21 March 2016 By: [SeS] for integration with [tGĀ²] ====== # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Purpose : creates bindings for any widget to fadein/out between 2 colors @ Enter/Leave events # User can choose between foreground or background color, if supported by Widget class... # Inspired by : http://wiki.tcl.tk/6100 # usage example : gradientOnMotion $widget darkgreen green # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc gradientOnMotion {w col1Str col2Str {steps 20} {domain -fg} {speed 10} {bindingOnly 1}} { if {!$bindingOnly} { set color1 [winfo rgb $w $col1Str] set color2 [winfo rgb $w $col2Str] lassign $color1 r1 g1 b1 lassign $color2 r2 g2 b2 set rRange [expr $r2.0 - $r1] set gRange [expr $g2.0 - $g1] set bRange [expr $b2.0 - $b1] set rRatio [expr $rRange / $steps] set gRatio [expr $gRange / $steps] set bRatio [expr $bRange / $steps] for {set i 0} {$i < $steps} {incr i} { set nR [expr int( $r1 + ($rRatio * $i) )] set nG [expr int( $g1 + ($gRatio * $i) )] set nB [expr int( $b1 + ($bRatio * $i) )] set col [format {%4.4x} $nR] append col [format {%4.4x} $nG] append col [format {%4.4x} $nB] if {[$w cget $domain]=="#${col}"} {return} $w configure $domain #${col} after $speed; update idletasks } $w configure $domain $col2Str ;# final state not included in for-loop return $w } { bind $w "gradientOnMotion %W $col1Str $col2Str $steps $domain $speed 0" bind $w "gradientOnMotion %W $col2Str $col1Str $steps $domain $speed 0" } } # Test with : pack [label .l -text "Hello World" -fg darkgreen -font {Arial 20 bold}] gradientOnMotion .l darkgreen green ====== <>Graphics | Tk