',\ with\ one\ existing\ line,\ with\ link\ to\ existing\ page,\ adding\ \"the\":\n|%rev\ 69-->70%|%\ is\ considered\ spam.<<br>>\nDoing\ that\ edit\ on\ the\ whole\ page\ is\ accepted.\ \ Do\ you\ really\ want\ that\ via\ eMail\ ?\n\nAnother\ easy\ testcase:\nedit\ section\ '''Test''',\ one\ link\ to\ existing\ page\ in\ this\ wiki,\|%rev\ 72-->73%|%\ is\ considered\ spam.<<br>>\nThe\ previous\ content,\ with\ the\ link\ to\ my\ own\ page,\ was\ accepted.\n\nRegarding\ the\ current\ wave\ of\ \"Call\ Us\"-spam\ today,\ \nwith\ no\ links\ in\ their\ text,\ from\ [email protected]\ :\n\ \ Edit\ summary\n\ \ \ ,\ Wed\ Dec\ 31\ 19:00:00\ EST\ 1969,\ New\ page\nThe\ creation-date\ for\ that\ page\ looks\ quite\ wrong.\n\nAlso,\ the\ IP-addresses\ shown\ are\ wrong\ too.\ This\ has\ been\ going\ for\ some\ weeks\ now.\n\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-02-10\ ..\ 2016-02-19:\ The\ problem\ persists\ -\ see\ \[database\ configure\]\ (only\ one\ internal\ link).\n\n----\n***\ How\ do\ i\ get\ the\ parent\ directory\ if\ the\ path\ containing\ .\ or\ ..\ without\ expanding\ symlinks?\ ***\n\n\[AMG\]:\ Question\ moved\ to\ \[\]\ -\ file\ normalize.\n\n----\n***\ tkImg\ serious\ bug\ under\ Aero\ and\ workaround\ (seems\ to\ be\ solved\ with\ the\ tkImg\ Build\ 1.4.5\ ***\nMiR:\ 2016-04-18:\ Got\ a\ message\ from\ SF\ Buftracking,\ the\ Aero\ bug\ in\ tkImg\ seems\ to\ be\ solved\ with\ the\ 1.4.5\ release\ of\ tkImg.\ Tested\ my\ application\ and\ it\ runs\ like\ a\ charm.\ Hurray!\n\nMiR:\ 2015-12-25\n\nI\ ran\ into\ a\ well\ known\ bug\ of\ Img\ in\ conjunction\ with\ Aero/WindowVista\ and\ above.\n(\ reported\ already\ in\ 2010)\n\nI\ was\ even\ able\ to\ reproduce\ this\ under\ WINE\ and\ there\ it\ was\ consistent\ in\ all\ Windows\ versions,\ so\ maybe\ Aero\ is\ not\ the\ only\ reason\ for\ the\ glitch.\nSince\ this\ bug\ makes\ it\ impossible\ to\ export\ a\ canvas\ to\ an\ image\ I'm\ looking\ for\ a\ workaround,\ since\ I\ try\ to\ use\ the\ script\ on\ both\ OS.\nMy\ prog\ is\ losely\ based\ on\\ an\ I\ try\ to\ save\ the\ content\ to\ a\ JPG\ file.\ Any\ thoughts\ on\ this?\ Any\ help\ is\ appreciated,\ since\ I\ don't\ really\ want\ to\ go\ the\ route\ via\ postscript.\ \n\n----\n***\ Update\ to\ TK\ spinbox\ ?\ ***\n\[mocallins\]\ 2015-11-22:\ \n\nAdd\ a\ configuration\ option\ to\ place\ the\ up/down\ buttons,\ on\ the\ other\ side,\ of\ the\ entry\ box.\nAnd/or\ even\ place\ the\ buttonup,\ on\ top\ of\ the\ entry\ box,\ and\ the\ buttondown,\ on\ the\ bottom.\n\n----\n***\ Inspecting\ a\ pixel\ within\ a\ canvas\ ***\n\[IanMacUK\]\ 2015-11-01:\ \n\nI\ was\ attempting\ to\ be\ clever\ and\ use\ the\ shapes\ provied\ by\ canvas\ in\ tk\ to\ construct\ a\ mask\nwhich\ I\ could\ then\ inspect\ thus\ saving\ me\ writing\ a\ load\ of\ code\ to\ fill\ rectangles\ and\ closed\ polygons.\n\nBelow\ is\ some\ very\ simplified\ code.\n\n======\n#\ so\ I\ create\ a\ window\ with\ a\ shape\ on\ it\ which\ has\ been\ filled\ntoplevel\ .mask\nwm\ title\ .mask\ \"Geology\ mask\"\nset\ mask2\ \[canvas\ .mask.c\ -width\ 1023\ -height\ 253\]\n.mask.c\ create\ rect\ 30\ 10\ 120\ 80\ -outline\ #fb0\ -fill\ #fb0\npack\ .mask.c\n\n\n#\ what\ I\ wish\ to\ do\ now\ is\ inspect\ each\ pixel\ of\ the\ window\ .mask.c\ and\ see\ if\ it\ has\ the\ colour\ #fb0\ \n#\ if\ it\ does\ I\ want\ to\ manipulate\ an\ image\ which\ I\ have\ also\ loaded\ into\ another\ window.\n#\ I\ can\ easily\ access\ each\ bit\ of\ the\ image\ and\ modify\ as\ if\ required.\n\nset\ fn\ \"Overview_swath_1.v3.rc.png\"\nimage\ create\ photo\ myPng\ -file\ \$fn\ -palette\ 255/255/255\ntoplevel\ .png\nwm\ title\ .png\ \ \"Overview\ swath\ 1\"\npack\ \[label\ .png.l\ -image\ myPng\ \]\n\nset\ x\ 2\nset\ y\ 2\nset\ pix\ \[myPng\ get\ \$y\ \$x\]\n\n======\n\nSo\ how\ do\ I\ inspect\ my\ canvas\ pixel\ in\ a\ similar\ manner?\n\nWith\ thanks\ in\ advance.\n\n\[aspect\]\ 2015-11-02:\ \ the\ best\ way\ I\ know\ is\ by\ making\ an\ image\ from\ the\ canvas\ contents\ and\ querying\ that\ for\ pixel\ values:\n======\nupdate\ \ \;#\ the\ the\ canvas\ has\ to\ be\ mapped\ +\ rendered\ first\nimage\ create\ photo\ canimg\ -format\ window\ -data\ .mask.c\nputs\ \[canimg\ get\ \$y\ \$x\]\n======\nThis\ may\ not\ play\ too\ well\ if\ the\ canvas\ is\ partially\ obscured\ --\ something\ from\|%here%|%\ might\ point\ towards\ a\ solution\ if\ that\ is\ the\ case.\ \ I'd\ also\ like\ to\ mention\ \[CRIMP\]\ if\ you\ find\ pixel-by-pixel\ operations\ from\ Tcl\ too\ slow,\ and\ can\ use\ a\ binary\ extension\ in\ your\ application.\n\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-01-27:\ See\ also\ \[Get\ the\ color\ of\ the\ pixel\ under\ the\ pointer\].\n\n----\n\n***\ In\ Windows\ platform\ when\ i\ click\ on\ dialog\ box\ Icon\ on\ taskbar\ is\ not\ supported\ to\ open,\ but\ it\ works\ fine\ in\ UNIX\ .***\n\[Kalavathi\]\ 2015-10-08:\ \nI\ am\ facing\ the\ issue\ both\ using\ \"transient\ option\ with\ wm\ command\"\ and\ grab\ command.\nTo\ reproduce\ the\ issue\ i\ will\ send\ some\ code\n\n======\ntoplevel\ .child\nframe\ .child.frame\nbutton\ .child.frame.button\ -text\ \"child\"\ -command\ \"destroy\ .child\"\npack\ .child.frame.button\npack\ .child.frame\n\ntoplevel\ .parent\nframe\ .parent.frame\nbutton\ .parent.frame.button\ -text\ \"parent\"\ -command\ \"destroy\ .parent\"\npack\ .parent.frame.button\npack\ .parent.frame\n\nwm\ transient\ .child\ .parent\ngrab\ .child\nwm\ withdraw\ .\n======\n\nWhen\ i\ execute\ above\ code\ ,\ two\ windows\ opened\ child\ and\ parent.To\ minimize\ this\ windows\ i\ have\ used\ keybord\ shortcut\ \"windows+d\".\ To\ open\ this\ windows\ when\ i\ try\ to\ click\ icon\ on\ taskbar,\ i\ am\ not\ able\ to\ open.\ To\ open\ this\ window,\ i\ have\ to\ select\ \"Bring\ to\ Front\"\ related\ menu\ in\ Windows\ Task\ Manager.\ \n\ncan\ you\ give\ me\ the\ solution\ by\ using\ transient\ and\ grab\ features\ to\ the\ child\ and\ parent\ windows.\ \ \ \n----\n***\ ffidl\ -\ problems\ with\ char\ parameter\ ***\n\[Boltar\]\ 2015-09-07:\ \nI'm\ using\ ffidl\ the\ first\ time\ and\ have\ a\ little\ problem\ with\ char\ arrays.\nExample\ C\ function\ declaration:\n======\nlong\ myVersion\ (char\ Versioninfo\[257\])\n======\nWhere\ '''Versioninfo'''\ is\ an\ out\ parameter.\n\nMy\ first\ ffidl\ approach:\n======\npackage\ require\ Ffidl\nset\ DLL\ some.dll\nffidl::callout\ _MyVersion\ \{char\}\ long\ \[ffidl::symbol\ \$DLL\ MyVersion\]\ stdcall\n\nset\ szMyVersion\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[binary\ format\ \[::ffidl::info\ format\ char\]257\ \[lrepeat\ 257\ 0x00\]\]\nset\ result\ \[_MyVersion\ \$szMyVersion\]\n======\nBut\ this\ does\ not\ work.\ The\ ErrMsg\ tells\ me,\ that\ the\ function\ expects\ an\ integer.\n\nSo\ I\ changed\ the\ callout\ to\ a\ pointer.\n======\npackage\ require\ Ffidl\nset\ DLL\ some.dll\nffidl::callout\ _MyVersion\ \{pointer-utf8\}\ long\ \[ffidl::symbol\ \$DLL\ MyVersion\]\ stdcall\n\nset\ szMyVersion\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[binary\ format\ \[::ffidl::info\ format\ char\]257\ \[lrepeat\ 257\ 0x00\]\]\nset\ result\ \[_MyVersion\ szMyVersion\]\nbinary\ scan\ \$szMyVersion\ a*\ szMyVersion\n======\nThis\ time\ the\ function\ does\ not\ run\ into\ an\ error\ and\ also\ returns\ 'OK',\ but\ the\ variable\ szMyVersion\ is\ still\ filled\ with\ 257\ 0x00.\nI\ tried\ different\ pointers\ (pointer-var,\ pointer-obj\ etc.),\ but\ I'm\ not\ able\ to\ read\ the\ version\ string.\ \n\nI\ guess,\ that\ I'm\ not\ seeing\ the\ woods\ for\ the\ trees.\nAdditionally,\ what\ would\ be\ the\ right\ way\ for\ using\ the\ above\ mentioned\ parameter\ as\ an\ in/out\ parameter\ (an\ other\ function\ is\ defined\ like\ this)\n\nThanks\ in\ advance.\n----\n***\ different\ behavior\ when\ serial\ port\ connection\ is\ scripted\ ***\n\[tnteverett\]\ 2015-08-06:\ \nWhen\ I\ connect\ to\ a\ serial\ port\ manually,\ then\ power\ on\ the\ device,\ then\ wait\ for\ characters\ to\ appear,\ I\ can\ type\ a\ few\ carriage\ returns\ to\ make\ the\ connection\ detect\ the\ baud\ rate\ and\ start\ sending\ and\ receiving\ characters.\nWhen\ I\ script\ this\ sequence,\ it\ appears\ that\ I\ cannot\ duplicate\ the\ autobaud\ by\ sending\ carriage\ returns\ when\ I\ detect\ the\ first\ few\ characters\ on\ the\ serial\ port.\ \nHas\ anyone\ ever\ run\ across\ this\ issue\ or\ have\ any\ suggestions\ on\ how\ I\ can\ debug\ the\ failure?\n\n\[AMG\]:\ Just\ a\ guess,\ but\ maybe\ your\ script\ isn't\ entering\ the\ event\ loop.\ \ I\ dunno.\ \ Can\ you\ post\ some\ sample\ code?\n\n\[LWS\]:\ My\ guesses\ are\ (a)\ your\ script\ is\ running\ faster\ than\ human\ interaction,\ giving\ the\ stream\ less\ time\ to\ synchronize.\ \ Who/what\ is\ doing\ the\ baudrate\ detection?\ \ Try\ using\ the\ after\ command\ to\ insert\ a\ delay\ to\ simulate\nhuman-like\ interaction.\ \ (b)\ Depending\ on\ how\ you\ constructed\ the\ string\ you\ are\ sending\ out\ (with\ the\ carriage\ returns),\ you\ may\ need\ to\ use\ flush\ on\ the\ stream.\n----\n***\ Send\ a\ get\ request\ to\\ using\ http\ please\ help\ ***\n\[sam\]\ 2015-08-5:\ \n\n\nI\ have\ a\ question.\ I\ am\ trying\ to\ send\ a\ get\ request\ to\\ using\ tcl.\ How\ would\ I\ do\ this?\ \n\n\[MG\]\ There\ are\ a\ number\ of\ ways.\ The\ simplest\ is\ probably\ to\ use\ the\ \[http\]\ package\;\ documentation\ and\ an\ example\ are\|%here%|%.\ \[TclCurl\]\ would\ be\ another\ possible\ way.\n\n----\n\n***\ tk\ -\ copy/paste\ vs.\ disabled\ ***\n\n\[Wurzelsepp\]:\ in\ old\ versions\ of\ Tk,\ one\ could\ disable\ an\ entry\ (or\ text)\ after\ inserting\ data,\ but\ still\ copy/paste\ from\ these\ fields.\nIs\ there\ a\ way\ to\ achieve\ to\ allow\ copying\ with\ current\ tk\ version?\n\n\[aspect\]:\ \ I\ don't\ know\ about\ the\ old\ Tk\ behaviour,\ but\ \[read-only\ text\ widget\]\ has\ some\ examples\ -\ I\ like\ the\ snit\ `rotext`\ version\ linked\ from\ there.\n\n\[MG\]\ Use\ \$widget\ -state\ readonly\n\n\[Wurzelsepp\]:\ thanks\ a\ lot,\ I\ have\ changed\ all\ my\ entries\ to\ -state\ readonly\ (if\ running\ on\ a\ new\ interpreter),\ and\ things\ look\ fine\n----\n***\ Beginner\ needs\ help\ with\ writing\ a\ script\ ***\n\n\[wizzleteats\]:\ I'm\ just\ a\ beginner\ in\ TCL\ creating\ some\ of\ my\ first\ scripts.