Bruce M. Axtens Australian. A beginner on Tcl. Prefer to work on [Mac OS X]. Will work on other platforms, and even Windows (for a price). On contract to a Western Australian Government agency -- Department of Land Information. L1 and L2 support. What programming gets done is still in, yep, VBScript. No home page. But I do have blogs at [] and []. I have been involved at an advisory level with the development team for [Neuronstorm]. As a result they have decided to use Tcl as their scripting language (and for the immediate future, the save file format as well.) An alpha has been released recently. Has anyone checked out [Pashua] yet? See also my [Tcl wrapper for Pashua] which will one day be a package. Email: bruce (underline) axtens (at) yahoo (dot) com (dot) au ---- [[ [Category Person] ]]