[snichols] Below is some Tcl/Tk code for demonstrating how Tcl's blowfish encryption algorythm works. This TK app uses a plain text key field and plain text data field to create a encrypted blowfish data field. This app also allows you to save and load the data fields from file. Tcl Blowfish Caveats I have found through testing: - If the plain text data field is not divisible by 8 then extra characters are added to the decoded data field when it is decrypted. - Decoded a plain text data field will actually encrypt it. - Security is based on the plain text field key size. The bigger the key size the better the encrytion. - When saving/opening files the file translation needs to be binary. package require Tk package require BWidget package require blowfish # Create the window proc BlowfishTool {} { global data key mode set mode cbc trace variable file w LoadFile . configure -borderwidth 1 set ::key APRS2172000 set ::data "" wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {exit} wm title . "Blowfish Encryption/Decipher Tool" wm resizable . 1 0 label .k -text "Key:" -anchor w entry .key -show * -textvar ::key -highlightcolor yellow -highlightthickness 3 label .d -text "Data:" -anchor w entry .data -textvar ::data -highlightcolor yellow -highlightthickness 3 label .m -text "Mode:" -anchor w ComboBox .mode -values {cbc ecb} \ -modifycmd [list ComboUpdate .mode] \ -autocomplete true \ -editable false .mode setvalue @0 button .browser -text Load -command {LoadFile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes {{"Data File" {.key} }}]} -background blue -foreground white button .e -text "Encrypt Data" -command {Encrypt} -foreground blue button .de -text "Decipher Data" -command {Decrypt} -foreground red button .cancel -text Exit -command {exit} -background red grid .k .key - - -sticky news grid .d .data - - -sticky news grid .m .mode - - -sticky news grid .e .de - - -sticky news grid .browser - - -sticky news grid .cancel - - -sticky news grid rowconfigure . 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure . 1 -weight 1 raise . grab set . focus .data vwait ::data button .save -text "Save" -command {SaveFile} -background green grid .save - - -sticky news } # Event Driven. Called when the mode combobox is clicked. proc ComboUpdate {p} { global mode puts "ComboBox change: [$p cget -text]" set mode [$p cget -text] } # Encode the data proc Encrypt { } { global data mode set data [blowfish::blowfish -mode $mode -dir encrypt -key SECRET $data] } # Decode the Encrypted data proc Decrypt { } { global data mode set data [blowfish::blowfish -mode $mode -dir decrypt -key SECRET $data] } # Save the data field. proc SaveFile { } { global data set types { {"Data Files" {.key} } } set file [tk_getSaveFile -filetypes $types -defaultextension .key] # Only save the file if the user click save not cancel if {! [string match "" $file ]} { set fileid [open $file w] fconfigure $fileid -translation binary puts $fileid $data close $fileid } } # Load the data field proc LoadFile {file} { global data mode if {[string match "" $file]} {return} set fileid [open $file r] fconfigure $fileid -translation binary set data [read $fileid] close $fileid } # show background errors proc bgerror {value} {puts $value} # Call the main window BlowfishTool The Tcl Blowfish package can be found in TclLib or newer. Comments are welcome regarding the above Tcl/Tk code. Scott