\ \ I'm\ not\ a\ programmer.\ \ I\ have\ the\ script\ (example\ below)\ to\ create\ new\ IDTL\ lines\ in\ a\ Genband\ switch.\ \ It\ works\ great\ but\ only\ if\ I\ start\ at\ 1\ and\ increment\ by\ 1\ from\ there,\ 220\ in\ the\ example\ below.\ \ I\ want\ to\ be\ able\ to\ start\ at\ a\ higher\ number,\ let's\ say\ 1101\ and\ increment\ by\ 1\ up\ to\ 1200.\ \ Does\ anyone\ have\ any\ idea\ how\ to\ do\ that?\ \ I\ can't\ seem\ to\ figure\ it\ out.\n\n======\n#!/generic/bin/tclsh\nsource\ /generic/scripts/libsource.tcl\nlibsource_source\ libstd.tcl\n\nsay\ \"Building\ your\ new\ IDTLs\ now.\ \ Please\ Stand\ By...\"\n\nwhile\ \{1\}\ \{\n\ \ \ ovly\ cpk\n\ \ \ for\ \{set\ i\ 1\}\ \{\$i\ <\ 220\}\ \{incr\ i\}\ \{\n\ \ \ \ \ \ cmd\ \"new\ idtl\ plsd\ ide\ 1\ \$i\ spl\"\n\ \ \ \}\n\ \ \ cmd\ \"****\"\n\}\n======\n\n'''\[Siqsuruq\]\ -\ 2015-06-29\ 16:07:42'''\n\n\[\[try\ this:\]\]\n\n======\n#!/generic/bin/tclsh\nsource\ /generic/scripts/libsource.tcl\nlibsource_source\ libstd.tcl\n\nsay\ \"Building\ your\ new\ IDTLs\ now.\ \ Please\ Stand\ By...\"\n\nwhile\ \{1\}\ \{\n\ \ \ ovly\ cpk\n\ \ \ for\ \{set\ i\ 1101\}\ \{\$i\ <\ 1200\}\ \{incr\ i\}\ \{\n\ \ \ \ \ \ cmd\ \"new\ idtl\ plsd\ ide\ 1\ \$i\ spl\"\n\ \ \ \}\n\ \ \ cmd\ \"****\"\n\}\n======\n\n----\n***\ Rendering\ of\ link-names\ for\ links\ to\\ ***\n\[HJG\]\ 2015-06-19:\ \nThere\ is\ a\ problem\ with\ links\ that\ have\ an\ embedded\ \"http\",\nsuch\ as\ those\ you\ get\ from\ the\ waybackmachine:\n\ \ \ *\ A-Plain:\\n\ \ \ *\ B-Brackets:\ \[\]\n\ \ \ *\ C1-Linkname-ok:\|%link\ name%|%\n\ \ \ *\ C2-Linkname-bad:\|%link\ name%|%\nIt\ would\ be\ nice\ if\ someone\ could\ look\ into\ repairing\ the\ rendering\ of\ version\ 'C2'\ above.\n\n\[AMG\]:\ I\ tried\ to\ file\ an\ issue\ report\ at\\ but\ the\ database\ is\ currently\ read-only\ \[!topic/google-code-hosting/Gh3kl9MrzY4\].\ \ Here's\ the\ text\ so\ I\ can\ paste\ it\ later\ when\ (if?)\ Google\ Code\ is\ back\ online.\n\n======none\nThe\ Wiki\ text:\n\n|%link\ name%|%\n\nrenders\ as:\n\n\ name%|%\n\nThe\ text\ \"\"\ is\ a\ link\ to\ same.\ \ The\ text\ \"link\"\ is\ a\ link\ to\ \"\".\n\nReported\ by\ HJG.\ \ See\\ for\ more\ information.\n======\n\n\[HJG\]\ 2015-06-21:\ The\ same\ type\ of\ problem\ shows\ up\ when\ the\ link-name\ contains\ links,\ such\ as\ \n\ \ \ *\ C3:\|%Game\ Programming\ with\ \[Python\],\ Lua,\ and\ \[Ruby\]%|%\n\n----\n***\ Why\ are\ we\ still\ using\ Google\ Code?\ ***\n\n\[AMG\]:\ Google\ Code\ is\ being\ retired,\ and\ we\ MUST\ move\ elsewhere\ \[\]\ within\ the\ year.\n\n'''HJG'''\ 2016-01-27:\ has\ this\ problem\ with\ Google-Code\ been\ taken\ care\ of\ yet\ ?\n\n----\n***\ Table\ of\ Contents\ in\ historical\ wiki\ pages\ ***\n\n\[AMG\]:\ (Posting\ here\ since\ I\ can't\ post\ to\ the\ Google\ Code\ issues\ list.\ \ To\ be\ moved\ later,\ I\ hope.)\n\nWhen\ looking\ at\ historical\ revisions\ of\ a\ wiki\ page,\ e.g.\ \[\],\ \nthe\ Table\ of\ Contents\ is\ not\ emitted.\ \ This\ makes\ it\ hard\ to\ produce\ links\ to\ sections\ of\ historical\ pages.\ \ \nThe\ requisite\ id\ attributes\ tags\ are\ emitted,\ so\ such\ links\ work,\ but\ they\ have\ to\ be\ made\ by\ hand.\ \ \nThis\ can\ only\ be\ done\ if\ the\ current\ version\ of\ the\ page\ has\ section\ titles\ with\ the\ same\ name\ so\ the\ proper\ anchor\ checksum\ is\ produced.\n\n----\n***\ What\ are\ we\ doing\ with\ issues,\ anyway?\ ***\n\n\[AMG\]:\ For\ the\ past\ few\ years,\ there\ doesn't\ seem\ to\ have\ been\ been\ any\ activity\ addressing\ issues\ on\ the\ issues\ list\ \[\].\ \ Is\ anyone\ maintaining\ the\ wiki\ code?\n\n----\n***\ Broken\ images\ ***\n\[HJG\]\ 2015-05-20:\ There\ are\ a\ lot\ of\ wiki-pages\ with\ broken\ images,\ <<br>>\nbecause\ external\ links\ have\ expired\ (many\ of\ them\ from\ user\ \[gold\]).\ Does\ the\ wiki\ have\ a\ way\ to\ check\ for\ this,\ and\ make\ a\ list\ ?\n\n\[gold\]1may2016,Thanks\ for\ your\ help\ in\ restoring\ offsite\ images.\ I'm\ going\ to\ cut\ many\ of\ my\ references\ to\ offsite\ images.\ Can't\ easily\ retrieve\ some\ images\ and\ not\ sure\ images\ add\ that\ much.\ I'll\ restore\ my\ offsites\ into\ onsite\ \ WIKI\ storage,\ what\ I\ can.\ Would\ like\ some\ posted\ (approved\ consensus)\ specifications\ or\ suggestions\ of\ image\ type\ (png\ or\ gif)\ and\ usefull\ byte\ size\ on\ the\ how_to\ page.\ Since\ have\ seen\ arguments\ on\ use\ of\ jpegs\ and\ fuzzies\ on\ TCL\ WIKI.\ There\ are\ some\ search\ key\ words\ that\ will\ pull\ the\ older\ images.\n\n----\n***\ Preferred\ Online-Interpreter\ ***\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-05-17:\ \ I\ made\ a\ page\ about\ \[Online-IDEs\]\ /\ interpreters\ with\ Tcl-support,\ <<br>>\nand\ would\ like\ feedback\ and\ recommandations,\ such\ as\n\ \ \ *\ What\ else\ are\ out\ there,\ what\ are\ their\ advantages\ /\ disadvantages,\ etc.?\ \n\ \ \ *\ Lua\ has\ its\ own\|%Live\ demo%|%,\ but\ Tcl\ doesn't\ have\ such\ a\ thing\ ?\ Why\ ?\ \n\n----\n\n***\ Date\ for\ announcements\ on\ startpage\ of\ wiki\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-05-05:\ Why\ is\ there\ no\ date\ on\ news-items\ like\ \"Tcl/Tk\ 8.6.4\ Released\"\ ?\n\n----\n\n***\ \[Shikiria\]\ -\ 2015-04-28\ 02:18:52\ -\ wm\ maxsize\ ***\n\nI\ have\ made\ a\ little\ GUI\ and\ its\ max\ size\ is\ -800\ -400.\ \n\n======\nwm\ maxsize\ .\ 800\ 400\n======\n\nNow\ when\ I\ maximize\ my\ little\ window\ it\ jumps\ to\ the\ top\ left\ hand\ corner.\ \nIs\ there\ a\ way\ for\ me\ to\ make\ it\ maximize\ on\ the\ spot?\n\nWith\ the\ window\ maximized\ and\ it's\ sitting\ on\ the\ top\ left\ hand\ corner,\ \nif\ I\ try\ to\ grab\ the\ title\ bar\ and\ move\ it\ to\ the\ center,\ the\ window\ immediately\ minimizes\ again.\n\nIs\ there\ a\ way\ to\ prevent\ that?\n\nThanks\ for\ the\ help\ guys.\n\nWarm\ regards\nShikiria\n\n\[arjen\]:\ The\ purpose\ of\ `\[wm\ maxsize\]`\ is\ to\ restrict\ the\ size\ of\ the\ window.\ \nFrom\ your\ description\ I\ read\ that\ you\ want\ it\ to\ fill\ the\ screen\ anyway.\ \n\nIn\ that\ case,\ just\ drop\ `\[wm\ maxsize\]`,\ in\ which\ case\ Tcl/Tk\ calculates\ the\ size\ of\ the\ window\ itself.\ \nYou\ can\ be\ quite\ lazy\ in\ that\ respect.\n\n----\n\n***\ Wiki\ -\ Links\ to\ questions\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-04-27:\n\nAt\ the\ top\ of\ \[Ask,\ and\ it\ shall\ be\ given\ #\ 8\],\ there\ is\ the\ statement\n\n\"''Please\ add\ hyperlinks\ leading\ to\ your\ question\ at\ the\ top\ of\ this\ page''\".\n\nIsn't\ that\ the\ job\ of\ \"<<TOC>>\"\ ?\n\n----\n\n***\ Wiki\ -\ Section\ edit\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-04-25:\n\nThis\ wiki\ shows\ edit-links\ only\ for\ sections\ of\ level\ 1\ (header\ enclosed\ in\ `**`).\nCan\ this\ be\ controlled\ somehow\ ?\nFor\ example,\ in\ these\ \"Ask\"-pages,\ it\ would\ be\ nice\ to\ be\ able\ to\ only\ edit\ the\ section\ of\ a\ single\ question\ (that\ is,\ a\ level\ 2-section).\n\n\[PYK\]\ 2015-05-17:\ \ This\ is\ one\ reason\ I\ keep\ the\ pages\ I've\ edited\ mostly\ flat,\nrarely\ going\ beyond\ the\ `**`\ header\ level.\ \ \nSometimes\ I\ think\ it's\ a\ good\ thing\ that\ it\ isn't\ easier\ to\ use\ multiple\ layers\ of\ headings,\ \nbecause\ it\ encourages\ keeping\ each\ page\ smaller\ and\ moving\ sections\ off\ into\ their\ own\ pages.\ \nIn\ general,\ I\ think\ keeping\ each\ wiki\ page\ smaller\ and\ more\ dedicated\ to\ a\nparticular\ issue\ is\ good\ style.\n\n----\n\n***\ String-to-integer\ /\ values\ from\ clock\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-03-15\ :\nThis\ problem\ came\ up\ when\ writing\ \[FuzzyClock\],\ converting\ values\ from\ \[clock\ seconds\]\ to\ integer.\n\nWhat\ is\ the\ preferred\ way\ to\ convert\ the\ string-values\ for\ hours,\ minutes\ or\ seconds\ to\ integers\ ?<<br>>\nThere\ are\ several\ \"obvious\ ways\"\ to\ do\ it,\ such\ as\n\ \ \ *\ incr\ mm\;\ incr\ mm\ -1\;\n\ \ \ *\ set\ x\ \[\[expr\ \{\$mm\}\]\]\n\ \ \ *\ format\ %u\ \$mm\n\ \ \ *\ and\ more,\ see\ \[expr\ problems\ with\ int\].\n\ \ \ *\ All\ those\ work\ \"most\ of\ the\ time\",\ but\ give\ a\ surprising\ error\ for\ some\ values,\ e.g.\ \"08\"\ and\ \"09\".\nFor\ FuzzyClock,\ I\ wrote\ a\ proc\ s2i,\ that\ just\ special-cases\ these\ values,\nbut\ there\ should\ be\ some\ better\ way.\n\n\[RLE\]\ (2015-05-19):\ Use\ the\ \[scan\]\ command:\n\n======\n\ \ %\ scan\ \"2015-09-08\ 07:06:05\"\ \"%d-%d-%d\ %d:%d:%d\"\ y\ mo\ d\ h\ m\ s\n\ \ 6\n\ \ %\ foreach\ var\ \{y\ mo\ d\ h\ m\ s\}\ \{\ puts\ \"\$var=\[set\ \$var\]\"\ \}\n\ \ y=2015\n\ \ mo=9\n\ \ d=8\n\ \ h=7\n\ \ m=6\n\ \ s=5\n======\n'''MiHa''':\ That\ is\ a\ neat\ solution,\ thanks\ !\n\n----\n\n***\ Image\ placement\ /\ TOC\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-03-14\ :\nI\ think\ it\ would\ be\ nice\ to\ have\ a\ picture\ on\ the\ right\ side\ of\ a\ <<TOC>>,\ where\ the\ space\ is\ mostly\ unused.\nI\ tried\ that\ on\ the\ \[Graffiti\]-page,\ but\ it\ doesn't\ come\ out\ that\ way.\n\nUsing\ a\ table\ doesn't\ help\ in\ this\ case,\ because\ it\ appears\ that\ <<TOC>>\ only\ works\ \nwhen\ standing\ alone\ on\ a\ line.\ <<br>>\nWhat\ are\ the\ options\ for\ placing\ images\ here\ on\ the\ wiki\ ?\n\n----\n\n***\ Edit\ very\ first\ section\ of\ a\ page\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-03-14\ :\nThe\ **first\ section**\ gets\ number\ 0,\ so\ how\ can\ you\ edit\ the\ top\ section\ only,\ \nof\ a\ (possibly\ very\ long)\ page\ ?\n\n\[AMG\]:\ When\ you\ originally\ make\ the\ page,\ start\ it\ with\ a\ **whatever**\ section\ header,\ saying\ \"overview\"\ or\ some\ such.\ \ It's\ not\ ideal,\ I\ know,\ but\ it's\ what\ we\ have\ right\ now.\n\n----\n\n***\ \[LAM\]\ 2015-01-19\ 02:36:03\ ***\n\n''«Once\ you\ have\ received\ a\ satisfactory\ answer,\ please\ cut\ your\ question\ and\ answer\ directly\ on\ an\ appropriate\ page\ of\ the\ wiki.\ If\ you\ cannot\ find\ an\ existing\ page,\ create\ a\ new\ one.»''\n\nSorry\ but\ i\ think\ is\ better\ avoid\ this\ kind\ of\ pages\ of\ miscellaneous.\ \nIf\ the\ people\ cut\ the\ questions\ after\ receiving\ an\ answer,\ why\ are\ these\ pages\ are\ full\ of\ questions\ ?\ (isn´t\ for\ lack\ of\ anwsers,\ sure).\n\n\[BW\]\ 2015-01-20\ 02:36:03:\ \n\nIt\ is\ because\ we,\ ticklish\ world\ Tclers\ are\ not\ as\ disciplined\ as\ Ticklish\ Argentinian\ Tecklers!