[dbohdan] 2016-02-11: The following module leverages the Tcl interpreter itself to interpret [Brainfuck]. It was originally developed to compete in a cross-language microbenchmark. I measured its performance when run with Tcl 8.6.4 on x86_64 Linux. The `translate` command translates Brainfuck instructions into Tcl code, which is then run with `apply` (to ensure bytecode compilation). This is up to several times faster than interpreting the code directly, e.g., when running https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kostya/benchmarks/master/brainfuck/mandel.b%|%mandel.b%|%, and I find it more idiomatic. Storing the tape data in dictionaries resulted in better performance than arrays, lists or dynamically named variables. Compressing repeated `+` and `-` into `dict incr tape $pos ±N` where N is the number of times the instruction is repeated noticeably improved the performance. Compressing `<` and `>`, which change a value not stored in a dictionary, had minimal impact. ====== namespace eval ::brainfuck { variable verson 0.2.1 variable debug 0 proc emit code { upvar 1 transl transl foreach line [split [string trim $code] \n] { append transl [string trimleft $line]\n } } proc translate source { set transl {} emit { if {![info exists tape] || ($tape eq {})} { for {set i 0} {$i < 30000} {incr i} { dict set tape $i 0 } } if {![info exists pos] || ($pos eq {})} { set pos 0 } } set commands [split $source {}] for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $commands]} {incr i} { switch -exact -- [lindex $commands $i] { [ { emit [format %s\{ {if {[dict get $tape $pos] != 0} }] emit "while 1 \{" } ] { emit {if {[dict get $tape $pos] == 0} {break}} emit \} emit \} } > - < { # Compress repeated Brainfuck instructions into a single Tcl # command. if {[lindex $commands $i] eq {<}} { set op < set sign - } else { set op > set sign + } set count 0 while {[lindex $commands $i] eq $op} { incr count incr i } incr i -1 emit [format {incr pos %s%d} $sign $count] } + - - { if {[lindex $commands $i] eq {+}} { set op + } else { set op - } set count 0 while {[lindex $commands $i] eq $op} { incr count incr i } incr i -1 emit [format {dict incr tape $pos %s%d} $op $count] } . { emit { puts -nonewline [format %c [dict get $tape $pos]] } } , { # Noncompliant implementation. emit { set input [read stdin 1] dict set tape $pos [scan $input %c] } } default { # Ignore. } } } emit { return [list $tape $pos] } return $transl } proc interpret source { variable debug set translated [translate $source] if {$debug} { puts $translated } set result [apply [list {{tape {}} {pos {}}} $translated]] return $result } } proc main filename { set ch [open $filename r] set source [read $ch] close $ch fconfigure stdout -buffering none ::brainfuck::interpret $source } main [lindex $argv 0] ====== <>Dev. Tools | Example | Jim Package | Package