Version 6 of Canvas pixel painting

Updated 2007-06-20 23:57:56 by mo

"Elfo" <[email protected]> wrote in the comp.lang.tcl newsgroup:

Here you have a sample... it's a very simple application for paint. I used an image in a canvas widget... I'm not sure it's the best way to do it... but it works (I use 8.4a2 version of Tcl/Tk and Win2000).

set t .demo destroy $t toplevel $t

set _paint(top) $t set _paint(width) 800 set _paint(height) 600

set _paint(bg) white set _paint(color) black

# Canvas

set _paint(can) [canvas $t.c \

    -width $_paint(width) \
    -height $_paint(height) \
    -background $_paint(bg) \

grid $_paint(can) -row 0 -column 0

# Image

set _paint(image) [image create photo \

    -width $_paint(width) \
    -height $_paint(height) \
    -palette 256/256/256 \

# Canvas image item

set _paint(image_id) [$_paint(can) create image \

    0 0 \
    -anchor nw \
    -image $_paint(image) \

# Paint pixel at a X,Y coord

proc Paint {x y} {

    global _paint

    if {$x >= 0 && $y >= 0} {
        $_paint(image) put $_paint(color) \
            -to $x $y \
                [expr {$x + 1}] [expr {$y + 1}]


bind $_paint(can) <1> {Paint %x %y} bind $_paint(can) <B1-Motion> {Paint %x %y}

# Button 3 will select a new paint color

proc ChangeColor {} {

    global _paint
    set _paint(color) [tk_chooseColor]
    raise $_paint(top)


bind $_paint(can) <3> {ChangeColor}

if 0 {

 Asier Burgoa González
 [email protected]

 Éniac, Sistemas Informáticos S.A.
 +34 941 28 28 28


Category Graphics - Arts and crafts of Tcl-Tk programming