I don't think it qualifies as an actual language, but it is so interesting it does deserve a wiki page. Learn more about it here: http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/bf/ and http://cydathria.com/bf/brainfuck.html not to mention http://www.hevanet.com/cristofd/brainfuck/brainfuck.html Also lo and behold the classic "[99 Bottles of Beer]" written in brainfuck: http://99-bottles-of-beer.ls-la.net/b.html#Brainfuck Here's a random number generator: >>>++[<++++++++[<[<++>-]>>[>>]+>>+[-[->>+<<<[<[<<]<+>]>[>[>>]]]<[>>[-]]>[>[- <<]>[<+<]]+<<]<[>+<-]>>-]<.[-]>>] http://www.hevanet.com/cristofd/brainfuck/ And a brainfuck interpreter written in Tcl (you can type brainfuck -- or a close approximation -- directly into a tcl interpreter): http://www.fishpool.com/~setok/proj/tclbf/ [PT] writes: And here is a BrainFuck interpreter as a Internet Explorer plugin language - http://brainscript.sourceforge.net/ And BF '''is''' a real language - it's Turing complete after all. Now [Malbolge] on the other hand....