Version 27 of Byticle

Updated 2008-01-17 17:12:56 by sarnold

Byticle is a codename for a fictive programming language. The goal is to build a language in which there is *quite* no keyword, with a generalized infix notation.

Larry Smith Like ee? [L1 ]

Lars H: Or infix?

The relation with Tcl is the minimalism of the approach, the fact that tokens have spaces between them. It was inspired by Scheme because it will be functional, enforcing recursivity, but with infix notation instead of prefix.

2007-12-03 This project is being revitalized. -- Sarnold

escargo 04 Jan 2008 - Reading about this I was reminded of a book I had tucked away. I was eventually able to find it, A Laboratory Manual for Compiler and Operating System Implementation, by Maurice H. Halstead. (It was published as part of the Elsevier Computer Science Library in 1974.) The book describes a language called Pilot, created "by taking the Neliac language, which itself was a real-time systems language derived from Algol, and peeling away some 90 percent. The part which remains is adequate to write a self-compiler, and to write a similarly reduced time-sharing operating system." The language uses "CO-NO tables," Current Operator-Next Operator, for parsing. Now known as operator presence parsing, such grammars are a subset of LR(1) grammars ([L2 ]).

There is a link in Wikipedia for Neliac that does not mention Pilot [L3 ], but I guess it should.

The book has 21 extensions to the Pilot language that are exercises to be done by the students. These include if/then/else and iteration with a for-loop like control structure.

This is not the same Pilot language as described in Wikipedia here [L4 ] with a version on SourceForge here [L5 ].

The source

package provide byticle 0.4
namespace eval byticle {
	namespace export execname check get assert isnil nil _lazy _error
	variable binary
	variable unary
	variable functions
	variable params 0
	variable error ""
	variable errorData {nil nil}
	variable types {int bool string real list nil func special}
	array unset binary *
	array unset unary *
	array unset functions *
	proc assert {expr {msg "assertion failed"}} {
		if {![uplevel 1 expr $expr]} {error $msg}
	proc isnil {x} {string equal $x {nil nil}}
	proc nil {} {list nil nil}
	# registers 'proc' as the implementation of 'name' with params types as 'params'
	proc register {name params proc} {
		assert {[llength $params]<3}
		register_[llength $params] $name $params $proc
	proc register_0 {name params proc} {
		variable functions
		set functions($name) $proc
	proc register_1 {name params proc} {
		variable unary
		set unary($name,$params) $proc
	proc register_2 {name params proc} {
		variable binary
		set binary($name,[join $params ,]) $proc
	proc get {value} {
		lindex $value 1
	proc check {type value} {
		string equal [lindex $value 0] $type
	proc max {a b} {
		expr {$a>$b ? $a : $b}
	proc updateParam {p} {
		variable params
		switch -- $p {
			X - `X {
				set params [max $params 1]
			Y - `Y {
				set params [max $params 2]
	proc paramtype {x {exists no}} {
		if {$exists eq "-exists"} {set exists yes}
		assert {[regexp {^\w+$} $x]} "invalid syntax in type name $x"
		assert {![in2 $x {expr pexpr eval open close param name}]} "$x is a reserved type name"
		variable types
		if {$exists} {assert {[in2 $x $types]} "unknown type: $x"}
		assert {![string is integer [string index $x 0]]} "type names cannot start with a digit"
	proc parseparams {body} {
		assert {[regexp {\s*\(\s*(\w+\s+)?(\w+)?\s*\)} $body t a b]} "missing function parameters"
		regexp {\w+} $a a
		if {$a eq ""} {set params $b} else {set params [list $a $b]}
		foreach x $params {
			paramtype $x -exists
		list $params [string range $body [string length $t] end]
	proc parse {body} {
		set result [list]
		while {$body ne ""} {
			foreach {id token sbody} [lex $body] {break}
			if {$id eq "def"} {
				foreach {id name sbody} [lex $sbody] {break}
				assert {[in2 $id name]}
				foreach {params body} [parseparams $sbody] {break}
				foreach {statement body} [_parse $body yes] break
				lappend result definition [list $name $params $statement]
			} else {
				foreach {statement body} [_parse $body] break
				lappend result statement $statement
		return $result
	proc in2 {elt list} {
		expr {[lsearch -exact $list $elt]>=0}
	proc params {params token} {
		array set t2p {X X Y Y `X X `Y Y}
		set param $t2p($token)
		if {[in2 $param $params]} {
			lappend params $param
		return $params
	proc isValue {id} {
		in2 $id {nil bool param int real string func}
	proc isFunc {id} {
		in2 $id {name fparam}
	proc priority {token} {
		# lowest priority
		switch -- $token {
			else {return 1}
			then {return 2}
			or {return 3}
			and {return 4}
		if [in2 $token {> < <= >= = !=}] {return 5}
		if [in2 $token {& | ^}] {return 6}
		if [in2 $token {<< >>}] {return 7}
		if [in2 $token {+ -}] {return 8}
		if [in2 $token {* / %}] {return 9}
		# highest priority (power)
		if {$token eq "**"} {return 10}
		return 6

