'''[http://www.autohotkey.com/%|%AutoHotkey]''' is a an [Open Source%|%open-source] [Microsoft Windows%|%windows] program to automate some repetitive tasks. ** Reference ** [http://eli.thegreenplace.net/2007/08/08/windows-automation-with-autohotkey/%|%Windows Automation with AutoHotKey], Eli Bendersky, 2007-08-08: a good overview of AutoHotkey's features ** See Also ** [Techniques for 'driving' Windows applications]: alternative techniques ** Description ** Another use of AutoHotkey is to create [hotkey%|%hotkeys] to provide, customized, more friendly keyboard shortcuts, like the example: ======none LAlt & WheelDown::AltTab LAlt & WheelUp::ShiftAltTab ====== (This is not Tcl of course) Such script lets you switch between open application by pressing the Left-ALT key and the mouse wheel, instead of the awkward ALT-TAB combination. [CLN] Of course, for left-handed users, this is a bad combination because both the mouse and the left Alt key are on the left. Is there are reason to limit it to the ''left'' Alt key? Why not either one? This is just one issue in supporting [Left- and Right-Handed Users]. ---- Various forks of AutoHotkey are available. [http://maul-esel.github.io/ahkbook/en/What-Version-To-Choose.html%|%Here is a guide] to them. <> Windows