*** Captioning Photo Image under Pixane Example *** This page is under development. Comments are welcome, but please load any comments in the comments section at the middle of the page. Thanks,[gold] ---- [gold] Here is an eTCL script captioning photo image under [pixane]. This script was largely derived from posting of [Eric Hassold] on [comp.lang.tcl] ---- In planning any software, there is a need to develop testcases. Testcase 1. Bird picture. %|quantity|number|units|% &|photo size of bird.jpg| 12| kb |& ---- ***Screenshots Section*** [http://img718.imageshack.us/img718/9282/image35.gif ] ---- ***References:*** * http://www.neatware.com/myrmecox/studio/ex_tclmagick.html, * http://members.shaw.ca/el_supremo/TclWand_053.zip, * http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cyanocitta-cristata-004.jpg * http://tcllib.sourceforge.net/doc/jpeg.html * http://www.tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TclCmd/time.htm * [PhotoAlbum -A Web Gallery Creation Tool] * http://www.evolane.com/software/pixane/pixane.html * [Image Magick] * [tcl-magick] * [tclmagick binaries] * [tkmpeg] * [FITS] * [Produce Thumbnails] * [pixane] : a graphical library to read, write and transform images from Tcl * Especially look at [Fast image resizing] ---- ****Appendix TCL programs and scripts **** **** Pretty Print Version*** ====== # Pretty print version from autoindent # and ased editor # program of image captioning under pixane # written on Windows XP on eTCL # working under TCL version 8.5.6 and eTCL 1.0.1 # gold on TCL WIKI , 25may2011 package require Tk package require pixane console show global targetpix photox proc jackpix {} { global targetpix photox p set fin [file join [file dirname [info script]] bird25.jpg] set fout [file rootname $fin]_new[file extension $fin] set caption "bird of yore" set p [pixane create] pixane load $p -file $fin set widthsource [pixane width $p] set heightsource [pixane height $p] set heightvirtual2 [expr {$heightsource+32}] pixane resize $p $widthsource $heightvirtual2 pixane color $p "\#C0C0F0" pixane rect $p 0 $heightsource $widthsource $heightvirtual2 pixane color $p "\#101020" set font [pixfont create -builtin "sansserif"] pixane text $p [expr {$widthsource/2}] [expr {$heightvirtual2-($heightvirtual2-$heightsource)/4}] \ -font $font -size 20 \ -align center -valign baseline \ -text $caption pixane save $p -file $fout -format jpg } global p jackpix set tkpicturex [pixcopy $p] wm title . "Captioning Photo Image under Pixane " pack [canvas .c -width 400 -height 400 -background grey] proc moveobject {object x y} { .c coords $object [expr $x-25] [expr $y-25] [expr $x+25] [expr $y+25] } proc moveobject2 {object x y} { .c coords $object [expr $x-25] [expr $y-25] } set egg [.c create oval 75 75 100 100 -fill bisque] set bird [ .c create image 200 200 -image $tkpicturex ] .c bind $egg {moveobject $egg %x %y} .c bind $bird {moveobject2 $bird %x %y} grid .c -row 0 -column 0 wm title . " Captioning Photo Image under Pixane Example " ====== *** Code scraps, timing statements*** ====== puts " loading [time {pixane load $p -file $fin} ]" ====== ---- **Comments Section** <> Please place any comments here, Thanks. <> Testing | Toys | Performance | Image Processing |Graphics| Example | Mathematics