Quote from [http://www.mozilla.org/projects/bonsai/]: Bonsai is a really cool idea on how to "see" changes taking place during a development cycle. The original implementation was by Terry Weissman, first done in [TCL], then later ported to [Perl]. It's built to run against [CVS] using Perl, [MySQL], and your favorite webserver to display checkin history, log information, diffs, and other assorted pieces of information in easy to parse [HTML]. I haven't found anything about why it got changed to Perl, or if the TCL verson is still around anywhere. ([EMJ]) Roughly the same thing happened to [bugzilla]. I think that Netscape have a lot of Perl hackers and no Tcl hackers is probably the main issue. [[[PT]]] ---- [CVSTrac] is an integrated bug-tracking system that does the same thing (and more).