Index to all '''Category pages''' on this Wiki. ---- To see an alphabetically sorted index of all Category pages on this Wiki, click on the above title. A Category is a page that is used to collect a group of related pages; see the for a good example of how to use categories. To create a category, create a new page called "Category {topic}", where {topic} is the topic of the category; the page should link to this page, [Category Category]. It would also be appreciated if you would add an entry at [How do Wiki Categories work] describing what kinds of things should be tagged with your category. For example, the category of ''personal Wiki home pages'' is called [Category Home Page]. To add a person's Wiki home page to the category, place a link to [[Category Home Page]] on his home page. By convention, category links are put at the bottom of the page, as shown below. ---- When there are multiple categories that apply to a page, I feel that it helps to put the categories in order (I prefer alphabetical order). I was realizing the category system anticipated the ''tagging'' [] or ''social bookmarking'' [] of the web. -- ''[escargo]'' [DKF]: A nice convention is to do something like this: '''[[[[[[Category''' ''foo''''']]|[[Category''' ''bar''''']]]]]]''' [Lars H]: Most [wikignomes] around here seem (according to four months' observations of practices) to prefer a less cramped style than that which DKF shows above, in that they put spaces around the category links. Taking advantage of the fact that [Wikit] joins lines up into paragraphs, this can be coded with one category per line as follows: [[ [Category Foo] | [Category Bar] | [Category Fu Bar] | [Category Baz] ]] for [[ '''Category Foo''' | '''Category Bar''' | '''Category Fu Bar''' | '''Category Baz''' ]] [HJG] 2007-05-10 : I suggest using a dash "-" instead of "pipe "|" as a separator. Because pipe-chars are so narrow, they don't serve their purpose as visible separators between items. It makes all the category-links appear as a continous stream of characters, and you have to look carefully where each link starts. I.e. pipes make the category-links a lot less legible than dashes. For example, look at the categories at the bottom of [An equation solver]. Also, I think the outer brackets around the whole line of links is not necessary, so I prefer a simple [Category Bar] - [Category Grill] - [Category Beer] for '''Category Bar''' - '''Category Grill''' - '''Category Beer''' [EMJ] 10 May 2007 - The pipes are OK if they are surrounded by spaces - just like your dashes! [DKF]: Ugh, I hate that style! :-) What would be better is if (properly) formatted Category lines were treated specially by the rendering engine; that would be really cool... [jdc] 24-oct-2007 A new style to specify categories, as introduced by [dkf] is using a centered table: !!!!!! |[Category Example]|[Category Debugging]|[Category Science]| !!!!!! Which will look like this: !!!!!! |[Category Example]|[Category Debugging]|[Category Science]| !!!!!! [AK]: Nicer highlighting would, IMVHO: !!!!!! %|[Category Example]|[Category Debugging]|[Category Science]|% !!!!!! rendered as: !!!!!! %|[Category Example]|[Category Debugging]|[Category Science]|% !!!!!! The '%|' and '|%' marker cause it to be rendered like a table header, and I like the highlighting this achieves better, more contrast to the general background of text on the page. ---- [[[Category Category]]]