[MS]: A compressor using [Fibonacci coding] of numbers. Could probably be improved with [Arithmetic coding]. Results: * courier12.fibo 985b * times12i.fibo 948b * castle.fibo 11542b * ouster.fibo 1775b ---- The image is * analyzed as in [Binary image compression challenge - mig's Entry] - get bytes of transition encoding * the bits are grouped in bytes (last one completed with 0s to length 8) * the bytes are ranked by decreasing frequency, and numbered accordingly * the byte-number stream is converted to a bitstream by [Fibonacci coding] Note that the most frequent 20 bytes are encoded in less than 8 bits, up to rank 33 in 8 bits, after that there is a loss. The bytes in the compressed file are Encoding: 2 width 2 height 4 clr0 4 clr1 1 table length 256 table (may be shorter) ? data (fibo encoded) ---- Requires the code at [Fibonacci coding]. Usage: set w [encode $img] set img [decode $w] The code: proc analyze img { set h [image height $img] set w [image width $img] set raw [$img data] set clr0 [lindex [lindex $raw 0] 0] set clr $clr0 # Find the second color (assumes just two!) catch { foreach line $raw { foreach pix $line { if {$pix ne $clr} { set clr1 $pix return; #double break } } } set clr1 $clr0 } # Compute a sequence of bytes encoding the color # transitions (bit 1 marks a transition) set mask 128 set byte 0 set bytes [list] foreach line $raw { foreach pix $line { if {$pix ne $clr} { incr byte $mask set clr $pix } if {$mask != 1} { set mask [expr {$mask >> 1}] } else { lappend bytes $byte set byte 0 set mask 128 } } } if {$mask!=128} { lappend bytes $byte } return [list $w $h $clr0 $clr1 $bytes] } proc stats nums { foreach num $nums { if {[info exists a($num)]} { incr a($num) } else { set a($num) 1 } } set tally [list] foreach {num ct} [array get a] { lappend tally [list $num $ct] } lsort -decreasing -index 1 -integer $tally } proc encode img { foreach {w h clr0 clr1 bytes} [analyze $img] break set data [list $w $h] lappend data [expr {[string replace $clr0 0 0 0x]}] lappend data [expr {[string replace $clr1 0 0 0x]}] set tally [stats $bytes] set len [llength $tally] lappend data $len # Compute the map: the most frequent byte is encoded # as 1, the secondmost frequent as 2, ... set i 0 foreach item $tally { set byte [lindex $item 0] set rmap($byte) [incr i] lappend data $byte } # Fibonacci-encode the byte sequence set toEnc [list] foreach byte $bytes { lappend toEnc $rmap($byte) } lappend data [fiboEncodeList $toEnc] # Convert the data stream to binary set clen [string repeat c $len] set cmd [linsert $data 0 binary format ssiii${clen}B*] return [eval $cmd] } proc decode bin { set empty [list] # Read the map and fibo sequence together, separate # them and convert the map to 0/1 strings. # Note that the map will be read with 1-based indices, # hence add a dummy 0-th value binary scan $bin ssiiiB* w h clr0 clr1 len fib set map [list *] set lim [expr {$len*8-1}] set bmap [string range $fib 0 $lim] set fib [string range $fib [incr lim] end] for {set i 0} {$i < $len} {incr i} { lappend map [string range $bmap 0 7] set bmap [string range $bmap 8 end] } # Decode the Fibonacci-encoded bits set fibData [fiboDecodeString $fib] set bits {} foreach num $fibData { append bits [lindex $map $num] } set bits [string range $bits 0 [expr {$w*$h-1}]] set fibdata {} # Regenerate the img data set clrs [list \#[format %06x $clr0] \#[format %06x $clr1]] set nclr 0 set clr [lindex $clrs 0] set i 0 set data $empty set line $empty foreach bit [split $bits {}] { if {$bit} { set nclr [expr {!$nclr}] set clr [lindex $clrs $nclr] } lappend line $clr if {[incr i] == $w} { lappend data $line set line $empty set i 0 } } # Create the image set img [image create photo -width $w -height $h] $img put $data -to 0 0 return $img }