The following code, which consists of fragments of my real code, illustrates what I mean (I hope): ====== package require tile package require -exact BWidget 1.9.1 BWidget::use -package ttk -setoptdb 1 -style default set mf [MainFrame .m -separator both -textvariable ::status] pack $mf -expand yes -fill both $mf showstatusbar status set my [$mf getframe]; # Userwindow im Mainframe set inpArea1 [frame $my.inpArea1] set putCmt [Button $inpArea1.putCmt -image [Bitmap::get redo] -text {Übernehmen} -compound right -state disabled -command putCommand] pack $inpArea1 -expand 0 -fill x -ipadx 4 -ipady 2 -padx 4 -pady 2 -side top pack $putCmt -side right -padx 4 -pady 2 # every thing is ok up until now after 1000 $putCmt configure -state normal # here, something has gone wrong after 1000 $putCmt configure -state disabled # hm.... ======