\ :-)\ \nWe\ don't\ put\ the\ paragraph\ in\ the\ right\ spot\ when\ the\ paragraph\ is\ complete.\ \nIf\ we\ did\ so,\ this\ page\ would\ serve\ its\ purpose:\ to\ be\ a\ '''temporary'''\ repository\ of\ questions\ and\ answers.\ \nOh\ well!\n\n----\n\n***\ Codefolding\ ***\n\nMiR\ -\ 2015-02-25:\n\nI'm\ working\ with\ jEdit\ mainly.\ Is\ there\ something\ like\ a\ codefolding\ sidekick\ for\ Tcl\ \n(as\ for\ other\ languages\ like\ php,\ where\ I\ can\ see\ the\ functions\ in\ the\ sidebar)?\ \nI've\ been\ searching\ for\ a\ time\ now\ and\ can't\ find\ any...\ \nthanks\ for\ your\ help,\ Michael\n\n\[RLE\]\ 2015-02-25:\ I've\ heard\ it\ said\ that\ the\ \[Geany\]\ editor\ will\ display\ Tcl\ procs\ in\ the\ sidebar.\n\n----\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI\ am\ working\ on\ a\ simple\ Expect/TCL\ Script.\ In\ my\ output,\ I\ am\ seeing\ that\ my\ script\ however\ is\ sending\ on\ involuntary\ command,\ which\ I\ have\ not\ even\ set.\ Please\ take\ a\ look\ at\ the\ code\ and\ let\ me\ know\ your\ output\ using\ the\ debug\ option.\ I\ can\ see\ clearly\ in\ my\ debug\ options\ that\ expect\ sends\ a\ command\ which\ I\ did\ not\ trigger,\ and\ I\ know\ this\ because\ the\ expect\ debug\ outtptut\ does\ not\ show\ \"send:\ sending\ \"\ before\ sending\ the\ command.\ Please\ test\ out\ this\ script,\ let\ me\ know\ your\ experience,\ and\ if\ you\ can,\ show\ me\ your\ output.\ Thanks,\ seriously.\ The\ source\ code\ is\ below:\ (If\ you\ try\ out\ the\ code,\ don't\ forget\ to\ add\ the\ #!/your/shell\ at\ the\ top)\n\nDriver\ Script\ :\\n\necho\ \"Please\ enter\ your\ Username\"\ #Prompt\ user\ for\ Username\nread\ -s\ username\necho\ \"Please\ enter\ your\ Password\"\ #Prompt\ user\ for\ Password\nread\ -s\ password\necho\ \"Starting\ Expect\ Script\"\n./sample.expect\ \$username\ \$password\n\n\n\n\nExpect\ Script\ :\ sample.expect\n\n\ exp_internal\ 1\n\ set\ username\ \[lindex\ \$argv\ 0\]\n\ set\ password\ \[lindex\ \$argv\ 1\]\n\ set\ hostFile\ \[open\ hosts.txt\ r\]\ \n\ while\ \{\ \[gets\ \$hostFile\ hostname\]\ >=\ 0\ \}\ \{\n\ spawn\ ssh\ -q\ -o\ StrictHostKeyChecking=no\ \$username@\$hostname\n\ expect\ \"password:\ \"\n\ send\ \ \"\$password\\r\"\n\ expect\ \"\$\ \"\n\ send\ \"pbrun\ /bin/su\ -\"\n\ expect\ \{\n\ \ \"^\"\ \{\n\ \ \ puts\ \"NewLine\ Was\ Caught\ After\ pbrun\ /bin/su\ -\ command\"\n\ \ \ #break\n\ \ \}\n\ \ \"Rejected.*\"\ \{\n\ \ \ puts\ \"NewLine\ &\ Return\ Carraige\ Was\ Caught\ After\ pbrun\ /bin/su\ -\ command\"\n\ \ \ #break\n\ \ \}\n\ \}\n\ send\ \"hostname\\r\"\n\ expect\ \{\n\ \ -re\ \{\".\{8\}\[0-9\]\{5\}\"*\}\ \{\n\ \ \ puts\ \"BUFFER::REFFUB\"\n\ \ \}\n\ \}\n\ \}\n\n\n\nHostfile\ :\ hosts.txt\n\n======\\\\n======\n\n<<categories>>\ Discussion\ |\ Development regexp2} CALL {my render {Ask, and it shall be given # 12} **\ How\ to\ post\ on\ this\ page\ **\n\n'''Please\ do\ not\ edit\ this\ part,\ it\ is\ meant\ as\ a\ guide!'''\n\n\ \ \ *\ Started\ on:\ 2015\ January\ 18th\n\ \ \ *\ Ended\ \ \ on:\ ...\n\n\ \ \ *\ Previous\ :\ \[Ask,\ and\ it\ shall\ be\ given\ #\ 11\]\ <<br>>\n\ \ \ *\ Next\ page:\ \[Ask,\ and\ it\ shall\ be\ given\ #\ 13\]\n----\n\n<<TOC>>\n\n----\nThis\ page\ runs\ the\ risk\ of\ being\ deleted\ and\ corrupted.\ Please\ be\ very\ careful\ when\ editing\ it.\ \nIf\ you\ inadvertently\ delete\ it,\ immediately\ revert\ your\ edit\ using\ the\ History\ link\ \non\ the\ left\ side\ of\ this\ page.\ \n\nDo\ NOT\ attempt\ to\ restore\ it\ by\ copying\ and\ pasting\ the\ text\ from\ a\ previous\ revision,\ \nor\ all\ page\ formatting\ will\ be\ lost!\n\nPlease\ put\ new\ questions\ '''at\ the\ TOP\ of\ the\ page''',\ below\ this\ section,\ \nso\ that\ as\ the\ page\ grows\ longer,\ new\ questions\ are\ seen\ first.\n\nAlso\ please\ put\ a\ section\ header\ on\ top\ of\ every\ question\ and\ put\ two\ stars\ in\ the\ beginning\ of\ the\ title\ and\ two\ stars\ in\ the\ end.\ This\ will\ make\ your\ question's\ section\ easily\ editable.\n\nOnce\ you\ have\ received\ a\ satisfactory\ answer,\ please\ cut\ your\ question\ and\ answer\ directly\ on\ an\ appropriate\ page\ of\ the\ wiki.\ If\ you\ cannot\ find\ an\ existing\ page,\ create\ a\ new\ one.\n\nYou\ might\ also\ simply\ want\ to\ put\ a\ hyperlink\ leading\ to\ a\ page\ of\ the\ wiki\ where\ your\ question\ is\ included\ like\ Didier\ has\ done\ on\ February\ 5th\ 2011.\ \nThis\ will\ save\ you\ the\ trouble\ of\ cutting\ your\ question\ to\ an\ existing\ page\ afterwards.\n\n'''Put\ your\ question\ below.\ Thanks!'''\n\n**\ Questions\ **\n\n\n----\n***\ new\ question\ ***\n\[Who\]\ 2016-02-13:\ \n''to\ create\ a\ new\ question,\ just\ copy\ and\ edit\ this\ section''\n----\n**\ split\ out\ token\ and\ background**\n\[gold\]\ 25MAR2017,\ I\ have\ loaded\ Sumerian\ counting\ board\ on\ this\ wiki\ and\ need\ help\ splitting\ out\ Value\ and\ background\ tokens.\ I\ only\ want\ to\ count\ value\ tokens,\ otherwise\ get\ twice\ the\ value.\ Can\ somebody\ help\ out\ with\ some\ ideas?\n======\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ set\ tilename\ \ \[expr\ \{int(rand()*1000000000.)\}\]\n\ \ #\ .cv\ itemconfigure\ token\ \ -tag\ \[concat\ mv\ xdat_\$x\ \ ydat_\$y\ obj_\$tilename\ #\ \$worth(\$tag)\ value_\$worth(\$tag)\ \]\n\ .cv\ itemconfigure\ token\ \ -tag\ \[concat\ mv\ xdat_\$x\ \ ydat_\$y\ obj_\$tilename\ #\ \$worth(\$tag)\ value_\$worth(\$tag)\ colorxit_\[.cv\ itemcget\ \$item\ -fill\]\ \ \]\ \ \ \n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ itemconfigure\ token\ \ -tag\ \[concat\ mv\ xdat_\$x\ \ ydat_\$y\ obj_\$tilename\ \ \]\n\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ if\ \{\[.cv\ itemcget\ \$item\ -fill\]\ ==\ \"gold\"\}\ \{\ .cv\ itemconfigure\ token\ \ -tag\ \[concat\ mv\ xdat_\$x\ \ ydat_\$y\ obj_\$tilename\ colorxit_\[.cv\ itemcget\ \$item\ -fill\]\ \ \]\ \ \ \ \}\ \ \ \ \ \n=======\n\n***\ Signing\ a\ JWT\ header\ for\ Google\ OAuth2\ (again)\ ***\n\[nurdglaw\]\ 2017-03-06:\ \nI've\ seen\ the\ page\ \[Signing\ a\ JWT\ header\ for\ Google\ OAuth2\]\ but\ I\ can't\ get\ the\ code\ there\ to\ work.\n\n\ \ \ *\ Google\ now\ recommends\ that\ you\ download\ your\ information\ as\ JSON.\ The\ above\ page\ assumes\ that\ it's\ in\ a\ .pem\ file.\ A\ little\ searching\ suggests\ strongly\ that\ the\ JSON\ data\ keyed\ by\ private_key\ is\ the\ content\ of\ a\ .pem\ file.\ The\ openssl\ utility\ appears\ to\ confirm\ this.\n\ \ \ *\ The\ private_key\ data\ is\ wrapped\ in\ -----BEGIN\ PRIVATE\ KEY-----\ and\ -----END\ PRIVATE\ KEY-----.\ Using\ pki\ version\ 0.6,\ the\ pki::pkcs::parse_key\ routine\ seems\ to\ expect\ it\ to\ be\ wrapped\ in\ -----BEGIN\ RSA\ PRIVATE\ KEY-----\ and\ -----END\ RSA\ PRIVATE\ KEY-----.\n\ \ \ *\ Even\ after\ I\ change\ the\ private_key\ data\ so\ that\ it's\ wrapped\ appropriately,\ pki::pkcs::parse_key\ \$private_key\ throws\ an\ error\ -\ Expected\ Integer\ (0x02),\ but\ got\ 30.\n\nSo,\ either\ I\ need\ to\ supply\ a\ password,\ or\ I\ have\ to\ do\ something\ completely\ different.\n\nIf\ I\ need\ a\ password,\ where\ do\ I\ get\ it\ from?\ Google\ doesn't\ mention\ one\ when\ downloading\ service\ account\ information\ as\ JSON.\nIf\ I\ should\ be\ doing\ something\ different,\ then\ what?\n\nThanks\ in\ advance.\n\nPS\ -\ Sorry\ if\ this\ should\ go\ on\ the\ above\ page\ -\ please\ reply\ there\ if\ appropriate\ and\ remove\ this\ question\ from\ here.\n\n\n----\n***\ Different\ behavior\ of\ scale\ in\ 8.6.6\ ***\n\[beppe\]\ 2017-02-19:\ \nOn\ initialization,\ scale\ widget\ executed\ command\ callback\ while\ in\ 8.6.6\ it\ does\ not.\nSince\ my\ code\ is\ running\ on\ machines\ with\ different\ TCL/TK\ versions\ I\ am\ struggling\ to\ find\ a\ good\ solution\ for\ everything.\ The\ code\ to\ reproduce\ this\ behavior\ is:\n\n======\n\nset\ sliderValue\ 50\npack\ \[label\ .l1\ -text\ \"Init\"\]\nproc\ onChange\ \{sliderValue\}\ \{.l1\ configure\ -text\ \$sliderValue\}\npack\ \[scale\ .s1\ -variable\ sliderValue\ -command\ onChange\]\n\n======\n\n\nAt\ beginning,\ the\ label\ will\ be\ \"Init\"\ in\ 8.6.6\ and\ \"50\"\ in\ previous\ versions.\nI\ did\ not\ find\ any\ mention\ of\ this\ change\ in\ the\ documentation.\n\n\[MG\]\ Assuming\ that\ this\ is\ your\ actual\ use\ case,\ and\ not\ just\ a\ simplified\ demonstration,\ you\ can\ do\ away\ with\ the\ proc\ entirely,\ by\ changing\ the\ label\ to\ \n\ \ label\ .l1\ -textvariable\ sliderValue\n\nThe\ docs\ for\ the\ \[scale\]\ command\ say\ that\ the\ -command\ is\ invoked\ \"whenever\ the\ scale's\ value\ is\ changed\ via\ a\ widget\ command\",\ so\ I\ wouldn't\ expect\ it\ to\ be\ run\ when\ the\ widget\ is\ initially\ created.\ I\ am\ still\ seeing\ that\ behaviour\ in\ Tk\ 8.6.1,\ though,\ so\ if\ it's\ not\ happening\ in\ 8.6.6,\ it\ may\ be\ a\ more\ recent\ bugfix.\ Googling\ for\ \"Tk\ Changelog\"\ brings\ up\ so\ much\ out\ of\ date\ crap\ that\ I\ can't\ find\ any\ actual\ recent\ changes\ at\ a\ glance,\ though,\ so\ I\ couldn't\ say\ for\ sure.\n\n\[beppe\]\ 2017-02-19:\ \nUnfortunately\ my\ callback\ function\ is\ much\ more\ complex,\ I\ cannot\ solve\ my\ problems\ as\ you\ indicated.\ I\ used\ that\ example\ just\ to\ highlight\ the\ different\ behavior\ of\ TK\ versions.\ \n\nIn\ the\ meantime\ I\ found\ the\ following\ in\ the\ summary\ of\ 8.6.6\ changes:\n\n''\ *\ Fix:\ circumstances\ of\ command\ callbacks\ from\ \[scale\].\ \ ''\n\nBut\ I\ was\ not\ able\ to\ find\ a\ description\ of\ the\ \"circumstances\".\ At\ the\ end\ I\ need\ to\ fix\ my\ code\ in\ a\ way\ that\ will\ behaves\ in\ the\ same\ way\ for\ 8.6.6\ and\ previous\ versions.\ \ \n\n\[MG\]\ There\ are\ a\ couple\ of\ things\ you\ could\ do,\ then\;\ add\ something\ like\n\n======\nif\ \{\[package\ vcompare\ \[package\ require\ Tk\]\ 8.6.6\]\ >=\ 0\}\ \{\n\ \ onChange\ \$sliderValue\;#\ invoked\ automatically\ for\ versions\ prior\ to\ 8.6.6\n\}\n======\nto\ manually\ invoke\ the\ command\ for\ 8.6.6+.\ Or\ you\ could\ replace\ your\ \[scale\]\ call\ with\n\n======\npack\ \[scale\ .s1\ -variable\ sliderValue\]\n.s1\ configure\ -command\ onChange\nonChange\ \$sliderValue\n======\nThat\ way,\ it\ will\ never\ be\ automatically\ invoked\ on\ widget\ creation,\ and\ you'll\ be\ manually\ running\ it\ every\ time.