The following applications invoke the [tcllib] [base64] encoding/decoding package. They are intended to be a pair of applications allowing the user to encode an arbitrary file or data presented on standard input, or decode an encoded file or data . [[NOTE: There is something wrong with the code at the bottom - it doesn't work exactly. If I run encoder < file1 | decoder > file2 ; cmp file1 file2 sometimes I get a match and sometimes no match. Anyone see what is going wrong? ---- [RS]: Could it be that base64 puts 6 bits into one byte, so for some files the length is not divisible both by 6 and 8? (I mean, some bits are finally left over, and are maybe padded into a blank or so?) [AK]: The encode command auto-pads its output with '=' for input lengths not 0 module 3, and the decode command recognizes padding and strips it properly. IMHO an example of input exhibiting the problem should be provided, without debugging is like walking through fog. ---- #! /usr/tcl84/bin/tclsh package require base64 # Purpose: read stdin or a file on the argument line and output to stdout # a base64 encoding of the file. # Version 1.0 by [Larry W. Virden] # Version 1.1 by [Larry W. Virden] and [Andreas Kupries] if { $argc > 0 } { set fin [open [lindex $argv 0] "r"] } else { set fin stdin } fconfigure $fin -encoding binary while { ! [eof $fin] } { set input [read $fin 72] puts [::base64::encode $input] } close $fin ---- [LGT]: I added "-maxlen 100" to produce a cleaner output puts [::base64::encode -maxlen 100 $input] ---- #! /usr/tcl84/bin/tclsh package require base64 # Purpose: read stdin or a file on the argument line and output to stdout # a base64 decoding of the file. # Version 1.0 by [Larry W. Virden] # Version 1.1 by [Larry W. Virden] and [Andreas Kupries] if { $argc > 0 } { set fin [open [lindex $argv 0] "r"] } else { set fin stdin } fconfigure stdout -encoding binary while { ! [eof $fin] } { set input [gets $fin] puts -nonewline stdout [::base64::decode $input] } close $fin ---- # CL wonders why they're decoding an extra null string (eof ...). ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Application] | [Category File] |% !!!!!!