This comes up every so often on '''comp.lang.tcl''': Chris Nelson wrote: > For example, whereas I might write C like: > > struct s { > int foo > char bar > float grill > } > > = 1; > = 'c'; > s.grill = 3.14159; proc struct { name thingys } { foreach thing $thingys { uplevel set $name.$thing \[ list \] } } struct s { foo bar grill } set 1 set c set s.grill 3.14159 Of course, you probably dont just want to init the "struct" to nulls, but to reasonable values: proc struct { name thingys } { foreach { key value } $thingys { uplevel set $name.$key $value } } struct s { foo 1 bar c grill 3.14159 } Tcl has no types, but if you want to create a typing convention and then use types in your struct it is only a matter of adding ''type'' to the foreach that now iterates ''key'' and ''value'' over ''$thingys''. '''-PSE''' ---- How about this--values are optional; and there's a variable that lists all the fields in the structure: proc struct {name fields} { upvar $name srec foreach fld $fields { set fldn [lindex $fld 0] set fldv [lindex $fld 1] lappend srec $fldn uplevel set $name.$fldn [list $fldv] } } struct s { foo {bar 1} {pi 3.1415926} } foreach fld $s {upvar 0 s.$fld field; puts "s.$fld: '$field'"} ''howard jess'' 10-12-2002 [escargo]: I have my own clumsy implementation of something like this; there are some properties that I found desirable for such structures to have: 1. Each structure can tell you its type. 1. Each structure can tell you the names of its fields. 1. There are ways to set and get each field from the structure by name. 1. The structure is a value that does not depend on being assigned to a variable with a particular name. Is there a C struct analog that has these properties? ---- So how do I create a linked list, as I would in C? [Ro]: Well if you just want a list of objects you could just make a regular tcl list - they grow dynamically. Each element in the list could be a reference to an object... what are you trying to represent? [RS]: [List]s we have. The purpose of linked lists is often to allow insertion or deletion of elements, which our flat lists allow with [linsert], [lreplace] and (probably most often wanted),[lappend]. You could simulate a linked list with an array, e.g. set a(1,content) "hello world" set a(1,prev) 0 ;# "pointer" to previous set a(1,next) 2 ;# "pointer" to next element ... but I doubt whether that's more efficient than linsert/lreplace...