\n\n\[EMJ\]\ The\ change\ was\ quite\ possibly\ this:\\n\n\[beppe\]\ Thanks\ MG\ and\ EMJ,\ I\ find\ it\ pretty\ weird\ but\ I'll\ probably\ go\ conditioning\ my\ code\ to\ the\ TK\ version\ used\ as\ suggested\ by\ MG.\ If\ the\ change\ is\ related\ to\ what\ EMJ\ pointed\ out,\ the\ fix\ is\ addressing\ an\ issue\ raised\ in\ 2008!\ I\ am\ not\ able\ to\ judge\ if\ this\ was,\ or\ was\ not,\ a\ real\ bug,\ however\ I\ wonder\ if\ this\ fix\ is\ worth\ breaking\ the\ compatibility\ with\ previous\ versions.\ Something\ to\ ask\ elsewhere\ \;-)\ \ \ \ \n\n----\n***\ need\ help\ on\ Field\ Expansion\ subroutine\ ***\n\n\[gold\]\ -\ 2017-01-20\nOn\ the\ this\ tcl\ wiki,\ the\ code\ in\ Field\ Expansion\ calculator\ is\ working\ when\ solution\ approachs\ the\ answer\ from\ below\ the\ desired\ number,\ but\ the\ solution\ needs\ to\ approach\ correctly\ from\ either\ below\ or\ above\ the\ desired\ number.\ This\ routine\ is\ sort\ of\ like\ a\ double\ barreled\ newton's\ method\ from\ \[Square\ Root\],\ especially\ proc\ SqrtB\ \{num\}\ \{#\ Newton's\ method\}.\ Wrote\ a\ test\ console\ program\ for\ a\ field_expansion_procedure\ at\ bottom\ of\ wiki\ page.\ Can\ someone\ help\ or\ load\ corrected\ code\ for\ the\ console\ program\ at\ bottom\ of\ page.\ I\ am\ drawing\ a\ mental\ blank.\ \n\[Babylonian\ Field\ Expansion\ Procedure\ Algorithm\ and\ example\ demo\ eTCL\ calculator,\ numerical\ analysis\]\n\n\[gold\]15feb2017.\ \ \ question\ answered,\ program\ seems\ to\ be\ working\ if\ spaghetti\ code.\n----\n***\ treating\ extended\ lines\ with\ pretty\ print***\n\n\[gold\]\ -\ 2017-01-20\nI\ have\ been\ using\ ased\ editor\ for\ some\ code\ on\ my\ wiki\ pages.\ When\ the\ tcl\ lines\ with\ extended\ lines\ and\ empty\ lines\ are\ indented,\ the\ code\ is\ garbled/will\ not\ compile.\ Can\ someone\ direct\ me\ to\ a\ PC\ based\ editor\ that\ will\ handle\ extended\ lines\ or\ help\ me\ clean\ up\ some\ of\ my\ wiki\ pages\ in\ their\ own\ editor?\ \ Thanks\ in\ advance.\[Refrigerator_Pinyin_Poetry\]\ \[Random\ Poetry\ Chalkboard\]\ \[Chinese\ Xiangqi\ Chessboard\]\ has\ extended\ and\ empty\ lines.\n\n\[gold\]15feb2017.\ \ maybe\ question\ answered,\ wiki\ page\ \[ASED\]\ has\ been\ updated\n----\n***\ Ms\ windows\ exec\ and\ paths\ with\ embedded\ braces\ ***\n\n\[TomT\]\ -\ 2017-01-09\ 18:58:57\n\nI\ have\ been\ trying\ for\ several\ days\ to\ pass\ a\ native\ file\ name\ (MS\ windows)\ with\ a\ path\ component\ of\ \{...\}\ through\ the\ exec\ command.\ I\ always\ get\ \"extra\ characters\ following\ a\ close\ brace\".\ Is\ there\ a\ bit\ of\ magic\ I\ am\ missing\ here?\ (MS\ windows\ commonly\ uses\ GUIDs\ enclosed\ in\ braces\ as\ path\ names.)\ As\ near\ as\ I\ can\ tell\ the\ exec\ command\ reduces\ all\ backslash\ sequences\ to\ one\ or\ zero\ backslashes.\ That\ makes\ it\ impossible\ to\ have\ a\ backslash\ protected\ character\ after\ a\ file\ path\ separator.\ Here\ a\ simple\ test\ case:\n\n======\nexec\ cmd.exe\ /c\ echo\ \{c:/to/\{left\}/and\ right\}\n======\n\n\[??\]\ 2017-01-09\ 21:00:00\ ??\ \ please\ id..\n\nA\ example\ with\ \[env\]\ and\ winword.exe\n======\neval\ exec\ \ \{\$env(ProgramFiles)/Microsoft\\\ Office/Office14/winword.exe\}\ \ &\n======\nor\n======\nexec\ \{*\}\[auto_execok\ start\ \]\ \ echo\ \ \{c:\\tmp\\Neuer\ Ordner\}\n======\n\n\[Tom\ T\]\ 2017-01-10\ 11:19:30\n\nThose\ examples\ do\ NOT\ exhibit\ the\ problem\ which\ seems\ to\ be\ caused\ by\ the\ following\ sequence\ in\ a\ parameter\ \"\\\{\"\ where\ as\ \"\\a\{\"\ seems\ just\ fine.\ We\ can\ shorten\ the\ example\ to:\n\n\n======\nexec\ \{c:\\foo\\\{bar\}\\x\}\ \nextra\ characters\ after\ close-brace\n======\nvs\n======\nexec\ \{c:\\foo\\a\{bar\}\\x\}\ncouldn't\ execute\ \"c:\\foo\\a\{bar\}\\x\":\ no\ such\ file\ or\ directory\n======\n\nThe\ second\ has\ a\ correct\ file\ name,\ i.e.\ what\ was\ asked\ for.\n\n\[gre\]\ 2017-01-10\ 21:19\n\na\ path\ and\ a\ file\n\nC:\\tmp\\12\{abc\}\\a\ b\\test.bat\n======\nset\ x\ 12\{abc\}\nexec\ \{*\}\[auto_execok\ cmd.exe\]\ /C\ \[file\ join\ \ c:/\ tmp\ \ \$x\ \"a\ b\"\ test.bat\]\n======\n\n\[MG\]\ On\ Windows\ 7,\ I\ made\ a\ file\ called\ \{test\}.txt\ in\ my\ E:/\ drive,\ then\ did:\n======\n%\ file\ exists\ \[file\ join\ E:/\ \"\{test\}.txt\"\]\n1\n%\ exec\ \[file\ join\ E:/\ \"\{test\}.txt\"\]\ncouldn't\ execute\ \"E:\\\{test\}.txt\":\ no\ such\ file\ or\ directory\n%\ exec\ \{*\}\[auto_execok\ start\]\ \[file\ join\ E:/\ \"\{test\}.txt\"\]\n======\nThe\ second\ \[exec\]\ worked\ fine\;\ I'm\ guessing\ the\ error\ message\ from\ the\ first\ is\ misleading,\ and\ just\ means\ that\ there's\ no\ executable\ file\ found.\n\nThe\ reason\ for\ your\ 'extra\ characters'\ error\ was\ that\ your\ \\\ is\ escaping\ the\ inner\ opening\ brace,\ so\ the\ inner\ closing\ brace\ is\ ending\ the\ arg,\ and\ then\ the\ \\x\}\ after\ is\ unexpected.\ It\ works\ fine\ if\ you\ double\ the\ backslashes,\ or\ just\ use\ forwardslashes.\ (But\ you'll\ still\ need\ to\ use\ `auto_execok\ start`\ unless\ your\ file\ is\ a\ .exe\ or\ something\ else\ executable.)\n\n\n***\ Tcl/Tk\ program\ crashes\ on\ Exceed***\n\[Jack\]\ 2016-12-05:\ \n\nI\ recently\ got\ a\ Open\ Code\ program\ that\ crashes\ on\ a\ Linux\ system\ when\ I\ select\ a\ file\ in\ an\ Open\ dialog\ box,\ and\ the\ end\ result\ is\ a\ \"Bad\ Window\"\ error.\ \ I\ am\ accessing\ the\ Linux\ system\ through\ a\ Windows\ PC\ on\ my\ desk\ through\ Exceed,\ and\ am\ fairly\ certain\ the\ problem\ is\ somehow\ related\ to\ this\ method\ of\ access\ -\ If\ I\ run\ the\ program\ directly\ on\ the\ Linux\ system\ (not\ from\ my\ PC\ through\ Exceed),\ it\ runs\ fine.\ \ Unfortunately,\ this\ is\ not\ an\ option\ here\ as\ a\ work\ around,\ so\ I\ have\ to\ get\ the\ Exceed\ problem\ fixed.\ \ Is\ anyone\ familiar\ with\ this\ (I'm\ sure\ not!)\ -\ Any\ help\ would\ be\ greatly\ appreciated.\ \ Thanx!\n\n\[MG\]\ You're\ likely\ going\ to\ need\ to\ give\ a\ lot\ more\ information.\ What's\ the\ program\ you're\ running?\ A\ quick\ google\ suggests\ Exceed\ is\ some\ form\ of\ X\ forwarding\ (over\ ssh?)\;\ what\ exactly\ does\ your\ access\ of\ the\ Linux\ system\ look\ like?\ What's\ the\ full\ error\ message\;\ can\ you\ screenshot\ it?\n\nI\ am\ running\ a\ Freeware\ program\ supplied\ by\ NASA\ as\ an\ engineering\ tool\ -\ I'm\ not\ a\ programmer,\ so\ most\ of\ this\ is\ unfamiliar\ to\ me.\ \ However,\ I\ was\ able\ to\ do\ a\ little\ sleuthing\ and\ determined\ the\ line\ where\ the\ failure\ occurs.\ \ The\ line\ is:\n\n\ \ \ \ togl\ \$dw\ -width\ \$Pref(dw,wwidth)\ -height\ \$Pref(dw,wheight)\ -rgba\ true\ -double\ true\ -depth\ true\ \\\ -ident\ Box2\ -overlay\ \$overlaybool\n\nAnd\ the\ error\ message\ I\ get\ is:\n\n\n\ \ \ \ Error\ of\ failed\ request:\ \ BadWindow\ (invalid\ Window\ parameter)\n\ \ \ \ Major\ opcode\ of\ failed\ request:\ \ \ 3\ (X_GetWindowAttributes)\n\ \ \ \ Resource\ id\ in\ failed\ request:\ \ \ 0xffffffff\n\ \ \ \ Serial\ number\ of\ failed\ request:\ \ \ 8704\n\ \ \ \ Current\ serial\ number\ in\ output\ stream:\ \ \ 8705\n\nThe\ version\ of\ Tcl/tk\ I'm\ running\ is\ 8.5.8.\ \ My\ access\ to\ the\ Linux\ system\ is\ through\ a\ Windows\ PC,\ but\ once\ Exceed\ starts\ it\ \"looks\"\ like\ a\ Linux\ terminal.\ \ The\ version\ of\ Linux\ is\ Red\ Hat\ v6.0,\ and\ although\ it's\ an\ X\ Windows\ platform,\ I\ invoke\ the\ offending\ program\ via\ a\ command\ line\ interface.\ \ I'm\ not\ sure\ if\ all\ that\ matters\ because\ as\ stated,\ it\ runs\ fine\ if\ I\ log\ directly\ in\ to\ the\ Linux\ system\ without\ using\ Exceed.\n\nThanx\ A\ MILLION\ for\ your\ help!!!!!\ :-)\n\nJack\n\n\[AM\]\ (2016-12-06)\ The\ problem\ may\ be\ that\ togl\ is\ an\ interface\ to\ OpenGL\ and\ that\ eXceed\ is\ missing\ the\ necessary\ packages\ that\ enable\ the\ interaction\ between\ X11\ and\ OpenGL.\ However,\ I\ am\ not\ an\ expert\ -\ perhaps\ better\ to\ ask\ on\ comp.lang.tcl.\n\n\[AMG\]:\ Are\ you\ able\ to\ run\ other\ \[OpenGL\]/3D\ programs?\ Try\ \"glxgears\"\ for\ example.\ I'm\ wondering\ if\ your\ version\ of\ Exceed\ doesn't\ support\ OpenGL.\ You\ might\ also\ try\ other\ X\ servers\ for\ Windows\ such\ as\ VcXsrv\ \[\]\ in\ place\ of\ Exceed,\ used\ in\ combination\ with\ PuTTY\ \[\]\ for\ remote\ terminal\ access\ and\ X\ forwarding.\n\nThis\ may\ be\ the\ case,\ but\ it\ may\ be\ subtle.\ \ I\ do\ have\ OpenGL,\ and\ I\ am\ successfully\ running\ GUI's\ in\ Matlab\ 2016a,\ which\ I\ know\ for\ a\ fact\ addresses\ OpenGL.\ \ Our\ OpenGL\ is\ software\ (I\ guess\ that\ makes\ a\ difference\ since\ I\ had\ a\ problem\ with\ Matlab\ in\ the\ beginning\ because\ of\ that,\ but\ the\ fix\ was\ really\ simple\ such\ that\ even\ I\ could\ understand\ it).\ \ I\ say\ it's\ subtle\ because\ the\ program\ that\ I'm\ having\ problems\ with\ is\ able\ to\ open\ a\ fileopen\ dialog\ box,\ and\ it\ functions\ to\ the\ point\ of\ me\ being\ able\ to\ drill\ down\ through\ directories\ and\ select\ an\ input\ file.\ \ After\ that\ point,\ the\ program\ crashes\ at\ the\ \"togl\"\ line.\ \ Also\ of\ note\ -\ I\ did\ set\ a\ debugging\ flag,\ which\ sends\ some\ output\ to\ the\ command\ screen,\ and\ it\ does\ successfully\ echo\ back\ the\ name\ of\ the\ input\ file\ I\ pick\ from\ the\ dialog\ box.\ \ Does\ that\ help...?\n\n\n----\n***Package\ origin***\n\[lm\]\ 2016-10-25\n\nI\ have\ several\ instances\ of\ a\ same\ package.\ Is\ there\ a\ simple\ way\ to\ know\ from\ which\ directory\ the\ package\ loaded\ after\ '''package\ require'''\ comes\ from\ ?\ One\ way\ may\ be\ to\ do\ the\ same\ job\ as\ '''package\ require'''\ does,\ and\ outputting\ the\ instances\ in\ the\ order\ they\ appear\ with\ version\ ...\ This\ may\ be\ the\ aim\ of\ a\ new\ package\ command\ ?\n\n\[MG\]\ There\ is:\n\n======\nset\ package\ \"http\"\nif\ \{\ !\[catch\ \{package\ require\ \$package\}\ currver\]\ \}\ \{\n\ \ foreach\ ver\ \[package\ versions\ \$package\]\ \{\n\ \ \ \ puts\ \"\$ver:\ \[package\ ifneeded\ \$package\ \$ver\"\n\ \ \}\n\}\n======\nProduces\ output\ like\ this\ for\ me:\n\n======\n2.8.7:\ package\ provide\ http\ 2.8.7\;source\ -encoding\ utf-8\ C:/Tcl/lib/tcl8/8.6/\n1.0:\ tclPkgSetup\ C:/Tcl/lib/tcl8.6/http1.0\ http\ 1.0\ \{\{http.tcl\ source\ \{httpCopyDone\ httpCopyStart\ httpEof\ httpEvent\ httpFinish\ httpMapReply\ httpProxyRequired\ http_code\ http_config\ http_data\ http_formatQuery\ http_get\ http_reset\ http_size\ http_status\ http_wait\}\}\}\n======\n\nIf\ you\ just\ want\ the\ version\ loaded\ and\ not\ info\ on\ all\ available\ versions,\ `package\ ifneeded\ \$package\ \$currver`\ instead\ of\ the\ foreach\ will\ work.