When I went to use tcl re-write some tools writed by bash+getopt(1), I found that +There is no satisfactory getopt in tcl: cmdline.tcl in tcllib is so weak. just support '-opt', but can not support '--opt' others like getopt(1) always need write options name three times: 1) in Usage info 2) in getopt argument list 3) in parse code e.g. Usage() { echo "Usage: $prog [options] devname" echo "-a desc of option a" echo "-b desc of option b" echo "-c, --ccc desc of option c" } _at=`getopt -o abc: \ --long ccc \ -n $prog -- "$@"` eval set -- "$_at" while true; do case "$1" in -a) aflag=a; shift 1;; -b) bflag=b; shift 1;; -c|--ccc) cflag=$2; shift 2;; --) shift; break;; esac done So I write a better tcl getopt that compat with GNU getopt_long_only(3), and easy to use. +https://github.com/tcler/getopt.tcl +https://github.com/tcler/getopt.tcl/blob/master/getOpt-1.0/example.tcl +you just need fill a options table. example: ====== #!/bin/sh # The next line is executed by /bin/sh, but not tcl \ exec tclsh "$0" ${1+"$@"} lappend auto_path /usr/local/lib package require getOpt 1.0 namespace import ::getOpt::* # global var array set Opt {} array set InvalidOpt {} set NotOptions [list] set OptionList { {*0} {Dummy {*Options:}} {*1} {Dummy { *Options kkk1:}} f {arg y help {#Specify a test list file}} listf {arg y help {#Same as -f} link f} cc {arg m help {#Notify additional e-mail address on job completion}} {*2} {Dummy { *Options kkk2:}} kcov {arg n help {#insert kcov task for do the kernel test coverage check}} kdump {arg o help {#insert kdump task for get core dump file if panic happen}} {*3} {Dummy { *Options kkk3:}} debugi {hide y} debugii {hide y} h {} } # _parse_ argument getOptions $OptionList $::argv Opt InvalidOpt NotOptions parray Opt parray InvalidOpt puts "NotOptions: $NotOptions" # getUsage test puts "Usage: $argv0 \[options\]" getUsage $OptionList ======