	proc _parseOpen {bodyvar} {
		upvar 1 $bodyvar body
		set result ""
		while {$body ne ""} {
			foreach {id token body} [lex $body] {break}
			if {$id eq "end"} break
			if {[isValue $id]} {
				lappend result expr [list $id $token] [_parseNextExpr body yes]
				rework-priority result
			} elseif {[isFunc $id]} {
				lappend result $id $token [_parseExpr body yes]
			} else {
				switch $id {
					eval {
						lappend result eval [_parseOpen body] [_parseExpr body yes]
						rework-priority result
					open {
						lappend result pexpr [_parseOpen body] [_parseNextExpr body yes]
					macro {
						lappend result [_exec [_parseOpen body]]
					close {
						return $result
					default {
						if {$id eq "eos"} {error "unbalanced open parenthesis"}
						error "unknown id : $id"
		error "unbalanced open parenthesis"
	proc _parseNextExpr {bodyvar {close no} {unary no}} {
		upvar 1 $bodyvar body
		set result ""
		while {$body ne ""} {
			foreach {id token body} [lex $body] {break}
			if {$id eq "end"} break
			if {[isValue $id] || $id eq "open"} {
				error "operator expected at: $token"
			} elseif {[isFunc $id]} {
				lappend result $id $token [_parseExpr body $close]
			} else {
				switch $id {
					eval {
						lappend result eval [_parseOpen body] [_parseExpr body $close]
					macro {
						lappend result [_exec [_parseOpen body]]
					close {
						treatclose body
						if {$close} {return $result}
						error "unmatched close parenthesis"
					eos {
						if {$close} {error "unbalanced open parenthesis"}
						treateos body
						return $result
					default {
						error "unknown id : $id"
		if {$close} {error "unbalanced open parenthesis"}
		return $result
	proc _parseExpr {bodyvar {close no}} {
		upvar 1 $bodyvar body
		set result ""
		while {$body ne ""} {
			foreach {id token body} [lex $body] {break}
			if {$id eq "end"} break
			if {[isValue $id]} {
				lappend result expr [list $id $token] [_parseNextExpr body $close]
				rework-priority result
			} elseif {[isFunc $id]} {
				lappend result $id $token [_parseExpr body $close]
			} else {
				switch $id {
					eval {
						lappend result eval [_parseOpen body] [_parseExpr body $close]
						rework-priority result
					open {
						lappend result pexpr [_parseOpen body] [_parseNextExpr body $close]
					macro {
						lappend result [_exec [_parseOpen body]]
					close {
						treatclose body
						if {$close} {return $result}
						error "unmatched close parenthesis"
					eos {
						if {$close} {error "unbalanced open parenthesis"}
						treateos body
						return $result
					default {
						error "unknown id : $id"
		if {$close} {error "unbalanced open parenthesis"}
		return $result
	proc prio {tree} {
		# default priority
		set default 4
		switch -- [lindex $tree 0] {
			expr {
				switch -- [lindex $tree 2 0] {
					name {return [priority [lindex $tree 2 1]]}
					lambda {return $default}
					default {return -1}
			default {return -1}
	proc rework-priority {treevar} {
		upvar 1 $treevar tree
		set prio [prio $tree]
		#puts "$prio $tree"
		if {$prio == -1} {return}
		set innerprio [prio [lindex $tree end end]]
		# priority not applicable
		if {$innerprio == -1} {return}
		if {$innerprio > $prio} {
			lset tree end end [list pexpr [lindex $tree end end] {}]
			#puts "rework: $tree"
	proc treatclose {var} {
		upvar 1 $var body
		set body )$body
	proc treateos {var} {
		upvar 1 $var body
		set body \;$body
	proc _parse {body {define no}} {
		set result ""
		variable params
		set params 0
		while {$body ne ""} {
			foreach {id token body} [lex $body] {break}
			if {$id eq "end"} break
			if {[isValue $id]} {
				lappend result expr [list $id $token] [_parseNextExpr body]
				rework-priority result
			} elseif {[isFunc $id]} {
				lappend result $id $token [_parseExpr body]
			} else {
				switch $id {
					eval {
						lappend result eval [_parseOpen body] [_parseExpr body]
						rework-priority result
					open {
						lappend result pexpr [_parseOpen body] [_parseNextExpr body]
					macro {
						lappend result [_exec [_parseOpen body]]
					eos {
						if {!$define && $params} {error "X and Y are not allowed outside definitions"} 
						return [list $result $body]
					default {
						if {$id eq "close"} {error "unmatched close parenthesis"}
						error "unknown id : $id"
		if {!$define && $params} {error "X and Y are not allowed outside definitions"}
		list $result $body