\n\n----\n***\ Formatting\ Label\ ***\n\[Beware\]\ 2016-10-21:\ \nI'm\ looking\ for\ a\ quick\ way\ to\ add\ bold/italic\ options\ to\ a\ label.\ \ I\ can't\ see\ anything\ already\ created\ on\ the\ wiki.\ \ using\ an\ HTML\ widget\ seems\ a\ little\ overkill.\ \ Any\ ideas?\n\n--If\ the\ text\ doesn't\ have\ to\ change,\ how\ about\ using\ an\ image?\ \[Beware\]\ The\ text\ is\ configurable\ by\ the\ user...\n\n\[MG\]\ Do\ you\ want\ all\ the\ text\ in\ bold/italic,\ or\ just\ some?\ If\ you\ want\ all,\ it's\ just\ a\ matter\ of\ configuring\ the\ -font\ option\ (`\$label\ config\ -font\ \[list\ Arial\ 12\ \"bold\ italic\"\]`).\ (For\ ::ttk::labels,\ it's\ a\ bit\ trickier,\ as\ they're\ not\ very\ user-friendly\ to\ get\ from\ the\ default.)\ If\ you\ just\ want\ to\ format\ specific\ words/parts\ of\ the\ label..\ that's\ not\ so\ easy,\ and\ you\ might\ need\ to\ use\ multiple\ labels\ or\ a\ \[text\]\ widget\ pretending\ to\ be\ a\ label,\ or\ something\ like\ that.\n\n\[Beware\]\ I\ want\ some\ sort\ of\ mini\ markup\ so\ certain\ words\ can\ be\ bold/italic.\ \ I'll\ leave\ it\ for\ version\ 2\ of\ the\ script\ and\ probably\ switch\ to\ \[text\].\ \ Thanks.\n\n----\n\[MG\]\ 2016-10-08\ -\ A\ few\ people\ have\ reported\ getting\ an\ error\ message\ on\ my\ bundled\ Tcl\ app\ saying,\ 'You\ can’t\ use\ this\ version\ of\ the\ application\ \"XXX\"\ with\ this\ version\ of\ macOS'\ after\ a\ recent\ OS\ update\ was\ released.\ I\ don't\ have\ a\ Mac\ myself\ (the\ bundle\ was\ put\ together\ for\ me\ by\ someone\ else)\ so\ can't\ test\ things.\ Does\ anyone\ know\ the\ cause/solution?\ Thanks.\n\n----\n\[gold\]2016-06-01.\ cancel\ following,\ found\ my\ answer\ on\ busted\ computer,2016-06-03r.\ \ Did\ somebody\ happen\ to\ save\ an\ old\ (~~2014)\ copy\ of\ \[Sumerian\ Coefficients\ in\ the\ Pottery\ Factory\ and\ Calculator\ Demo\ Example\]\ on\ their\ backup\ drive\ or\ distribution\ cd-tape.\ Some\ of\ my\ offline\ images\ and\ my\ ACER\ laptop\ died\ but\ I\ was\ able\ to\ replot\ some\ on\ my\ home\ computer.\ I\ was\ unable\ to\ grab\ the\ images\ with\ the\ many\ archaic\ kiln\ styles\ and\ the\ double\ chamber\ kiln.\ Is\ there\ someway\ to\ grab\ an\ html\ copy\ on\ the\ wayback\ machine?\ thanks.\ \n\n----\n***Picture\ loading***\n\[gold\]1may2016,\ can\ someone\ load\ jpg\ TkReverse\ screen\ \[TkReverse\ screen\]\ into\ TkReverse\ \[TkReverse\]?\ getting\ spam\ alerts.thanks\n\n----\n***Multiple\ windows***\n\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-04-12:\ <<br>>\nHi\ again.<<br>>\ \ I\ need\ to\ create\ a\ GUI\ with\ several\ windows.\ \ I\ have\ searched\ and\ Googled\ but\ cannot\ get\ a\ definitive\ answer.<<br>>\nDo\ I\ ...<<br>>\n(a)\ create\ all\ of\ the\ Toplevels\ in\ one\ file?\ \ It\ would\ be\ huge!<<br>>\n(b)\ Create\ separate\ files\ for\ each\ Toplevel\ (preferable)\ and,\ if\ so,\ how\ do\ I\ open\ the\ different\ windows?<<br>>\n(c)\ Create\ separate\ 'programs'\ and\ somehow\ 'launch'\ them\ on\ a\ button\ press?<<br>>\n(d)\ Give\ up\ the\ whole\ idea\ and\ go\ out\ and\ cut\ the\ grass\ \;o)<<br>>\n\nEach\ window\ will\ probably\ call\ a\ dialog\ or\ a\ sub-window<<br>>\n\nAny\ advice\ and/or\ sample\ scripts\ would\ be\ more\ than\ welcome.<<br>>\n\nCJ.<<br>>\n\n\[bll\]\ 2016-4-12\ <<br>>\n(b)\ You\ can\ do:\ `source\ fileB.tcl`\ for\ each\ file.\ \ You\ would\ have\ to\ be\ very\ careful\ with\ your\ variable\ names\nand\ namespaces.<<br>>\n(c)\ This\ works\ fine.\ \ `exec\ fileC.tcl`\ to\ launch.\ \ \ I\ use\ this\ method\ and\ sockets\ to\ communicate\ between\ the\ processes.<<br>>\n(d)\ Always\ works.\ \ You\ can\ use\ multiple\ windows\ to\ look\ at\ the\ grass.\n\n\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-04-26:\ <<br>>\nHi\ bll,<<br>>\nSorry\ for\ the\ delay\ but\ I\ have\ been\ involved\ in\ some\ urgent\ Basic\ programming\ but\ I'm\ still\ keen\ to\ learn\ Tcl\ :o)<<br>>\nOn\ the\ serious\ side\ (there's\ not\ much\ grass\ here\ in\ spain)\ (c)\ seems\ to\ be\ the\ best\ solution\ for\ me.\ \ If\ I\ 'exec'\ another\ file\ will\ the\ first\ script\ wait\ for\ the\ other\ script\ to\ finish\ or\ can\ I\ just\ close\ file\ 1\ before\ opening\ file\ 2?\ \ You\ can\ do\ it\ both\ ways\ in\ Realbasic.<<br>>\nThanks\ for\ the\ help<<br>>\nCJ.<<br>>\n\n\[AMG\]:\ \[\[\[exec\]\]\]\ is\ an\ awfully\ big\ hammer\ to\ drive\ in\ this\ thumbtack\ of\ a\ problem.\ \ You\ say\ your\ desire\ is\ to\ divide\ a\ large\ program\ into\ multiple\ files.\ \ That's\ what\ \[\[\[source\]\]\]\ is\ for.\ \ Just\ remember\ that\ (by\ default)\ everything\ will\ live\ in\ the\ same\ namespace\ and\ interpreter,\ so\ take\ care\ that\ the\ names\ don't\ collide.\ \ If\ that\ is\ a\ problem,\ Tcl\ supports\ multiple\ namespaces\ per\ interpreter\ and\ multiple\ interpreters\ per\ process.\n\nIf\ you\ use\ \[\[exec\]\],\ you'll\ have\ your\ multiple\ files\ (good),\ but\ you'll\ also\ have\ multiple\ processes\ which\ means\ needing\ to\ take\ on\ the\ challenge\ of\ interprocess\ communication.\n\n\[bll\]\ 2016-4-26:\ You'll\ have\ to\ tell\ us\ more\ about\ what\ you\ are\ doing.\ \ If\ your\ different\ toplevels\ are\ independent\ programs\nand\ don't\ need\ to\ communicate\ with\ each\ other,\ then\ \[\[exec\]\]\ is\ fine.\ \ Otherwise\ you\ will\ want\ to\ look\ into\ \[\[namespace\]\]\ and\n\[\[source\]\]\ or\ \[\[package\]\]\ in\ order\ to\ split\ up\ your\ code.\ \ As\ AMG\ says,\ managing\ multiple\ processes\ and\ the\ intercommunication\ncan\ add\ a\ lot\ of\ overhead.\ \ \n\nexec\ will\ wait\ for\ the\ other\ script\ to\ finish.<<br>>\n\n\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-04-28:\ <<br>>\nHi\ guys.<<br>>\nThe\ only\ thing\ that\ my\ program\ will\ need\ to\ share\ amongst\ windows\ is\ the\ client\ ID.\ \ Each\ window\ will\ perform\ a\ different\ task\ on\ the\ client\ record\ or\ a\ task\ not\ specifically\ related\ to\ the\ client\ but\ is,\ for\ example,\ an\ accounting\ task.<<br>>\n\nI\ have\ been\ looking\ at\ the\ examples\ provided\ by\ GRIDPLUS\ and\ this\ seems\ to\ solve\ the\ need\ for\ many\ of\ the\ individual\ windows\ by\ using\ notebook\ pages\ for\ add\ and\ edit\ etc.,<<br>>\n\nIt\ seems\ to\ me\ that\ I\ can\ write\ the\ ClientID\ to\ a\ database\ or\ .ini\ file\ and\ transfer\ it\ between\ source\ files\;\ so\ I\ will\ work\ towards\ that\ method.\n\nAs\ always,\ thanks\ very\ much\ for\ the\ responses.\ \ I\ am\ supposed\ to\ be\ 'retired\ to\ the\ Sun'\ but\ I\ am\ busier\ than\ ever\;o)<<br>>\n\nThe\ problem\ is\ that\ over\ the\ years\ my\ brain\ has\ filled\ up\ and\ there\ is\ not\ much\ space\ left\ in\ the\ memory\ banks\ for\ all\ this\ new\ data.<<br>>\n\nCiao,<<br>>\n\nCJ.<<br>>\n\n\[gold\]\ 1may2016.\ \ Possibly,\ multiple\ frames\ for\ separate\ program\ screens\ could\ solve\ your\ problem,\ as\ opposed\ to\ multiple\ windows.\ The\ kingdom\ \[Game\ kingdom\ of\ strategy\]\ and\ other\ calc\ demos\ have\ multiple\ frames\ for\ separate\ tasks\ (eg.\ display\ canvas,\ list\ of\ buttons,\ text\ entry,\ and\ report\ text\ in\ separate\ frames).\ 4\ or\ 5\ frames\ could\ display\ 4\ or\ 5\ canvases\ for\ many\ separate\ programs.\ I\ think\ the\ multiple\ frames\ could\ incorporate\ separate\ source\ tcl\ files\ as\ necessary,\ to\ make\ things\ more\ complicated\ enough.\n\n\n----\n***\ Am\ I\ an\ idiot??\ ***\n\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-03-12:\ <<br>>\nI\ have\ read\ all\ the\ online\ tutorials\ and\ still\ can't\ get\ my\ head\ round\ how\ to\ compile\ the\ tcl\ and\ td\ sources.<<br>>\nMy\ latest\ attempt\ on\ Windows\ 7\ involved\ downloading\ the\ XP\ virtual\ PC\ and\ creating\ a\ new\ VS6\ install\ thereon.<<br>>\nWhether\ I\ use\ the\\ or\ the\ dsw\ in\ VC6\ it\ still\ gives\ me\ errors\ which\ I\ don't\ understand.\ \ Can\ anyone\ point\ me\ to\ an\ idoits\ guide\ <<br>>\nor\ a\ walkthrough\ so\ that\ I\ can\ see\ where\ I\ am\ going\ wrong\ ...\ and\ yes,\ I\ have\ set\ up\ the\ environment.<<br>>\nAny\ help\ will\ be\ greatly\ appreciated.\ \ CJ.<<br>>\n\n\[MG\]\ Any\ particular\ reason\ you\ need\ to\ compile\ it\ yourself,\ instead\ of\ downloading\ ActiveTcl\ or\ a\ TclKit\ to\ use?\n<<br>>\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-03-13:Hi\ MG,\ I\ have\ an\ existing\ program\ that\ is\ written\ in\ a\ version\ of\ Basic\ and\ I\ want\ to\ convert\ it\ to\ cross-platform.<<br>>\nTcl\ has\ been\ suggested\ and\ I\ have\ 'played'\ with\ ActiveTcl.\ \ However,\ my\ program\ runs\ stand-alone\ from\ an\ SD\ card\ and\ so\ I\ will\ have\ to\ 'wrap'\ the<<br>>\nscript\ to\ get\ an\ executable.\ \ I\ don't\ think\ I\ can\ do\ that\ with\ ActiveTcl.\ \ I\ am\ not\ sure\ what\ TclKit\ does\ -\ I'll\ investigate\ later\ but\ am\ out\ today<<br>>\nto\ the\ Reus\ (Spain)\ classic\ car\ show.\ \ I\ just\ wish\ I\ could\ afford\ to\ buy\ one\ \;o)\ \ CJ<<br>>\n\n\[MG\]\ Ahh,\ I\ see.\ There's\ actually\ no\ need\ to\ compile\ Tcl\ yourself\ for\ that.\ There\ are\ a\ couple\ of\ ways\ you\ could\ go:\n\n\ \ \ *\ Just\ put\ your\ Tcl\ script\ on\ the\ SD\ card,\ and\ rely\ on\ the\ host\ having\ a\ copy\ of\ Tcl\ that\ you\ can\ use\ to\ run\ the\ script.\n\ \ \ *\ Put\ a\ TclKit\ or\ ActiveTcl\ basekit\ on\ the\ SD\ card\ for\ each\ platform\ you\ want\ to\ run\ on,\ along\ with\ your\ Tcl\ script,\ and\ run\ the\ script\ with\ the\ appropriate\ executable\ on\ each\ platform\n\ \ \ *\ Or,\ if\ you\ don't\ want\ to\ include\ the\ raw\ Tcl\ script\ on\ the\ SD\ card,\ make\ a\ Starpack,\ which\ is\ basically\ a\ Tcl\ runtime\ executable\ and\ your\ Tcl\ script\ bundled\ into\ a\ single\ file.\ You\ don't\ need\ to\ compile\ Tcl\ yourself,\ just\ use\ the\ \[sdx\]\ tool\ to\ bundle\ them\ together.\ See\ \[How\ to\ create\ my\ first\ Starpack\].\n\n\[TclKit\]s\ and\ \[basekit\]s\ are\ just\ pre-compiled,\ single-file\ runtimes\ which\ can\ be\ used\ either\ as\ stand-alone\ Tcl\ interpreters\ or\ for\ creating\ Starpacks.