Building static Jim Tcl with SQLite 3 for Linux [dbohdan] 2018-09-12: The following shell script will build a static Linux binary of [Jim Tcl] using [Docker]. You must select the target architecture by passing a command line argument to the script. You can choose to build the latest commit (default) or any given commit, branch, or tag. The build will include every extension enabled by the `configure` flag `--full` plus the SQLite 3 extension. The script has been successfully tested with tags `0.72` through `0.78` for `i386`; tags `0.71` and earlier won't work. ======none #! /bin/sh # Only the target architectures amd64 and i386 have been tested. The target # architecture is checked to be one of the official architectures in order to # guard against typosquatting and name squatting attacks on the Docker Hub. archs="(amd64|arm32v6|arm64v8|i386|ppc64le|s390x)" usage() { echo "usage: $(basename "$0") $archs [revision]" > /dev/stderr } arch="$1" revision="${2:-HEAD}" if ! [ -z "$3" ]; then usage exit 1 fi if [ -z "$arch" ]; then echo 'no target architecture' > /dev/stderr usage exit 1 elif ! echo "$arch" | grep -E -q "$archs"; then echo "unknown architecture: \"$arch\"" > /dev/stderr usage exit 1 fi echo "target architecture is $arch" mkdir -p inbox/ docker run \ --rm \ --volume "$(pwd)/inbox:/inbox" \ "$arch/alpine:3.8" \ sh -c \ 'cd \ && apk update \ && apk add gcc git make libc-dev tcl \ && wget \ && tar xvf sqlite-autoconf-3240000.tar.gz \ && cd sqlite-autoconf-3240000/ \ && env CFLAGS="-DSQLITE_ENABLE_FTS5 -DSQLITE_ENABLE_JSON1" ./configure \ && make install \ && cd \ && git clone \ && cd jimtcl/ \ && git checkout "$1" \ && ./configure --full --with-ext=sqlite3 \ && env LDLIBS=-static make \ && cp jimsh \ "/inbox/jimsh-$(./jimsh --version)-$(git rev-parse HEAD \ | cut -c 1-10)-$0" ' \ "$arch" \ "$revision" ====== Jim | Linux