	proc _next {statement} {
		if {$statement eq ""} {return ""}
		foreach {type first} $statement break
		switch -- $type {
			name {
				return $statement
			expr - pexpr {
				return $first
			default {
				return $statement
	proc _nextstatement {statement} {
		if {$statement eq ""} {return ""}
		foreach {type first} $statement break
		switch -- $type {
			name {
				#puts $statement
				return ""
			expr - pexpr {
				return [lindex $statement 2]
			default {
				error "unknown statement $statement"
	proc _getfunc {name argc value next} {
		getfunc_$argc $name $value $next
	proc getfunc_0 {name value next} {
		variable functions
		assert {[info exists functions($name)]} "no such function: $name"
		set functions($name)
	proc ary {var key} {
		upvar $var array
		llength [array names array $key]
	proc getfunc_1 {name value next} {
		variable unary
		assert {[ary unary [unglob $name],*]} "no such unary operator: $name"
		if {[_lazy $next]} {return lazy}
		if {[info exists unary($name,[lindex $next 0])]} {
			foreach {type next} $next break
			return [concat $unary($name,$type) $type]
		assert {[info exists unary($name,T)]} "no such operator: $name ([lindex $next 0])"
		return [concat $unary($name,T) T]
	proc getfunc_2 {name value next} {
		variable binary
		set lazy true
		set msg "no such binary operator: $name"
		assert {[ary binary [unglob $name],*]} $msg
		foreach {ltype value} $value break
		if {[ary binary [unglob $name,$ltype],*]} {
			if {[ary binary [unglob $name,$ltype],*]==1 && [info exists binary($name,$ltype,T)]} {
				# lazy evaluation of right-side expressions
				return [concat $binary($name,$ltype,T) $ltype T]
			if {[_lazy $next]} {return lazy}
			foreach {rtype next} $next break
			set lazy false
			if {[info exists binary($name,$ltype,$rtype)]} {
				return [concat $binary($name,$ltype,$rtype) $ltype $rtype]
			if {[info exists binary($name,$ltype,T)]} {
				return [concat $binary($name,$ltype,T) $ltype T]
		set value [list $ltype $value]
		if {$lazy} {
			if {[ary binary [unglob $name,T],*]==1 && [info exists binary($name,T,T)]} {
				# allows for lazy evaluation
				return [concat $binary($name,T,T) T T]
			if {[_lazy $next]} {return lazy}
		foreach {rtype next} $next {break}
		if {[info exists binary($name,T,$rtype)]} {
			return [concat $binary($name,T,$rtype) T $rtype]
		assert {[info exists binary($name,T,T)]} "no such operator: $name ($ltype,$rtype)"
		set next [list $rtype $next]
		concat $binary($name,T,T) T T
	proc execname {name args} {
		switch [llength $args] {
			0 {
				set s [list name $name {}]
			1 {
				set s [list name $name [list expr [lindex $args 0] {}]]
			2 {
				set s [list expr [lindex $args 0] [list name $name [lindex $args 1]]]
			default {error "incorrect argument number"}
		return [_exec $s]
	# determinates whether a value is to be evaluated (lazily)
	# or if it is already a final value
	proc _lazy {val} {
		in2 [lindex $val 0] {expr pexpr name param}
	proc dputs {s} {
		if {[info exists ::DEBUG]} {puts $s}
	proc typed {type value} {
		if {$type eq "T"} {return $value}
		lindex $value 1
	proc _exec {statement} {
		variable internals
		variable userdefined
		set value ""
		set stack ""
		set context ""
		while {[llength $statement] || [llength $stack]} {
			dputs $statement,stack=$stack,value=$value,ctx=$context
			if {![llength $statement]} {
				set sc [lindex $stack end]
				set stack [lrange $stack 0 end-1]
				switch -- [lindex $sc 0] {
					proc {
						set statement [lindex $context end];#Stephane Arnold $sc<-$context
						# restores the context
						set context [lrange $context 0 end-3]
					expr {
						set statement [lindex $sc end]
					func {
						set statement [list name [lindex $sc 2] [list expr $value [lindex $sc end]]]
						set value [lindex $sc 1]
					lazyfunc {
						foreach {dummy cmd first typeX typeY} $sc {break}
						if {[catch {set value [$cmd [typed $typeX $first] [typed $typeY $value]]} err]} {
							# catches errors
							set value {special error}
							_error $err
							set statement ""
						set statement [lindex $sc end]
					param {
					default {
						error "no such stack context: $sc"
			# Stephane Arnold
			if {$statement eq ""} {
			foreach {type first} $statement break
			dputs 1,$statement,$value,$type
			switch -- $type {
				name {
					set next [_next [lindex $statement 2]]
					dputs $statement,value=$value,next=$next