\ Some\ just\ include\ Tcl\ or\ Tcl/Tk,\ and\ some\ are\ compiled\ with\ other\ extensions\ included.\ \n\n<<br>>\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-03-13:\nThanks\ for\ that\ MG,\ I'll\ have\ a\ play\ with\ the\ options\ to\ see\ what\ is\ best\ for\ me<<br>>\n\nIs\ there\ a\ pre-compiled\ kit\ that\ includes\ the\ SQLite\ library.\ \ My\ program\ is\ a\ bespoke\ appointments\ system\ and\ uses\ a\ lot\ of\ database\ access.<<br>>\n\nBy\ the\ way,\ the\ car\ show\ was\ good\ and\ certainly\ worth\ a\ visit.<<br>>\nCJ.\ <<br>>\n\n\[MG\]\ I'm\ not\ sure,\ off\ the\ top\ of\ my\ head,\ but\ the\ \[basekit\]s\ page\ lists\ a\ few\ different\ builds\ and\ the\ extensions\ built\ into\ them.\ However,\ you\ can\ bundle\ the\ extension\ inside\ your\ starpack\ (the\ same\ way\ you\ include\ your\ Tcl\ script),\ and\ Tcl\ can\ load\ it\ from\ there,\ so\ it\ shouldn't\ be\ a\ problem\ if\ there\ isn't.\n<<br>><<br>>\[Cockneyjock\]\ 2016-03-14:<<br>>\nThanks\ MG,\ I\ was\ working\ through\ some\ other\ web\ pages\ last\ evening\ and\ saw\ a\ way\ to\ bundle\ the\ sqlite\ into\ the\ Starpack.\ \ It\ looks\ like\ the\ way\ to\ go<<br>>\nAll\ I\ have\ to\ do\ now\ is\ get\ my\ head\ round\ the\ geometry\ and\ re-design\ the\ pages.\ \ Don't\ we\ have\ fun!<<br>>\nOnce\ again,\ many\ thanks\ for\ the\ advice.<<br>>\nCJ.\ <<br>>\n----\n***\ snack\ compilation\ Problem\ ***\n\[nscerqueira\]\ 2016-03-05:\ see\ \[snack\ compilation\ Problem\]\n----\n***\ problems\ with\ openbox\ ***\n\[tomwildturkeyranchnet\]\ 2016-02-29:\ \n''In\ a\ quest\ for\ a\ simpler\ window\ manager\ I\ (up?)dated\ to\ 'openbox'.\ ''\ <<br>>\nThe\ issue\ I\ am\ having\ is\ with\ buttons\ with\ bitmaps\ being\ rendered\ as\ a\ black\ blob.\ <<br>>\nThis\ only\ happens\ when\ either\ pack\ or\ grid\ expands\ the\ button\ to\ fill\ the\ space.\ <<br>>\nIt\ also\ seems\ to\ be\ dependent\ on\ the\ colors\ (and\ seems\ to\ some\ how\ redefine\ what\ given\ colors\ refer\ to).\ <<br>>\nAside\ from\ preventing\ expansion\ by\ pack\ or\ grid,\ is\ there\ another\ way\ to\ fix\ this?\ <<br>>\n(For\ an\ example\ of\ this\ see\ \[filerunner\]\ on\ sourceforge)\n\n\[AMG\]:\ I'm\ not\ aware\ of\ Openbox\ having\ any\ connection\ to\ Tcl\ or\ Tk.\ \ Why\ are\ you\ asking\ your\ question\ here?\n\n\[EMJ\]\ 20160301\ \ \ :\ \ \ but\ \[filerunner\]\ is\ a\ Tcl/Tk\ application.\ I\ have\ fetched\ \[|%the\ OP's\ version\]\ and\ it\ starts\ and\ looks\ OK\nwith\ '''twm'''\ as\ the\ window\ manager\ (that's\ what\ I\ use\ and\ I\ don't\ have\ any\ others\ installed).\ Tried\ in\ any\ other\ window\ managers?\n\n----\n***\ Multiple\ levels\ of\ variable\ substitution?\ ***\n\[B-Unit\]\ 2016-02-24:\ \n''Is\ there\ a\ way\ to\ perform\ variable\ substitution\ on\ a\ variable\ \nwhose\ name\ is\ itself\ specified\ by\ variable\ substitution?''\ <<br>>\nFor\ instance,\ if\ I\ make\ a\ list\ and\ then\ name\ it\ using\ \"\$\{x\}list\",\ \nis\ there\ a\ way\ to\ get\ at\ the\ items\ in\ that\ list\ \nwithout\ having\ to\ type\ out\ the\ value\ of\ x\ manually?\ \ \nBasically,\ \$(\$\{x\}list)),\ except\ that\ doesn't\ actually\ work.\n\n\[HJG\]\ You\ found\ \[how\ do\ i\ do\ \$\$var\ -\ double\ dereferencing\ a\ variable\],\ \n\[deref\]\ and\ \[array\ get\]/\[array\ names\]\ ?\n----\n\n***\ Alternative\ bindings\ for\ buttons\ ***\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-02-23:\ I\ want\ a\ button\ that\ does\ different\ things\ \non\ left/middle/right-click,\ or\ when\ pressed\ with\ shift\ or\ control.\n\nThe\ manual\ on\ buttons\ mentions\ that\ it\ is\ possible\ to\ change\ the\ default-bindings,\nbut\ gives\ no\ example.\ <<br>>\nHas\ this\ been\ done\ yet\ ?\n\n\[APN\]\ Just\ use\ the\ standard\ bind\ command\ like\ for\ any\ other\ widget.\n\n======\nbind\ .b\ <Shift-Button-1>\ YOUR-SCRIPT\n======\n\[HJG\]\ Thanks!\n\n----\n***\ Missing\ Category\ \"Tcl\ syntax\ help\"\ ***\nfor\ example,\ in\ \[source\]\ and\ \[string\ totitle\].\n\n\[AMG\]:\ This\ page\ used\ to\ exist\ and\ serve\ as\ a\ quasi-category\ page\ listing\ all\ the\ core\ Tcl\ commands,\ script\ variables,\ and\ shell\ environment\ variables,\ plus\ a\ few\ other\ useful\ references.\ \ See\ the\ last\ such\ version\ here:\ \[\].\ \ The\ page\ was\ deleted\ because\ it\ duplicated\ the\ \[Tcl\ Commands\],\ \[Tcl\ syntax\],\ \[tclvars\],\ and\ \[Magic\ names\]\ pages,\ but\ the\ references\ were\ not\ cleaned\ up.\ \ I\ don't\ think\ it\ was\ a\ good\ idea\ to\ delete\ it,\ so\ I\ will\ reinstate\ it\ as\ a\ collection\ of\ links\ to\ pages\ about\ Tcl\ syntax\ help.\n\n----\n***\ rename\ wiki-pages\ ***\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-02-19:\nIs\ is\ it\ possible\ to\ rename\ wiki-pages,\ without\ loss\ of\ history\ ?\n\nI\ would\ like\ to\ rename\ \[String\ Manipualtion\ Functions\]\ -->\ \[String\ Manipulation\ Functions\].\n\n\[AMG\]:\ Copy\ the\ contents\ of\ the\ old\ page\ to\ the\ new,\ and\ include\ a\ link\ to\ the\ old\ page's\ history\ somewhere\ in\ the\ new.\ \ I\ just\ did\ this\ for\ the\ pages\ mentioned\ above.\n\n----\n***\ Spam\ detected\ on\ user-page\ /\ false\ positive\ ***\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-01-27:\nI\ edited\ a\ section\ of\ my\ userpage\ on\ this\ wiki\ today,\ and\ got\ this\ message:\n\ \ Edit/Upload\ of\ type\ 'text/x-wikit'\ on\ page\ 14271\ -\ HaJo\ Gurt\n\ \ Your\ changes\ have\ NOT\ been\ saved\ because\ they\ are\ considered\ SPAM.\nI'm\ pretty\ sure\ there\ is\ no\ spam\ on\ my\ page.\ So,\ what\ triggered\ that\ message\ ?\ <<br>>\nAlso,\ doing\ the\ same\ edit\ on\ the\ whole\ page\ was\ accepted\ without\ error\ when\ saving.\n\nThe\ page\ has\ a\ lot\ of\ links,\ but\ mostly\ to\ pages\ within\ this\ wiki.\nSo\ I\ guess\ the\ heuristic\ to\ detect\ spam\ is\ ''way''\ off...\n\n\[PYK\]\ 2016-01-31:\ \ Efforts\ to\ counter\ the\ current\ spam\ attack\ are\ ongoing.\ \ Your\ report\ will\ make\ it\ to\ the\ right\ people.\ \ Stay\ tuned.\n\n\[stevel\]\ 2016-02-01:\ \ I've\ tweaked\ the\ filter,\ your\ home\ page\ should\ be\ OK\ from\ now\ on.\n\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-02-02:\ The\ problem\ is\ still\ present\ -\ see\ my\ latest\ changes\ to\ section\ \"Demos\ &\ Placeholders\",\nwhich\ has\ only\ internal\ links.\n\n\[stevel\]\ 2016-02-02:\ I\ won't\ go\ into\ the\ details\ of\ how\ the\ spam\ mitigation\ works\ (because\ I\ don't\ want\ to\ alert\ the\ spammers)\ however\ lots\ of\ empty\ links\ in\ a\ page\ can\ trigger\ a\ false\ positive.\ \ Please\ send\ me\ a\ copy\ of\ the\ rejected\ page\ text\ via\ email\ and\ I'll\ tweak\ the\ filter\ again.\ \ \ \ I\ apologise\ for\ the\ inconvenience,\ we'd\ rather\ not\ have\ false\ positives\ but\ we\ certainly\ don't\ want\ the\ spam.\n\n\[HJG\]\ Here\ is\ an\ easy\ testcase:\ <<br>>\nedit\ section\ '''Bughunting''',\ with\ one\ existing\ line,\ with\ link\ to\ existing\ page,\ adding\ \"the\":\n|%rev\ 69-->70%|%\ is\ considered\ spam.<<br>>\nDoing\ that\ edit\ on\ the\ whole\ page\ is\ accepted.\ \ Do\ you\ really\ want\ that\ via\ eMail\ ?\n\nAnother\ easy\ testcase:\nedit\ section\ '''Test''',\ one\ link\ to\ existing\ page\ in\ this\ wiki,\|%rev\ 72-->73%|%\ is\ considered\ spam.<<br>>\nThe\ previous\ content,\ with\ the\ link\ to\ my\ own\ page,\ was\ accepted.\n\nRegarding\ the\ current\ wave\ of\ \"Call\ Us\"-spam\ today,\ \nwith\ no\ links\ in\ their\ text,\ from\ [email protected]\ :\n\ \ Edit\ summary\n\ \ \ ,\ Wed\ Dec\ 31\ 19:00:00\ EST\ 1969,\ New\ page\nThe\ creation-date\ for\ that\ page\ looks\ quite\ wrong.\n\nAlso,\ the\ IP-addresses\ shown\ are\ wrong\ too.\ This\ has\ been\ going\ for\ some\ weeks\ now.\n\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-02-10\ ..\ 2016-02-19:\ The\ problem\ persists\ -\ see\ \[database\ configure\]\ (only\ one\ internal\ link).\n\n----\n***\ How\ do\ i\ get\ the\ parent\ directory\ if\ the\ path\ containing\ .\ or\ ..\ without\ expanding\ symlinks?\ ***\n\n\[AMG\]:\ Question\ moved\ to\ \[\]\ -\ file\ normalize.\n\n----\n***\ tkImg\ serious\ bug\ under\ Aero\ and\ workaround\ (seems\ to\ be\ solved\ with\ the\ tkImg\ Build\ 1.4.5\ ***\nMiR:\ 2016-04-18:\ Got\ a\ message\ from\ SF\ Buftracking,\ the\ Aero\ bug\ in\ tkImg\ seems\ to\ be\ solved\ with\ the\ 1.4.5\ release\ of\ tkImg.\ Tested\ my\ application\ and\ it\ runs\ like\ a\ charm.\ Hurray!\n\nMiR:\ 2015-12-25\n\nI\ ran\ into\ a\ well\ known\ bug\ of\ Img\ in\ conjunction\ with\ Aero/WindowVista\ and\ above.\n(\ reported\ already\ in\ 2010)\n\nI\ was\ even\ able\ to\ reproduce\ this\ under\ WINE\ and\ there\ it\ was\ consistent\ in\ all\ Windows\ versions,\ so\ maybe\ Aero\ is\ not\ the\ only\ reason\ for\ the\ glitch.\nSince\ this\ bug\ makes\ it\ impossible\ to\ export\ a\ canvas\ to\ an\ image\ I'm\ looking\ for\ a\ workaround,\ since\ I\ try\ to\ use\ the\ script\ on\ both\ OS.\nMy\ prog\ is\ losely\ based\ on\\ an\ I\ try\ to\ save\ the\ content\ to\ a\ JPG\ file.\ Any\ thoughts\ on\ this?\ Any\ help\ is\ appreciated,\ since\ I\ don't\ really\ want\ to\ go\ the\ route\ via\ postscript.\ \n\n----\n***\ Update\ to\ TK\ spinbox\ ?\ ***\n\[mocallins\]\ 2015-11-22:\ \n\nAdd\ a\ configuration\ option\ to\ place\ the\ up/down\ buttons,\ on\ the\ other\ side,\ of\ the\ entry\ box.\nAnd/or\ even\ place\ the\ buttonup,\ on\ top\ of\ the\ entry\ box,\ and\ the\ buttondown,\ on\ the\ bottom.\n\n----\n***\ Inspecting\ a\ pixel\ within\ a\ canvas\ ***\n\[IanMacUK\]\ 2015-11-01:\ \n\nI\ was\ attempting\ to\ be\ clever\ and\ use\ the\ shapes\ provied\ by\ canvas\ in\ tk\ to\ construct\ a\ mask\nwhich\ I\ could\ then\ inspect\ thus\ saving\ me\ writing\ a\ load\ of\ code\ to\ fill\ rectangles\ and\ closed\ polygons.\n\nBelow\ is\ some\ very\ simplified\ code.\n\n======\n#\ so\ I\ create\ a\ window\ with\ a\ shape\ on\ it\ which\ has\ been\ filled\ntoplevel\ .mask\nwm\ title\ .mask\ \"Geology\ mask\"\nset\ mask2\ \[canvas\ .mask.c\ -width\ 1023\ -height\ 253\]\n.mask.c\ create\ rect\ 30\ 10\ 120\ 80\ -outline\ #fb0\ -fill\ #fb0\npack\ .mask.c\n\n\n#\ what\ I\ wish\ to\ do\ now\ is\ inspect\ each\ pixel\ of\ the\ window\ .mask.c\ and\ see\ if\ it\ has\ the\ colour\ #fb0\ \n#\ if\ it\ does\ I\ want\ to\ manipulate\ an\ image\ which\ I\ have\ also\ loaded\ into\ another\ window.