Version 1 of Berkeley DB Tcl interface

Updated 2007-07-31 11:15:43 by VI

What: Berkeley DB Tcl interface

 Description: Tcl interface from the support team for the Berkeley DB
        support and development team.
        Contact mailto:[email protected] David Gravereaux for patches
        to the Berkeley DB v3.0.55 Tcl extension to add Stubs support.
        This is currently at version 4.0.14 .
 Updated: 05/2000
 Contact: mailto:[email protected]

 What: Berkeley DB library interface (eijk)
 Where: In development by the contact
 Description: A Tcl interface to the Berkeley DB library.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Pim van der Eijk)

 What: Berkeley DB library interface (Rosen)
 Description: A Tcl embedding of the Berkeley libdb routines.
        Requires Tcl 7.3 and Berkeley db version 1.85.
 Contact: mailto:[email protected] (Steve Rozen, Ph.D.)

Also see DBM

Category Package Category DAtabase