					set argc [expr {($value eq "")? (([llength $next])?1:0):2}]
					if {[catch {
						foreach {func fname typeX typeY} [_getfunc $first $argc $value $next] break
					} err]} {
						_error $err
						set value {special error}
						set statement ""
					switch -- $func {
						lazy {
							lappend stack [list func $value $first [_nextstatement [lindex $statement 2]]]
							set value ""
							set statement $next
						func {
							if {[catch {
								switch $argc {
									0 {set nvalue [$fname]}
									1 {set nvalue [$fname [typed $typeX $next]]}
									2 {set nvalue [$fname [typed $typeX $value] [typed $typeY $next]]}
							} err]} {
								_error $err
								set value {special error}
								set statement [_nextstatement [lindex $statement 2]]
							#dputs $value
							set statement [_nextstatement [lindex $statement 2]]
							if {$nvalue eq "lazy"} {
								lappend stack [list lazyfunc $fname $value $typeX $typeY $statement]
								set value ""
								set statement $next
							} else {
								set value $nvalue
						proc {
							switch $argc {
								0 {
									lappend context "" ""
								1 {
									lappend context $next ""
								2 {
									lappend context $value $next
							# saves the context
							lappend context [_nextstatement [lindex $statement 2]]
							# executes the proc's body:
							# 1st save the proc context
							lappend stack [list proc $value $statement]
							# 2nd put the new stack context
							set statement $fname
							set value ""
				expr - pexpr {
					lappend stack [list expr [lindex $statement 2]]
					set value ""
					set statement $first
				param {
					switch -- $first {
						X {
							set value [lindex $context end-2]
						Y {
							set value [lindex $context end-1]
					if {[_lazy $value]} {
						dputs lazy,$value,$statement
						set statement $value
						set value ""
					} else {
						set statement ""
				default {
					if {$statement eq ""} {return $value}
					set value $statement
					set statement ""
		return $value
	proc execute {body} {
		variable builtins
		variable userdefined
		set value ""
		foreach {type statement} [parse $body] {
			switch -- $type {
				statement {
					set value [_exec $statement]
				definition {
					foreach {name params definition} $statement break
					register $name $params [list proc $definition]
				default {
					error "unknown type $type"
		set value
	proc unglob {x} {
		string map {* \\* ? \\? [ \\[ ] \\]} $x
	proc declare {type} {
		variable types
		if {$type eq "T"} {error "cannot reuse generic type T"}
		paramtype $type
		assert {![in2 $type $types]} "existing type redeclared: $type"
		lappend types $type
	# registers an error (public API)
	# parameters:
	# msg: the message
	# info: a byticle object defining more precisely the error (optional)
	proc _error {msg {info {nil nil}}} {
		variable error
		set error $msg
		variable errorData
		set errorData $info
	# the lexer
	proc lex {body} {
		set keywords {def define lambda lambda nil nil 
			bool yes bool no}
		foreach var {X Y A B} {lappend keywords param $var fparam `$var}
		foreach {id pat} {
			real {[+\-]?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?}
			int {[+\-]?[0-9]+}
			string {"([^"]*\")*[^"]*"}
			name {[A-Za-z0-9+\-\*/%~\._!<>=@\|]+}
			func {`[A-Za-z0-9+\-\*/%~\._!<>=@\|]+}
		} {
			lappend patterns $id $pat
		set body [string trimleft $body " \t\n\r"]
		while {[string index $body 0] eq "#"} {
			set body [regsub {#.*$} $body ""]
			set body [string trimleft $body " \t\n\r"]
		foreach {id k} $keywords {
			if {[string first $k $body]==0} {
				set char [string index $body [string length $k]]
				if {$char eq "" || [string first $char " \t\r\n;)"]>=0} {
					updateParam $k
					return [list $id $k [string range $body [string length $k] end]]
		foreach {id k} {open ( close ) eos ; eval `( macro $(} {
			if {[string first $k $body]==0} {
				updateParam $k
				return [list $id $k [string range $body [string length $k] end]]
		foreach {id pat} $patterns {
			set patb "^${pat}\[ \\t\]+"
			if {[regexp $patb $body] || [regexp "^${pat}\\)" $body] || [regexp "^${pat};?" $body]} {
				regexp "^$pat" $body token
				set len [string length $token]
				if {$id eq "string"} {
					set token [string range $token 1 end-1]
				return [list $id $token [string range $body $len end]]
		if {[regexp {^\s*$} $body]} {
			return [list end "" ""]
		error "syntax error : $body"

