Purpose: Bibliography and reviews of this book ---- Author: [John Ousterhout] WWW book information: http://cseng.aw.com/bookdetail.qry?ISBN=0-201-63337-X&ptype=1176 http://www.awl.com/cseng/titles/0-201-63337-X/ Book's examples: ftp://ftp.scriptics.com/pub/tcl/doc/book.examples.Z Book suppliment: http://www.scriptics.com/doc/tk4.0.ps The book primarily covers Tcl 7.3 and Tk 3.6. A German translation of this book, titled _Tcl und Tk_, with the ISBN of 3893197931, is also available. While the book is a good intro to Tcl, its basis on the older Tk makes it difficult to use for some types of Tk development. The tk4.0 porting guide postscript document with a few of the issues. However, there have been many changes since Tk 3, particularly in Tk 8's cross platform environment. ----