[Arjen Markus] (5 march 2009) Yesterday I spoke with [Kevin Kenny] and [Cameron Laird] about the possibilities of developing an application a la XPPAUT [http://www.math.pitt.edu/~bard/xpp/xpp.html]. The idea is to use such packages as [Tclode] and [Plotchart] to solve systems of ordinary differential equations and plot the results. These equations should be definable in a very similar way as XPPAUT allows. The user-interface should be much more modern though. Anyway, here is a (second) shot at something like that. I have called it "Bernoulli" in honour of those great 17th-century mathematicians, Johan, Jacob and Daniel. (It is also a bit of nostalgia for me, as some 15-20 years ago I developed a similar program, also called bernoulli). The version below defines a number of commands and can actually integrate systems of ODEs using the Tclode extension. No neat user-interface yet, just the basics. See the example at the end for how to use the commands. (The plotnow command simply plots one variable as function of the other after a computation has been done. Each time a new plot is created) ---- Where is tclode extension? [GWM] There is no other page referring to this extension (yet). I have had the temerity to make my own version using the math::calculus to solve a system of ODEs [Bernoulli using math::calculus]. [AM] It is on SourceForge: [http://tclode.sourceforge.net] ---- ====== # bernoulli.tcl -- # Integrate systems of ordinary differential equations # package require Tk package require Plotchart if {0} { set dir tclode1.0 source $dir/pkgIndex.tcl } package require Tclode # namespaces -- # Create a number of private namespaces # namespace eval ::time { variable steps 100 variable tmin 0.0 variable tmax 1.0 variable statevars {t} } namespace eval ::series {} namespace eval ::init {} namespace eval ::deriv {} # plotf -- # Convenience procedure to plot a function of one variable # # Arguments: # range Range over which to plot the function (x-axis) # expression Expression by which the function is defined # (independent variable: t) # # Result: # None # proc plotf {range expression} { # Very simple for now: no parameters foreach {tmin tmax} $range {break} set nosteps 100 set tstep [expr {($tmax-$tmin)/double($nosteps)}] if { ![winfo exists .c] } { pack [canvas .c] } else { .c delete all } set tvalues {} set xvalues {} set xmin {} set xmax {} for {set i 0} {$i < $nosteps+1} {incr i} { set t [expr {$tmin + $i*$tstep}] set x [expr $expression] lappend tvalues $t lappend xvalues $x if { $xmin == {} || $x < $xmin } { set xmin $x } if { $xmax == {} || $x > $xmax } { set xmax $x } } set tscale [::Plotchart::determineScale $tmin $tmax] set xscale [::Plotchart::determineScale $xmin $xmax] set p [::Plotchart::createXYPlot .c $tscale $xscale] foreach t $tvalues x $xvalues { $p plot function $t $x } } # plotnow -- # Convenience procedure to plot one variable as function of the other # # Arguments: # xvar Variable on the x-axis # yvar Variable on the y-axis # # Result: # None # proc plotnow {xvar yvar} { if { ![winfo exists .c] } { pack [canvas .c] } else { .c delete all } set xvalues [set ::series::$xvar] set yvalues [set ::series::$yvar] set xmin {} set xmax {} set ymin {} set ymax {} foreach x $xvalues y $yvalues { if { $xmin == {} || $x < $xmin } { set xmin $x } if { $xmax == {} || $x > $xmax } { set xmax $x } if { $ymin == {} || $y < $ymin } { set ymin $y } if { $ymax == {} || $y > $ymax } { set ymax $y } } set xscale [::Plotchart::determineScale $xmin $xmax] set yscale [::Plotchart::determineScale $ymin $ymax] set p [::Plotchart::createXYPlot .c $xscale $yscale] foreach x $xvalues y $yvalues { $p plot function $x $y } } # timeframe -- # Define the time frame for the next computation # # Arguments: # tmin Minimum time # tmax Maximum time # # Result: # None # proc timeframe {tmin tmax} { set time::tmin $tmin set time::tmax $tmax } # init -- # Define the initial value of a variable # # Arguments: # varname Name of the (state) variable # value Initial value # # Result: # None # proc init {varname value} { set init::$varname $value } # deriv -- # Register the expression that determines the derivative # # Arguments: # varname Name of the (state) variable # expression Expression to be used # # Result: # None # proc deriv {varname expression} { if { [lsearch $::time::statevars $varname] < 0 } { lappend ::time::statevars $varname } set deriv::$varname $expression } # go -- # Do the computation # # Arguments: # None # # Result: # None # proc go {} { # # Time administration and initial values # set t $::time::tmin set ::time::dt [expr {($::time::tmax-$t)/double($::time::steps)}] set args {} foreach v [lrange $::time::statevars 1 end] { lappend args $v [set ::deriv::$v] set $v [set ::init::$v] } # # Construct the ODE solver # set ::time::solver [::tclode::odesolv -atol 1.0e-6 -rtol 1.0e-6 $args] # # Run the computation # $::time::solver run $t for {set ::time::i 0} {$::time::i <= $::time::steps} {incr ::time::i} { set ::time::tnext [expr {$::time::tmin + $::time::dt * $::time::i}] $::time::solver continue $::time::tnext foreach v $::time::statevars { lappend ::series::$v [set $v] } } } # main -- # Test the stuff # #plotf {0 10} {exp(-$t)*cos(2.0*$t)} #after 3000 { # plotf {0.0001 100} {sin($t)/$t} ;# Avoid t=0 of course #} init s 0.0 init c 1.0 init x 0.0 deriv s {$c} deriv c {-$s} deriv x {1} timeframe 0.0 10.0 go catch { console show } foreach t $::series::t s $::series::s c $::series::c x $::series::x { puts [format "%10.4f %10.4f %10.4f %10.4f" $t $s $c $x] } plotnow t c ====== ---- !!!!!! %| [Category Mathematics] |% !!!!!!