\n#\ I\ can\ easily\ access\ each\ bit\ of\ the\ image\ and\ modify\ as\ if\ required.\n\nset\ fn\ \"Overview_swath_1.v3.rc.png\"\nimage\ create\ photo\ myPng\ -file\ \$fn\ -palette\ 255/255/255\ntoplevel\ .png\nwm\ title\ .png\ \ \"Overview\ swath\ 1\"\npack\ \[label\ .png.l\ -image\ myPng\ \]\n\nset\ x\ 2\nset\ y\ 2\nset\ pix\ \[myPng\ get\ \$y\ \$x\]\n\n======\n\nSo\ how\ do\ I\ inspect\ my\ canvas\ pixel\ in\ a\ similar\ manner?\n\nWith\ thanks\ in\ advance.\n\n\[aspect\]\ 2015-11-02:\ \ the\ best\ way\ I\ know\ is\ by\ making\ an\ image\ from\ the\ canvas\ contents\ and\ querying\ that\ for\ pixel\ values:\n======\nupdate\ \ \;#\ the\ the\ canvas\ has\ to\ be\ mapped\ +\ rendered\ first\nimage\ create\ photo\ canimg\ -format\ window\ -data\ .mask.c\nputs\ \[canimg\ get\ \$y\ \$x\]\n======\nThis\ may\ not\ play\ too\ well\ if\ the\ canvas\ is\ partially\ obscured\ --\ something\ from\|%here%|%\ might\ point\ towards\ a\ solution\ if\ that\ is\ the\ case.\ \ I'd\ also\ like\ to\ mention\ \[CRIMP\]\ if\ you\ find\ pixel-by-pixel\ operations\ from\ Tcl\ too\ slow,\ and\ can\ use\ a\ binary\ extension\ in\ your\ application.\n\n\[HJG\]\ 2016-01-27:\ See\ also\ \[Get\ the\ color\ of\ the\ pixel\ under\ the\ pointer\].\n\n----\n\n***\ In\ Windows\ platform\ when\ i\ click\ on\ dialog\ box\ Icon\ on\ taskbar\ is\ not\ supported\ to\ open,\ but\ it\ works\ fine\ in\ UNIX\ .***\n\[Kalavathi\]\ 2015-10-08:\ \nI\ am\ facing\ the\ issue\ both\ using\ \"transient\ option\ with\ wm\ command\"\ and\ grab\ command.\nTo\ reproduce\ the\ issue\ i\ will\ send\ some\ code\n\n======\ntoplevel\ .child\nframe\ .child.frame\nbutton\ .child.frame.button\ -text\ \"child\"\ -command\ \"destroy\ .child\"\npack\ .child.frame.button\npack\ .child.frame\n\ntoplevel\ .parent\nframe\ .parent.frame\nbutton\ .parent.frame.button\ -text\ \"parent\"\ -command\ \"destroy\ .parent\"\npack\ .parent.frame.button\npack\ .parent.frame\n\nwm\ transient\ .child\ .parent\ngrab\ .child\nwm\ withdraw\ .\n======\n\nWhen\ i\ execute\ above\ code\ ,\ two\ windows\ opened\ child\ and\ parent.To\ minimize\ this\ windows\ i\ have\ used\ keybord\ shortcut\ \"windows+d\".\ To\ open\ this\ windows\ when\ i\ try\ to\ click\ icon\ on\ taskbar,\ i\ am\ not\ able\ to\ open.\ To\ open\ this\ window,\ i\ have\ to\ select\ \"Bring\ to\ Front\"\ related\ menu\ in\ Windows\ Task\ Manager.\ \n\ncan\ you\ give\ me\ the\ solution\ by\ using\ transient\ and\ grab\ features\ to\ the\ child\ and\ parent\ windows.\ \ \ \n----\n***\ ffidl\ -\ problems\ with\ char\ parameter\ ***\n\[Boltar\]\ 2015-09-07:\ \nI'm\ using\ ffidl\ the\ first\ time\ and\ have\ a\ little\ problem\ with\ char\ arrays.\nExample\ C\ function\ declaration:\n======\nlong\ myVersion\ (char\ Versioninfo\[257\])\n======\nWhere\ '''Versioninfo'''\ is\ an\ out\ parameter.\n\nMy\ first\ ffidl\ approach:\n======\npackage\ require\ Ffidl\nset\ DLL\ some.dll\nffidl::callout\ _MyVersion\ \{char\}\ long\ \[ffidl::symbol\ \$DLL\ MyVersion\]\ stdcall\n\nset\ szMyVersion\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[binary\ format\ \[::ffidl::info\ format\ char\]257\ \[lrepeat\ 257\ 0x00\]\]\nset\ result\ \[_MyVersion\ \$szMyVersion\]\n======\nBut\ this\ does\ not\ work.\ The\ ErrMsg\ tells\ me,\ that\ the\ function\ expects\ an\ integer.\n\nSo\ I\ changed\ the\ callout\ to\ a\ pointer.\n======\npackage\ require\ Ffidl\nset\ DLL\ some.dll\nffidl::callout\ _MyVersion\ \{pointer-utf8\}\ long\ \[ffidl::symbol\ \$DLL\ MyVersion\]\ stdcall\n\nset\ szMyVersion\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \[binary\ format\ \[::ffidl::info\ format\ char\]257\ \[lrepeat\ 257\ 0x00\]\]\nset\ result\ \[_MyVersion\ szMyVersion\]\nbinary\ scan\ \$szMyVersion\ a*\ szMyVersion\n======\nThis\ time\ the\ function\ does\ not\ run\ into\ an\ error\ and\ also\ returns\ 'OK',\ but\ the\ variable\ szMyVersion\ is\ still\ filled\ with\ 257\ 0x00.\nI\ tried\ different\ pointers\ (pointer-var,\ pointer-obj\ etc.),\ but\ I'm\ not\ able\ to\ read\ the\ version\ string.\ \n\nI\ guess,\ that\ I'm\ not\ seeing\ the\ woods\ for\ the\ trees.\nAdditionally,\ what\ would\ be\ the\ right\ way\ for\ using\ the\ above\ mentioned\ parameter\ as\ an\ in/out\ parameter\ (an\ other\ function\ is\ defined\ like\ this)\n\nThanks\ in\ advance.\n----\n***\ different\ behavior\ when\ serial\ port\ connection\ is\ scripted\ ***\n\[tnteverett\]\ 2015-08-06:\ \nWhen\ I\ connect\ to\ a\ serial\ port\ manually,\ then\ power\ on\ the\ device,\ then\ wait\ for\ characters\ to\ appear,\ I\ can\ type\ a\ few\ carriage\ returns\ to\ make\ the\ connection\ detect\ the\ baud\ rate\ and\ start\ sending\ and\ receiving\ characters.\nWhen\ I\ script\ this\ sequence,\ it\ appears\ that\ I\ cannot\ duplicate\ the\ autobaud\ by\ sending\ carriage\ returns\ when\ I\ detect\ the\ first\ few\ characters\ on\ the\ serial\ port.\ \nHas\ anyone\ ever\ run\ across\ this\ issue\ or\ have\ any\ suggestions\ on\ how\ I\ can\ debug\ the\ failure?\n\n\[AMG\]:\ Just\ a\ guess,\ but\ maybe\ your\ script\ isn't\ entering\ the\ event\ loop.\ \ I\ dunno.\ \ Can\ you\ post\ some\ sample\ code?\n\n\[LWS\]:\ My\ guesses\ are\ (a)\ your\ script\ is\ running\ faster\ than\ human\ interaction,\ giving\ the\ stream\ less\ time\ to\ synchronize.\ \ Who/what\ is\ doing\ the\ baudrate\ detection?\ \ Try\ using\ the\ after\ command\ to\ insert\ a\ delay\ to\ simulate\nhuman-like\ interaction.\ \ (b)\ Depending\ on\ how\ you\ constructed\ the\ string\ you\ are\ sending\ out\ (with\ the\ carriage\ returns),\ you\ may\ need\ to\ use\ flush\ on\ the\ stream.\n----\n***\ Send\ a\ get\ request\ to\\ using\ http\ please\ help\ ***\n\[sam\]\ 2015-08-5:\ \n\n\nI\ have\ a\ question.\ I\ am\ trying\ to\ send\ a\ get\ request\ to\\ using\ tcl.\ How\ would\ I\ do\ this?\ \n\n\[MG\]\ There\ are\ a\ number\ of\ ways.\ The\ simplest\ is\ probably\ to\ use\ the\ \[http\]\ package\;\ documentation\ and\ an\ example\ are\|%here%|%.\ \[TclCurl\]\ would\ be\ another\ possible\ way.\n\n----\n\n***\ tk\ -\ copy/paste\ vs.\ disabled\ ***\n\n\[Wurzelsepp\]:\ in\ old\ versions\ of\ Tk,\ one\ could\ disable\ an\ entry\ (or\ text)\ after\ inserting\ data,\ but\ still\ copy/paste\ from\ these\ fields.\nIs\ there\ a\ way\ to\ achieve\ to\ allow\ copying\ with\ current\ tk\ version?\n\n\[aspect\]:\ \ I\ don't\ know\ about\ the\ old\ Tk\ behaviour,\ but\ \[read-only\ text\ widget\]\ has\ some\ examples\ -\ I\ like\ the\ snit\ `rotext`\ version\ linked\ from\ there.\n\n\[MG\]\ Use\ \$widget\ -state\ readonly\n\n\[Wurzelsepp\]:\ thanks\ a\ lot,\ I\ have\ changed\ all\ my\ entries\ to\ -state\ readonly\ (if\ running\ on\ a\ new\ interpreter),\ and\ things\ look\ fine\n----\n***\ Beginner\ needs\ help\ with\ writing\ a\ script\ ***\n\n\[wizzleteats\]:\ I'm\ just\ a\ beginner\ in\ TCL\ creating\ some\ of\ my\ first\ scripts.\ \ I'm\ not\ a\ programmer.\ \ I\ have\ the\ script\ (example\ below)\ to\ create\ new\ IDTL\ lines\ in\ a\ Genband\ switch.\ \ It\ works\ great\ but\ only\ if\ I\ start\ at\ 1\ and\ increment\ by\ 1\ from\ there,\ 220\ in\ the\ example\ below.\ \ I\ want\ to\ be\ able\ to\ start\ at\ a\ higher\ number,\ let's\ say\ 1101\ and\ increment\ by\ 1\ up\ to\ 1200.\ \ Does\ anyone\ have\ any\ idea\ how\ to\ do\ that?\ \ I\ can't\ seem\ to\ figure\ it\ out.\n\n======\n#!/generic/bin/tclsh\nsource\ /generic/scripts/libsource.tcl\nlibsource_source\ libstd.tcl\n\nsay\ \"Building\ your\ new\ IDTLs\ now.\ \ Please\ Stand\ By...\"\n\nwhile\ \{1\}\ \{\n\ \ \ ovly\ cpk\n\ \ \ for\ \{set\ i\ 1\}\ \{\$i\ <\ 220\}\ \{incr\ i\}\ \{\n\ \ \ \ \ \ cmd\ \"new\ idtl\ plsd\ ide\ 1\ \$i\ spl\"\n\ \ \ \}\n\ \ \ cmd\ \"****\"\n\}\n======\n\n'''\[Siqsuruq\]\ -\ 2015-06-29\ 16:07:42'''\n\n\[\[try\ this:\]\]\n\n======\n#!/generic/bin/tclsh\nsource\ /generic/scripts/libsource.tcl\nlibsource_source\ libstd.tcl\n\nsay\ \"Building\ your\ new\ IDTLs\ now.\ \ Please\ Stand\ By...\"\n\nwhile\ \{1\}\ \{\n\ \ \ ovly\ cpk\n\ \ \ for\ \{set\ i\ 1101\}\ \{\$i\ <\ 1200\}\ \{incr\ i\}\ \{\n\ \ \ \ \ \ cmd\ \"new\ idtl\ plsd\ ide\ 1\ \$i\ spl\"\n\ \ \ \}\n\ \ \ cmd\ \"****\"\n\}\n======\n\n----\n***\ Rendering\ of\ link-names\ for\ links\ to\\ ***\n\[HJG\]\ 2015-06-19:\ \nThere\ is\ a\ problem\ with\ links\ that\ have\ an\ embedded\ \"http\",\nsuch\ as\ those\ you\ get\ from\ the\ waybackmachine:\n\ \ \ *\ A-Plain:\\n\ \ \ *\ B-Brackets:\ \[\]\n\ \ \ *\ C1-Linkname-ok:\|%link\ name%|%\n\ \ \ *\ C2-Linkname-bad:\|%link\ name%|%\nIt\ would\ be\ nice\ if\ someone\ could\ look\ into\ repairing\ the\ rendering\ of\ version\ 'C2'\ above.\n\n\[AMG\]:\ I\ tried\ to\ file\ an\ issue\ report\ at\\ but\ the\ database\ is\ currently\ read-only\ \[!topic/google-code-hosting/Gh3kl9MrzY4\].\ \ Here's\ the\ text\ so\ I\ can\ paste\ it\ later\ when\ (if?)\ Google\ Code\ is\ back\ online.\n\n======none\nThe\ Wiki\ text:\n\n|%link\ name%|%\n\nrenders\ as:\n\n\ name%|%\n\nThe\ text\ \"\"\ is\ a\ link\ to\ same.\ \ The\ text\ \"link\"\ is\ a\ link\ to\ \"\".\n\nReported\ by\ HJG.\ \ See\\ for\ more\ information.\n======\n\n\[HJG\]\ 2015-06-21:\ The\ same\ type\ of\ problem\ shows\ up\ when\ the\ link-name\ contains\ links,\ such\ as\ \n\ \ \ *\ C3:\|%Game\ Programming\ with\ \[Python\],\ Lua,\ and\ \[Ruby\]%|%\n\n----\n***\ Why\ are\ we\ still\ using\ Google\ Code?\ ***\n\n\[AMG\]:\ Google\ Code\ is\ being\ retired,\ and\ we\ MUST\ move\ elsewhere\ \[\]\ within\ the\ year.\n\n'''HJG'''\ 2016-01-27:\ has\ this\ problem\ with\ Google-Code\ been\ taken\ care\ of\ yet\ ?\n\n----\n***\ Table\ of\ Contents\ in\ historical\ wiki\ pages\ ***\n\n\[AMG\]:\ (Posting\ here\ since\ I\ can't\ post\ to\ the\ Google\ Code\ issues\ list.\ \ To\ be\ moved\ later,\ I\ hope.)\n\nWhen\ looking\ at\ historical\ revisions\ of\ a\ wiki\ page,\ e.g.\ \[\],\ \nthe\ Table\ of\ Contents\ is\ not\ emitted.\ \ This\ makes\ it\ hard\ to\ produce\ links\ to\ sections\ of\ historical\ pages.\ \ \nThe\ requisite\ id\ attributes\ tags\ are\ emitted,\ so\ such\ links\ work,\ but\ they\ have\ to\ be\ made\ by\ hand.\ \ \nThis\ can\ only\ be\ done\ if\ the\ current\ version\ of\ the\ page\ has\ section\ titles\ with\ the\ same\ name\ so\ the\ proper\ anchor\ checksum\ is\ produced.\n\n----\n***\ What\ are\ we\ doing\ with\ issues,\ anyway?