namespace eval byticle::funcs {
	namespace import ::byticle::*
	proc tonumber {x} {
		if {[string is integer $x]} {return [list int $x]}
		list real $x
	proc checkerrors {a} {
		if {[string equal $a "special error"]} {
			return -code return $a
	proc bool x {list bool [expr {$x ? "yes" : "no"}]}
	proc not x {list bool [expr {$x ? "no" : "yes"}]}
	proc + {a b} {
		tonumber [expr {$a + $b}]
	proc - {a b} {
		tonumber [expr {$a - $b}]
	proc unary- {a} {
		tonumber [expr {-$a}]
	proc * {a b} {
		tonumber [expr {$a * $b}]
	proc / {a b} {
		tonumber [expr {$a / $b}]
	proc % {a b} {
		list int [expr {$a % $b}]
	proc fmod {a b} {
		list real [expr {fmod($a, $b)}]
	proc puts_cmd {a} {
		puts -nonewline $a
		list string $a
	proc newline {} {
		puts ""
	proc car {a} {
		lindex $a 0
	proc cdr {a} {
		list list [lrange $a 1 end]
	proc cons {a b} {
		checkerrors $a
		list list [linsert $b 0 $a]
	proc snoc {a b} {
		if {[_lazy $b]} {return lazy}
		list list [linsert $a 0 [get $b]]
	proc make-list a {
		checkerrors $a
		list list [list $a]
	proc pair {a b} {
		checkerrors $a
		if {[_lazy $b]} {return lazy}
		list list [list $a $b]
	proc real x {list real $x}
	proc int x {list int $x}
	proc tostr x {list string $x}
	proc i2r {x} {list int [expr {int($x)}]}
	proc I {x} {set x}
	proc K {x y} {
		if {[_lazy $y]} {return lazy}
		set x
	proc L {x y} {
		if {[_lazy $y]} {return lazy}
		assert {[check func $y]} "$y is not a function"
		set y [get $y]
		execname [string range $y 1 end] $x
		return $x
	proc then {a b} {
		if {!$a} {return [list special else]}
		if {[_lazy $b]} {return lazy}
		set b
	proc else {a b} {
		if {$a ne "else"} {return [list special $a]}
		if {[_lazy $b]} {return lazy}
		set b
	proc first {a b} {
		set a
	foreach t {< <= > >= = ~=} op {< <= > >= == !=} {
		proc $t {x y} [string map [list %OP $op] {bool [expr {$x %OP $y}]}]
		proc str$t {x y} [string map [list %OP $op] {bool [expr {[string compare $x $y] %OP 0}]}]
	proc register {name params proc} {
		byticle::register $name $params [list func ::byticle::funcs::$proc]
	proc setclass {a b} {
		checkerrors $a
		# sets the type for list A as B
		byticle::paramtype $b -exists
		list $b $a
	proc _catch {a b} {
		if {$a ne "error"} {return [list special $a]}
		if {[_lazy $b]} {return lazy}
		# the trickiest thing: if an error is rethrown,
		# do not reset the error message
		if {$b ne "special error"} {
			set ::byticle::error ""
			set ::byticle::errorInfo ""
		return $b
	proc _errormsg {} {
		list string $::byticle::error
	proc _errordata {} {set ::byticle::errorData}
	proc _error {a} {
		::byticle::_error $a
		list special error
	proc _error2 {a b} {
		if {[_lazy $b]} {return lazy}
		::byticle::_error $a $b
		list special error
byticle::register declare string {func ::byticle::declare}
byticle::funcs::register set-class {list string} setclass
byticle::funcs::register catch {special T} _catch
byticle::funcs::register catch {T T} first
byticle::funcs::register error-msg {} _errormsg
byticle::funcs::register error-data {} _errordata
byticle::funcs::register error string _error
byticle::funcs::register error {string T} _error2

