Purpose: An interactive community project to teach Tcl scripting. No one has stepped forward yet to 'teach' this. So, why not treat this page as the beginnings of a ''group project''? If you were going to teach someone to program in Tcl, where would you start? * [What is Tcl]? * [Show me an example] * [What kinds of data can Tcl scripts use]? * [Is there anything I should know before I start coding]? * [How do I read and write files in Tcl]? * [How would I program 'ring around a rosie' - looping constructs]? * [How would I reuse my own Tcl code]? * [What do I need to do to reuse someone else's Tcl code]? * [Why can I not place unmatched braces in Tcl comments]? * [How does one change the font in the wish widgets]? * [What debugging tools are available to a Tcl programmer]? * [How am I supposed to handle errors in Tcl]? * [How can I do math in Tcl]? * [Concepts of Architectural Design for Tcl Applications] ---- The idea here is to either add a topic above, or pick one of these and start writing a bit. Sign the page if you like. ---- LV: One commonly referenced tutorial is http://www.msen.com/~clif/TclTutor.html . I have others listed at http://www.purl.org/NET/Tcl-FAQ/ .