Organizator of the two european tcl/tk user meetings in Hamburg/Harburg: * [First European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting] * [Second European Tcl/Tk Users Meeting] ---- I'm author of a bimonthly tcl/tk series in german Linux Magazin called "Federlesen". This is pun on the feather (german Feder) and the german saying "Ohne Federlesen" -> without hassle. Sources for these articles could be found on the website of the Linux Magazin. Other sources mostly for Tcl and Corba could be found on my homepage ---- A [Gradient Header Panel] in pure tcl ---- Yet another rss extension [RSS Reader] and an interesting use of the text widget for the [RSSReader GUI]. ---- Examples how to use tcluno to drive OpenOffice Calc * [Drive OpenOffice Calc with tcluno] * [Drive OpenOffice Calc with itcluno] ---- [EKB] Hi, Carsten, I have some questions... * I'm hacking your [Gradient Header Panel] for one of my applications. What license are you releasing that under? * I looked at your site and am ''very'' interested in the I18n applications you've created (i18n.tcl and MSGedit.tcl). Others on the Tcler's Wiki might be interested as well. (But I had a lot of trouble with MSGedit.tcl on Windows -- I've got the main screen to appear (with no splash screen), but can't see how to load any source files into it -- no way to get something into the "src" panel.) (FYI, my own contribution is the [msgcat-Ready Script Utility].) Thanks for these nice applications! ---- [Category Home Page] - [Category Person]