\ ***\n\n\[AMG\]:\ For\ the\ past\ few\ years,\ there\ doesn't\ seem\ to\ have\ been\ been\ any\ activity\ addressing\ issues\ on\ the\ issues\ list\ \[\].\ \ Is\ anyone\ maintaining\ the\ wiki\ code?\n\n----\n***\ Broken\ images\ ***\n\[HJG\]\ 2015-05-20:\ There\ are\ a\ lot\ of\ wiki-pages\ with\ broken\ images,\ <<br>>\nbecause\ external\ links\ have\ expired\ (many\ of\ them\ from\ user\ \[gold\]).\ Does\ the\ wiki\ have\ a\ way\ to\ check\ for\ this,\ and\ make\ a\ list\ ?\n\n\[gold\]1may2016,Thanks\ for\ your\ help\ in\ restoring\ offsite\ images.\ I'm\ going\ to\ cut\ many\ of\ my\ references\ to\ offsite\ images.\ Can't\ easily\ retrieve\ some\ images\ and\ not\ sure\ images\ add\ that\ much.\ I'll\ restore\ my\ offsites\ into\ onsite\ \ WIKI\ storage,\ what\ I\ can.\ Would\ like\ some\ posted\ (approved\ consensus)\ specifications\ or\ suggestions\ of\ image\ type\ (png\ or\ gif)\ and\ usefull\ byte\ size\ on\ the\ how_to\ page.\ Since\ have\ seen\ arguments\ on\ use\ of\ jpegs\ and\ fuzzies\ on\ TCL\ WIKI.\ There\ are\ some\ search\ key\ words\ that\ will\ pull\ the\ older\ images.\n\n----\n***\ Preferred\ Online-Interpreter\ ***\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-05-17:\ \ I\ made\ a\ page\ about\ \[Online-IDEs\]\ /\ interpreters\ with\ Tcl-support,\ <<br>>\nand\ would\ like\ feedback\ and\ recommandations,\ such\ as\n\ \ \ *\ What\ else\ are\ out\ there,\ what\ are\ their\ advantages\ /\ disadvantages,\ etc.?\ \n\ \ \ *\ Lua\ has\ its\ own\|%Live\ demo%|%,\ but\ Tcl\ doesn't\ have\ such\ a\ thing\ ?\ Why\ ?\ \n\n----\n\n***\ Date\ for\ announcements\ on\ startpage\ of\ wiki\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-05-05:\ Why\ is\ there\ no\ date\ on\ news-items\ like\ \"Tcl/Tk\ 8.6.4\ Released\"\ ?\n\n----\n\n***\ \[Shikiria\]\ -\ 2015-04-28\ 02:18:52\ -\ wm\ maxsize\ ***\n\nI\ have\ made\ a\ little\ GUI\ and\ its\ max\ size\ is\ -800\ -400.\ \n\n======\nwm\ maxsize\ .\ 800\ 400\n======\n\nNow\ when\ I\ maximize\ my\ little\ window\ it\ jumps\ to\ the\ top\ left\ hand\ corner.\ \nIs\ there\ a\ way\ for\ me\ to\ make\ it\ maximize\ on\ the\ spot?\n\nWith\ the\ window\ maximized\ and\ it's\ sitting\ on\ the\ top\ left\ hand\ corner,\ \nif\ I\ try\ to\ grab\ the\ title\ bar\ and\ move\ it\ to\ the\ center,\ the\ window\ immediately\ minimizes\ again.\n\nIs\ there\ a\ way\ to\ prevent\ that?\n\nThanks\ for\ the\ help\ guys.\n\nWarm\ regards\nShikiria\n\n\[arjen\]:\ The\ purpose\ of\ `\[wm\ maxsize\]`\ is\ to\ restrict\ the\ size\ of\ the\ window.\ \nFrom\ your\ description\ I\ read\ that\ you\ want\ it\ to\ fill\ the\ screen\ anyway.\ \n\nIn\ that\ case,\ just\ drop\ `\[wm\ maxsize\]`,\ in\ which\ case\ Tcl/Tk\ calculates\ the\ size\ of\ the\ window\ itself.\ \nYou\ can\ be\ quite\ lazy\ in\ that\ respect.\n\n----\n\n***\ Wiki\ -\ Links\ to\ questions\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-04-27:\n\nAt\ the\ top\ of\ \[Ask,\ and\ it\ shall\ be\ given\ #\ 8\],\ there\ is\ the\ statement\n\n\"''Please\ add\ hyperlinks\ leading\ to\ your\ question\ at\ the\ top\ of\ this\ page''\".\n\nIsn't\ that\ the\ job\ of\ \"<<TOC>>\"\ ?\n\n----\n\n***\ Wiki\ -\ Section\ edit\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-04-25:\n\nThis\ wiki\ shows\ edit-links\ only\ for\ sections\ of\ level\ 1\ (header\ enclosed\ in\ `**`).\nCan\ this\ be\ controlled\ somehow\ ?\nFor\ example,\ in\ these\ \"Ask\"-pages,\ it\ would\ be\ nice\ to\ be\ able\ to\ only\ edit\ the\ section\ of\ a\ single\ question\ (that\ is,\ a\ level\ 2-section).\n\n\[PYK\]\ 2015-05-17:\ \ This\ is\ one\ reason\ I\ keep\ the\ pages\ I've\ edited\ mostly\ flat,\nrarely\ going\ beyond\ the\ `**`\ header\ level.\ \ \nSometimes\ I\ think\ it's\ a\ good\ thing\ that\ it\ isn't\ easier\ to\ use\ multiple\ layers\ of\ headings,\ \nbecause\ it\ encourages\ keeping\ each\ page\ smaller\ and\ moving\ sections\ off\ into\ their\ own\ pages.\ \nIn\ general,\ I\ think\ keeping\ each\ wiki\ page\ smaller\ and\ more\ dedicated\ to\ a\nparticular\ issue\ is\ good\ style.\n\n----\n\n***\ String-to-integer\ /\ values\ from\ clock\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-03-15\ :\nThis\ problem\ came\ up\ when\ writing\ \[FuzzyClock\],\ converting\ values\ from\ \[clock\ seconds\]\ to\ integer.\n\nWhat\ is\ the\ preferred\ way\ to\ convert\ the\ string-values\ for\ hours,\ minutes\ or\ seconds\ to\ integers\ ?<<br>>\nThere\ are\ several\ \"obvious\ ways\"\ to\ do\ it,\ such\ as\n\ \ \ *\ incr\ mm\;\ incr\ mm\ -1\;\n\ \ \ *\ set\ x\ \[\[expr\ \{\$mm\}\]\]\n\ \ \ *\ format\ %u\ \$mm\n\ \ \ *\ and\ more,\ see\ \[expr\ problems\ with\ int\].\n\ \ \ *\ All\ those\ work\ \"most\ of\ the\ time\",\ but\ give\ a\ surprising\ error\ for\ some\ values,\ e.g.\ \"08\"\ and\ \"09\".\nFor\ FuzzyClock,\ I\ wrote\ a\ proc\ s2i,\ that\ just\ special-cases\ these\ values,\nbut\ there\ should\ be\ some\ better\ way.\n\n\[RLE\]\ (2015-05-19):\ Use\ the\ \[scan\]\ command:\n\n======\n\ \ %\ scan\ \"2015-09-08\ 07:06:05\"\ \"%d-%d-%d\ %d:%d:%d\"\ y\ mo\ d\ h\ m\ s\n\ \ 6\n\ \ %\ foreach\ var\ \{y\ mo\ d\ h\ m\ s\}\ \{\ puts\ \"\$var=\[set\ \$var\]\"\ \}\n\ \ y=2015\n\ \ mo=9\n\ \ d=8\n\ \ h=7\n\ \ m=6\n\ \ s=5\n======\n'''MiHa''':\ That\ is\ a\ neat\ solution,\ thanks\ !\n\n----\n\n***\ Image\ placement\ /\ TOC\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-03-14\ :\nI\ think\ it\ would\ be\ nice\ to\ have\ a\ picture\ on\ the\ right\ side\ of\ a\ <<TOC>>,\ where\ the\ space\ is\ mostly\ unused.\nI\ tried\ that\ on\ the\ \[Graffiti\]-page,\ but\ it\ doesn't\ come\ out\ that\ way.\n\nUsing\ a\ table\ doesn't\ help\ in\ this\ case,\ because\ it\ appears\ that\ <<TOC>>\ only\ works\ \nwhen\ standing\ alone\ on\ a\ line.\ <<br>>\nWhat\ are\ the\ options\ for\ placing\ images\ here\ on\ the\ wiki\ ?\n\n----\n\n***\ Edit\ very\ first\ section\ of\ a\ page\ ***\n\n\[MiHa\]\ 2015-03-14\ :\nThe\ **first\ section**\ gets\ number\ 0,\ so\ how\ can\ you\ edit\ the\ top\ section\ only,\ \nof\ a\ (possibly\ very\ long)\ page\ ?\n\n\[AMG\]:\ When\ you\ originally\ make\ the\ page,\ start\ it\ with\ a\ **whatever**\ section\ header,\ saying\ \"overview\"\ or\ some\ such.\ \ It's\ not\ ideal,\ I\ know,\ but\ it's\ what\ we\ have\ right\ now.\n\n----\n\n***\ \[LAM\]\ 2015-01-19\ 02:36:03\ ***\n\n''«Once\ you\ have\ received\ a\ satisfactory\ answer,\ please\ cut\ your\ question\ and\ answer\ directly\ on\ an\ appropriate\ page\ of\ the\ wiki.\ If\ you\ cannot\ find\ an\ existing\ page,\ create\ a\ new\ one.»''\n\nSorry\ but\ i\ think\ is\ better\ avoid\ this\ kind\ of\ pages\ of\ miscellaneous.\ \nIf\ the\ people\ cut\ the\ questions\ after\ receiving\ an\ answer,\ why\ are\ these\ pages\ are\ full\ of\ questions\ ?\ (isn´t\ for\ lack\ of\ anwsers,\ sure).\n\n\[BW\]\ 2015-01-20\ 02:36:03:\ \n\nIt\ is\ because\ we,\ ticklish\ world\ Tclers\ are\ not\ as\ disciplined\ as\ Ticklish\ Argentinian\ Tecklers!\ :-)\ \nWe\ don't\ put\ the\ paragraph\ in\ the\ right\ spot\ when\ the\ paragraph\ is\ complete.\ \nIf\ we\ did\ so,\ this\ page\ would\ serve\ its\ purpose:\ to\ be\ a\ '''temporary'''\ repository\ of\ questions\ and\ answers.\ \nOh\ well!\n\n----\n\n***\ Codefolding\ ***\n\nMiR\ -\ 2015-02-25:\n\nI'm\ working\ with\ jEdit\ mainly.\ Is\ there\ something\ like\ a\ codefolding\ sidekick\ for\ Tcl\ \n(as\ for\ other\ languages\ like\ php,\ where\ I\ can\ see\ the\ functions\ in\ the\ sidebar)?\ \nI've\ been\ searching\ for\ a\ time\ now\ and\ can't\ find\ any...\ \nthanks\ for\ your\ help,\ Michael\n\n\[RLE\]\ 2015-02-25:\ I've\ heard\ it\ said\ that\ the\ \[Geany\]\ editor\ will\ display\ Tcl\ procs\ in\ the\ sidebar.\n\n----\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nI\ am\ working\ on\ a\ simple\ Expect/TCL\ Script.\ In\ my\ output,\ I\ am\ seeing\ that\ my\ script\ however\ is\ sending\ on\ involuntary\ command,\ which\ I\ have\ not\ even\ set.\ Please\ take\ a\ look\ at\ the\ code\ and\ let\ me\ know\ your\ output\ using\ the\ debug\ option.\ I\ can\ see\ clearly\ in\ my\ debug\ options\ that\ expect\ sends\ a\ command\ which\ I\ did\ not\ trigger,\ and\ I\ know\ this\ because\ the\ expect\ debug\ outtptut\ does\ not\ show\ \"send:\ sending\ \"\ before\ sending\ the\ command.\ Please\ test\ out\ this\ script,\ let\ me\ know\ your\ experience,\ and\ if\ you\ can,\ show\ me\ your\ output.\ Thanks,\ seriously.\ The\ source\ code\ is\ below:\ (If\ you\ try\ out\ the\ code,\ don't\ forget\ to\ add\ the\ #!/your/shell\ at\ the\ top)\n\nDriver\ Script\ :\\n\necho\ \"Please\ enter\ your\ Username\"\ #Prompt\ user\ for\ Username\nread\ -s\ username\necho\ \"Please\ enter\ your\ Password\"\ #Prompt\ user\ for\ Password\nread\ -s\ password\necho\ \"Starting\ Expect\ Script\"\n./sample.expect\ \$username\ \$password\n\n\n\n\nExpect\ Script\ :\ sample.expect\n\n\ exp_internal\ 1\n\ set\ username\ \[lindex\ \$argv\ 0\]\n\ set\ password\ \[lindex\ \$argv\ 1\]\n\ set\ hostFile\ \[open\ hosts.txt\ r\]\ \n\ while\ \{\ \[gets\ \$hostFile\ hostname\]\ >=\ 0\ \}\ \{\n\ spawn\ ssh\ -q\ -o\ StrictHostKeyChecking=no\ \$username@\$hostname\n\ expect\ \"password:\ \"\n\ send\ \ \"\$password\\r\"\n\ expect\ \"\$\ \"\n\ send\ \"pbrun\ /bin/su\ -\"\n\ expect\ \{\n\ \ \"^\"\ \{\n\ \ \ puts\ \"NewLine\ Was\ Caught\ After\ pbrun\ /bin/su\ -\ command\"\n\ \ \ #break\n\ \ \}\n\ \ \"Rejected.*\"\ \{\n\ \ \ puts\ \"NewLine\ &\ Return\ Carraige\ Was\ Caught\ After\ pbrun\ /bin/su\ -\ command\"\n\ \ \ #break\n\ \ \}\n\ \}\n\ send\ \"hostname\\r\"\n\ expect\ \{\n\ \ -re\ \{\".\{8\}\[0-9\]\{5\}\"*\}\ \{\n\ \ \ puts\ \"BUFFER::REFFUB\"\n\ \ \}\n\ \}\n\ \}\n\n\n\nHostfile\ :\ hosts.txt\n\n======\\\\n======\n\n<<categories>>\ Discussion\ |\ Development} CALL {my revision {Ask, and it shall be given # 12}} CALL {::oo::Obj742278 process revision/Ask%2C+and+it+shall+be+given+%23+12} CALL {::oo::Obj742276 process}




Unknow state transition: LINE -> END
    while executing
"error $msg"
    (class "::Wiki" method "render_wikit" line 6)
    invoked from within
"my render_$default_markup $N $C $mkup_rendering_engine"
    (class "::Wiki" method "render" line 8)
    invoked from within
"my render $name $C"
    (class "::Wiki" method "revision" line 31)
    invoked from within
"my revision $page"
    (class "::Wiki" method "process" line 56)
    invoked from within
"$server process [string trim $uri /]"
