A fitting and catchy phrase for the [{*}] syntax element, used to indicate the [{expand}] functionality. * '''polyphemus operator''': Jeff Hobbs from the trenches [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/msg/f0bdbab37e3c722e] From the same thread: * '''wart''': Mark Roseman [http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.tcl/msg/04010849eb364702] On the [{*}] page, [JMN] suggests: * '''nipple''': "which is clearly better than a wart" Since I asked the question and wondering now, why this seems to be an unsolved problem: My [stk] two suggestions are: * '''bellybutton''': Because that's, what it looks like... * '''Deeper Meaning of...''': Comming from Douglas Adams "The Deeper Meaning of Liff", where he invented all the until then unknown words for the actions and things we all know, but have no word for. It also somehow matches the functionality of [{*}], since it gets up the deeper meaning of what it follows, and for '''{*}$var''' you can say '''The deeper meaning of $var''', which is, what it is... ---- [[ [Category Glossary] ]]