by {Theo Verelst] I've recently made [interactive command composer], which contains rudimentary, but working routines to take the list of procedures from the bwise ''procs_window'' generated dialog window, and extends it with the possiblity to automatically list a (double) clicked procedures' arguments, which can be (double) clicked to be added to an editable list of argument-value pairs, from which with one button-push, an executable command can be generated. On the bottom of that page, I've examplified a routine to generate a block on the bwise canvas based on a procedure, for which a further version is presented here. The procedures on this page make little sense without the bwise package loaded first. See [Bwise] page for pointer to latest (one file, txt or tcl extension, prepend https:// for secure download) version which can be downloaded from the tclhttpd server I run, and [distributed linked bwise] for a list of bwise pages. You'll either need to edit (a copy of) the bwise source file, to make sure the 'procs_window' procedure isn't called before the new one on this page is sourced, or use destroy .f to get rid of the old procedure window. The latter can (as I did) also be done from a script which automatically loads the standard bwise source file, destroys the .f window, loads the new stuff, calls procs_window again, and resizes some fonts when desired. # Generate a unique name for a bwise block with given basename # It checks for existing number-extended blocks, and generates # an incremented number proc block_genname { {blockname {a}} } { set l {}; # find all basic block rectangles (third tag = block), find out the name (by the first tag) # and list those names foreach i [tag_and {block}] {lappend l "[block_name_fromid $i]"} # find all blocks starting with given name, and sort results set b [lsort -int -dict -decr [lsearch -all $l $blockname*]] # get names from sorted indices set m {}; foreach i $b {lappend m [lindex $l $i]} #puts $b,$m # when one or more existing block with same basename exists if {$m != {}} { # extract highest extension set mm [string range [lindex $m 0] [string length $blockname] end] #puts $mm # if non-existing yet, but basename exists, extend with 1 if {$mm == {}} {set mm 0} incr mm set blockname "$blockname$mm" } return $blockname } [] []