[TV] A while ago I joined the aftermath of a Kickstarter project by a company called Adapteva, with as project a Xilinx Zynq chip (fast dual ARM core processor with powerful modern FPGA) together with their own multicore Risc chip on a small and very cheap board, with Usb host, giga ethernet and HD Hdmi connector. The board, besides the programmable logic and the connected special 16 core processor chip, is Open Source (also the Fpga interfaces, the whole startup code, etc.), runs Linux, and can easily be persuaded to apt-get Tcl and Tk. For about 160 euros, you can plug in an Usb keyboard/mouse (though mine doesn't always recognize Usb at startup), connect your monitor, and run fun programs like [Bwise]. I tested that to work good, so now I want to run my Bwise block functions on some of the small local memory but quite fast special chip cores. So that one blocks output will feed into the next blocks input, get synchronized, and make use of the small grained intercommunication of over 10GB/s IIRC. <>