Version 1 of BallroomDJ

Updated 2014-02-08 02:43:22 by bll

BallroomDJ , by bll, is a ballroom music player written in tcl/tk.

bll 2014-2-7

Wanting a gui portable to many operating systems, I immediately turned to Tck/Tk.

BallroomDJ provides interfaces to assign a dance to a song, play those songs from a manual selection or automatically based on various rules, and an optional audio file organization tool to manage the database and modify the audio file data.

Several external programs are used: vlc or mplayer for playback, python-mutagen for mp3 tag handling, metaflac for flac tag handling, vorbistools for vorbis tag handling and various volume controls for linux, windows and mac osx.

Getting the code to stay in a stable state seems difficult and I wrote code coverage instrumentation and (still unfinished) test suites (code coverage is currently at 85%). The test suite needs to be rewritten so that the tests actually make sure the code works correctly and don't just exercise the code.

The other challenge is user interface design. Keeping it easy to use while making the various features available to the user without getting cluttered is always a challenge.