by [Theo Verelst] I've been putting of the work for a long time, but I made a new bwise version, still way onder 1.0 (I made commercial software which was appreciated, too, one has ones' standards) which should be a good improvement, though not earthshattering different. Get it here: [] a text file which should read right in your browser (about: 77 kB) [] And just load it into a wish interpreter, probably doesn't matter which version, I used the previous version also on windows 3.1... No extra files are needed, no libraries not packages, not even tcllib, it should run straight as it is, me thinks after just sort of an evening of hacking some changes, do put you own experience on this page, please. The idea of bwise is to have a better idea of what happens when one programs block-wise. From the top of my head some of the things I changed, added, or fixed: * A welcome word/help * little better save/reload (though canvas entries are still not saved, the state including block variables should read back) * slider in the proc list * no more need for extra files, bwise is a one file application * probably the script is easy to configure, see top for mouse button number, bottom for handfull of the main calls and suggestions * the procedure edit window makes its list automatically at startup, load any other packages such as [console for unix] at the beginning of the script, so their proc names won't show up * image saving now skips images (like in the tk file browser) with no file name, typing 'newimage ' in a console (press paper image button) gives you a block with an image in it which will save and reload * some minor improvements Please use the package for any purpose you see fit, for commercial use (as in that it is part of a product) my ([TV]) permission is needed. Sign your name and comments under the line, please ... ----