# The Kombinator
byticle::funcs::register K {T T} K
byticle::funcs::register L {T T} L
# The Identity operator
byticle::funcs::register I T I
# Then ... else
byticle::funcs::register then {bool T} then
byticle::funcs::register else {special T} else
byticle::funcs::register else {T T} first

# Number conversions
byticle::funcs::register real real real
byticle::funcs::register real string real
byticle::funcs::register real int  real
# Integer
byticle::funcs::register int int int
byticle::funcs::register int string int
byticle::funcs::register int real i2r
# Number to string
byticle::funcs::register string int tostr
byticle::funcs::register string real tostr

foreach proc {+ - * / > < <= >= = ~=} {
	foreach x {int real} {
		byticle::funcs::register $proc [list $x $x] $proc
foreach proc {< <= > >= = ~=} {byticle::funcs::register $proc {string string} str$proc}
byticle::funcs::register - int unary-
byticle::funcs::register - real unary-
byticle::funcs::register % {int int} %
byticle::funcs::register % {real real} fmod

byticle::funcs::register not bool not

# list functions
byticle::funcs::register car {list} car
byticle::funcs::register cdr {list} cdr
byticle::funcs::register cons {T list} cons
byticle::funcs::register pair {T T} pair
byticle::funcs::register list T make-list
byticle::funcs::register ~ {list T} snoc

byticle::funcs::register puts {string} puts_cmd
byticle::funcs::register newline {} newline

proc e x {byticle::execute $x}
catch {tcldebug::debug}


Byticle has cons, car and cdr, right from LISP. It adds list which is unary, and pair: these two operators build qualified lists. Indeed cons requires a list as right operand. ~ is a reverse-cons : X ~ Y is like Y cons X. The syntax is simple: operations are evaluated left-to-right, except when parentheses or predefined priorities (like * over +) apply.

When an operator follows another operator, or the beginning of an expression, it is treated as unary. cons, +, * and / are binary operators. car and cdr are exclusively unary, while for -, it is unary or binary, depending of the context. You may put parentheses when necessary for the comprehension, but predefined priorities should allow code to behave like it looks (at least, I hope so).

I also added to the language two well-known lambda-calculus combinators: K and I.

e {1 + 2 * 3}
e {(1 + 2) * 3}
e {car cdr (1 cons (2 pair 3))}
e {puts "Hello, world!"; newline}
e {puts "Hello, " K puts "world!"}

2007-12-23 - Now user functions can be created, with the following syntax:

 'define' name (typedefs) body;

typedefs contains zero to two type names. The special type name 'T' denotes generic type-matching. In body, 'X' and 'Y' can be used to define resp. left and right operands. The right operand can be evaluated lazily in some circunstances [TODO: explain it]. The traditionnal if...then...else statement is emulated with this syntax:

 boolexpr 'then' valueiftrue 'else' valueiffalse

Please look at how the factorial example is built:

e {define add (T T) X + Y;}
e {1 add 2}
e {define fact (int) X > 0 then (X * fact (X - 1)) else 1}
e {fact 10}

2008-01-05 - Now this implementation is stackless and is protected against Tcl's recursion limit. Let's test (taste) it.. with a range function, returning an integer range [X,Y].

e {define range (int int) (X > Y then nil else (X = Y then (list X) else (X cons (X + 1 range Y))))}
e {1 range 100}

2008-01-12 - Two new operators: declare and set-class. You can now 'declare' a new type, and set a list (object of type 'list') to this new type (the same object with the new type). An evaluation system: prepend a parenthesized expression with $ and the content is computed at parse-time. (idea taken from Chuck Moore's ColorForth) This is needed as we do not have variables, something like Pi must be computed exactly once.

e {declare "toto" # this cannot be run twice}
e {(1 pair 2) set-class "toto"}
e {define three () $(1 + 2) # we may compute Pi this way}

2008-01-17 - Exception handling: catch and error.

e {define assert (bool) not X then (error "assertion failed") else yes}
e {(assert (1 > 2)) catch puts "1 is not > 2"}
e {(assert (1 < 2)) catch (puts "never printed")}