What: CTk Where: ftp://ccfadm.eeg.ccf.org/pub/ctk/ ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/ctk4.0.tar.gz ftp://ftp.procplace.com/pub/tcl/sorted/packages-7.6/devel/ctk4.0b1.tar.gz http://www.du.edu/%7Emschwart/ctk8.0.tar.gz ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/contrib/libc5/ Description: This is a version of Tk which uses curses. Applications with a modern GUI-ish interface can be created for character terminals. CTk is a subset of Tk, being unable to do things like scaling canvases, selection, send, active backgrounds, etc. A version 4.2 is available at ccfadm. The version by Mr. Schwartz, at du.edu, has been upgraded to work with Tcl 8, but does not yet support Tk 8 features. There are rpms at redhat which have been upgraded with patches to seem to work with Tk 4.2.p12/Tcl 7.4p3. Updated: 09/2002 Contact: mailto:andrewm@ccfadm.eeg.ccf.org (Martin Andrews) mailto:mschwart@nyx.net (Michael Schwartz) mailto:kop@meme.com (Karl O. Pinc) What: Miscellaneous Tcl procs (Dillinger) Where: http://zork.net/%7Ephil/projects.html Description: A variety of extensions are available, such as an interface between Tcl and GTk+, a Samba extension (Windows networking), an ODBC like extension called MODDBC (allows you to connect to Postgres, Sybase, MS SQL Server, and mSQL databases), MODrl (readline extension), MODcit (tcl Citadel with telnet-able and web interfaces), MODform (generic CGI form processor), MODPkg (replaces tclPkgUnknown to permit downloading packages from the Internet using digital signatures for authentication), tclLDAP (for accessing lightweight directory services), CTk (Curses extension compatible with Tcl 8), network based GIS package allowing access to many different data types. Updated: 08/1999 Contact: mailto:phil@zork.net ---- See also [ck] and [tcl_curses]. ---- [Category Package]