**Build Androwish** [HaO] 2015-03-24: My intention is to collect reports building great [Androwish] with the aim to get stand-alone APK files with custom contents. Contributions and ideas welcome. Warning: I am an absolute beginner on Android. Starting point is the description by [chw]: [http://www.androwish.org/index.html/wiki?name=Building+AndroWish] ***Try on Windows*** Windows build stopped with ndk-build with a "command line to long" error. I tried cmd.exe and cygwin shell, same result. ***CentOS 6*** Failed for me due to a to old clib. ***OpenSuSE 13.2*** I installed VirtualBox on my Windows 8.1 and OpenSuSE 13.2. * Added series: java development * Added packages: java-1_7_0-openjdk-devel, xerces-j2-xml-apis Activate Java 7 (e.g. 1.7): ======none update-alternatives --config java -> 1.7 update-alternatives --config javac -> 1.7 update-alternatives --config xml-commons-apis -> xerces-j2-xml-apis.jar ====== Set up Android build system: ======none cd ~ mkdir android cd android mkdir download ====== Downloaded in ~/android/download: * android-sdk_r24.1.2-linux.tgz * android-ndk-r10d-linux-x86_64.bin * androwish-e2aee3ea2ea718e7.tar.gz (Pi Day Release) Unpack and install, androwish in folder "androwish" for easier access ======none cd ~/android tar xvzf download/android-sdk_r24.1.2-linux.tgz chmod +x download/android-ndk-r10d-linux-x86_64.bin download/android-ndk-r10d-linux-x86_64.bin tar xvzf download/androwish-e2aee3ea2ea718e7.tar.gz mv androwish-e2aee3ea2ea718e7 androwish ====== Open Android SDK manager: ======none ~/android/android-sdk-linux/tools/android sdk -> Select Google APIs ARM EABI v7a System Image -> Unselect all other system images ====== Prepare build and let "android" create "local.properties": ======none export PATH=$PATH:~/android/android-sdk-linux/tools:~/android/android-ndk-r10d cd androwish android update project -p . --target 1 ====== On "ant debug", I had the following build error I could not solve: ======none [exec] [armeabi] Compile thumb : tiff_tkimg <= tif_predict.c [exec] /tmp/ccTUdnr3.s: Assembler messages: [exec] /tmp/ccTUdnr3.s: Error: unaligned opcodes detected in executable segment [exec] make: *** [obj/local/armeabi/objs/tiff_tkimg/libtiff/tif_predict.o] Error 1 ====== This is in jni/tiff. So I deleted the tkimg and jni/tiff folders: ======none rm -rf jni/tkimg jni/tiff ====== Now, an "ant debug" succeeds for me. The result is in "androwish/bin/AndroWish-debug.apk Great, thank you, Cristian !