====== # canvas_cyclic_selection.tcl -- # # Part of: Useless Widgets Package # Contents: test script for the cyclic object selection # Date: Wed Jan 19, 2005 # # Abstract # # Shows how to select a group of objects, and then each sub-object # cyclically, by point-and-click on an object. This is useful when # composite objects are placed on a canvas and we want to be able # to configure them as a whole, as well as to configure a component # alone. # # It should work well for "planar" drawings, like electrical # circuits and flow charts. If there are many objects stacked one # over the other: the selection by point-and-click may become # unfriendly to the user; in this case another way to select # the objects should be used in replacement of [$canvas find closest]. # # Copyright (c) 2005 Marco Maggi # # The author hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, # and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, # provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies # and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No # written agreement, license, or royalty fee is required for any of the # authorized uses. Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by # their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here, # provided that the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of # each file where they apply. # # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR DISTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE TO ANY PARTY # FOR DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES # ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, ITS DOCUMENTATION, OR ANY # DERIVATIVES THEREOF, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # # THE AUTHOR AND DISTRIBUTORS SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIM ANY WARRANTIES, # INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND # NON-INFRINGEMENT. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # AND THE AUTHOR AND DISTRIBUTORS HAVE NO OBLIGATION TO PROVIDE # MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, UPDATES, ENHANCEMENTS, OR MODIFICATIONS. # # #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## Setup. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ package require Tcl 8.4 package require Tk 8.4 #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## Widget options. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ option add *borderWidth 1 option add *Canvas.uwp_cyclic_selection_cursor hand2 #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## Main. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ proc main {} { global exit_trigger groups wm title . "Canvas Cyclic Selection" wm geometry . +10+10 # Draw two canvas widgets with a listbox associated to each to # display the list of currently selected objects. grid [frame .f] -sticky news foreach master {.f.left .f.right} { frame $master -relief sunken grid [label $master.l -text $master] -sticky news canvas $master.c -width 300 -height 300 -background white listbox $master.lb -background bisque grid $master.c $master.lb -sticky news -padx 5 pack $master -side left -expand yes -fill both } foreach { canvasA listboxA canvasB listboxB } \ { .f.left.c .f.left.lb .f.right.c .f.right.lb } {} # Draw the exit button. grid [button .quit -text Exit -command main_exit] focus .quit bind .quit main_exit bind . main_exit # An object is unselectable if it is not registered as part of a # group. Unselectable objects ARE useful, examples: a background # grid of lines; a coordinates system of reference. $canvasA create text 100 200 -text "This text is an\nunselectable object." $canvasB create text 100 200 -text "This text is an\nunselectable object." # Setup canvaes bindings. set tokenA "unique_global_varname" set tokenB "another_global_varname" setup $tokenA $canvasA CanvasA_Activation $listboxA setup $tokenB $canvasB CanvasB_Activation $listboxB alias main_exit set exit_trigger 1 vwait exit_trigger # Cleanup groups and context instances (this is just to show how to # do it, it is not really required at the end of the script). cleanup $tokenA $canvasA CanvasA_Activation cleanup $tokenB $canvasB CanvasB_Activation exit } proc setup { token canvas activation_tag listbox } { global groups uwp_cyclic_selection_bind $canvas uwp_cyclic_selection_activate_token $token uwp_append_tag $activation_tag $canvas bind $activation_tag \ [list activate_canvas_selection $token $canvas $listbox] # Groups must have empty intersection. uwp_cyclic_selection_register_groups \ [lappend groupOne \ [$canvas create oval 250 50 200 100 -tags LittleOval] \ [$canvas create oval 230 80 160 200 -tags MediumOval] \ [$canvas create oval 200 100 280 240 -tags BigOval]] \ [lappend groupTwo \ [$canvas create rectangle 40 40 100 100 -tags LittleRectangle] \ [$canvas create rectangle 60 60 140 140 -tags MediumRectangle] \ [$canvas create rectangle 100 100 240 240 -tags BigRectangle]] lappend groups($canvas) $groupOne $groupTwo } proc cleanup { token canvas activation_tag } { global groups uwp_cyclic_selection_unbind $canvas uwp_remove_tag $activation_tag $canvas uwp_cyclic_selection_activate_token $token eval { uwp_cyclic_selection_forget_groups } $groups($canvas) uplevel \#0 [list unset $token] } #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## UWP infrastructure procedures. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ proc alias { alias args } { eval { interp alias {} $alias {} } $args } proc uwp_append_tag { tag widget } { bindtags $widget [linsert [bindtags $widget] end $tag] } proc uwp_remove_tag { tag widget } { set idx [lsearch [set ell [bindtags $widget]] $tag] bindtags $widget [lreplace $ell $idx $idx] } proc uwp_application_set_mouse_cursor_of_parent { widget } { $widget configure -cursor [[winfo parent $widget] cget -cursor] } #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## User defined object interface procedures. