I had a need the other day for dealing with some really big numbers. Unfortunately, the machine I was using did not have [mpexpr] installed. Woe is me. Until I came up with the following fast and very dirty workaround. Works on Unix systems and Windows systems with Cygwin: proc mpexpr { args } { return [ exec echo $args | bc -l ] } % mpexpr 12342342354564636*94852304570297207525 1170699616126044020647089347918085900 Is it a cheat? Well, yeah, it's a cheat. But it was darn handy! [CMcC] I've written [bignum], a quick critcl wrapper for libgmp, giving arbitrary precision ints and floats. [Sarnold] I have written a little multiple precision arithmetics proc in pure Tcl : it is available at http://sarnold.free.fr/index.html. mailto:stephanearnold(at)tele2(dot)fr It does only treat positive integers. (But it is perfect for factorials, mod, power, etc...) ---- [Category Mathematics]