Publisher: [O'Reilly] Editor: [Mark Harrison] WWW book information: Wxamples: This is a paperback with source code CD-ROM. The book covers the various Tcl extensions at a snapshot in time - i.e. Tcl 7.6. Extensions such as [BLT], [ET], [Expect], [GroupKit], [incr Tcl], [incr Tk], [incr Widgets], [MTtcl], [Oratcl], [Sybtcl], [TCL-DP], [TclX], [Tix], [TKReplay], [Tree], [TSIPP] are covered. Several other topics, such as info on configuration and debugging Tcl/Tk are also covered. Some of the sources, as well as binaries for Linux and Solaris platforms, appear on the CD-ROM. However, some of the code does not appear on the first edition of the CD-ROM. Watch the ftp location where the missing code will be made available. ---- This book is now out of print. ---- [Category Book]