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ proc activate_canvas_selection { token_name canvas_widget listbox_widget } { uwp_cyclic_selection_activate_token $token_name alias uwp_cyclic_selection_draw_selected_object \ object_draw_selected $canvas_widget alias uwp_cyclic_selection_draw_deselected_object \ object_draw_deselected $canvas_widget alias uwp_cyclic_selection_notify_selection \ object_notify_selection $canvas_widget $listbox_widget } proc object_draw_selected { canvas_widget object_identifier } { $canvas_widget itemconfigure $object_identifier -outline red } proc object_draw_deselected { canvas_widget object_identifier } { $canvas_widget itemconfigure $object_identifier -outline black } proc object_notify_selection { canvas_widget listbox_widget selection_list } { $listbox_widget delete 0 end foreach object_identifier $selection_list { $listbox_widget insert end \ [lindex [$canvas_widget gettags $object_identifier] 0] } } #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## Cyclic selection tag bindings. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ bind UWPCyclicSelection { uwp_cyclic_selection_event_release %W %x %y } bind UWPCyclicSelection { uwp_cyclic_selection_event_release3 %W } proc uwp_cyclic_selection_bind { widget } { uwp_append_tag UWPCyclicSelection $widget $widget configure -cursor [option get $widget uwp_cyclic_selection_cursor Cursor] } alias uwp_cyclic_selection_unbind uwp_remove_tag UWPCyclicSelection #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## Cyclic selection event handling procedures. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ proc uwp_cyclic_selection_event_release { canvas_widget x y } { set id [$canvas_widget find closest \ [$canvas_widget canvasx $x] [$canvas_widget canvasy $y]] # We check the string because it can be empty if no object is on the # canvas. if { [string length $id] } { uwp_cyclic_selection_select_from_identifier $canvas_widget $id } } proc uwp_cyclic_selection_event_release3 { canvas_widget } { uwp_cyclic_selection_deselect_all $canvas_widget } #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## Cyclic selection objects groups handlind procedures. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ # The lists of identifiers are never modified, so it is efficient to # use them directly as values in arrays. proc uwp_cyclic_selection_activate_token { unique_name_in_global_namespace } { uplevel \#0 \ [list upvar \#0 $unique_name_in_global_namespace uwp_cyclic_selection_token] upvar \#0 uwp_cyclic_selection_token data if { ! [info exists data(selected_object_index)] } { set data(selected_object_index) all } if { ! [info exists data(selected_group)] } { set data(selected_group) {} } } proc uwp_cyclic_selection_register_groups { args } { upvar \#0 uwp_cyclic_selection_token data foreach object_identifiers_list $args \ { foreach identifier $object_identifiers_list \ { set data(id:$identifier) $object_identifiers_list } } } proc uwp_cyclic_selection_forget_groups { args } { upvar \#0 uwp_cyclic_selection_token data foreach object_identifiers_list $args \ { foreach identifier $object_identifiers_list { unset data(id:$identifier) } } } #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## Cyclic selection procedures. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ proc uwp_cyclic_selection_deselect_all { canvas_widget } { upvar \#0 uwp_cyclic_selection_token data uwp_cyclic_selection_notify_selection {} uwp_cyclic_selection_deselect $canvas_widget set data(selected_group) {} set data(selected_object_index) all } proc uwp_cyclic_selection_select_from_identifier { canvas_widget object_identifier } { upvar \#0 uwp_cyclic_selection_token data uwp_cyclic_selection_deselect $canvas_widget if { ! [info exists data(id:$object_identifier)] } { uwp_cyclic_selection_deselect_all $canvas_widget } else { if { [lsearch $data(selected_group) $object_identifier] >= 0 } { uwp_cyclic_selection_advance_current_selection } else { set data(selected_group) $data(id:$object_identifier) set data(selected_object_index) all } uwp_cyclic_selection_select $canvas_widget if { $data(selected_object_index) eq "all" } { uwp_cyclic_selection_notify_selection $data(selected_group) } else { uwp_cyclic_selection_notify_selection \ [lindex $data(selected_group) $data(selected_object_index)] } } } proc uwp_cyclic_selection_advance_current_selection {} { upvar \#0 uwp_cyclic_selection_token data if { $data(selected_object_index) eq "all" } { set data(selected_object_index) 0 } elseif { [incr data(selected_object_index)] == [llength $data(selected_group)] } { set data(selected_object_index) all return $data(selected_group) } lindex $data(selected_group) $data(selected_object_index) } #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## Cyclic selection hangling procedures. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ # This is invoked to draw the selected object/group in with the # "selected" appearance. alias uwp_cyclic_selection_select \ uwp_cyclic_selection_handling uwp_cyclic_selection_draw_selected_object # This is invoked to draw the selected object/group in with the # "deselected" appearance. alias uwp_cyclic_selection_deselect \ uwp_cyclic_selection_handling uwp_cyclic_selection_draw_deselected_object proc uwp_cyclic_selection_handling { draw_command canvas_widget } { upvar \#0 uwp_cyclic_selection_token data if { $data(selected_object_index) eq "all" } { foreach object_identifier $data(selected_group) \ { $draw_command $object_identifier } } else { $draw_command [lindex $data(selected_group) $data(selected_object_index)] } } #page ## ------------------------------------------------------------ ## Let's go. ## ------------------------------------------------------------ main ### end of file # Local Variables: # mode: tcl # End: ====== <> GUI