''based on Tcl/Tk 8.4a4'' Is asymetrical padding for pack and grid new in 8.4? -- [CLN] '''New packages''' * dde 1.2 * tcltest 2.0 '''New Tcl commands''' * lset '''New Tk commands''' * [spinbox] * [panedwindow] * [labelframe] * tk_menuSetFocus '''New Tcl subcommands''' * array statistics * file normalize * file separator * file system * info functions * interp recursionlimit * ''interp'' recursionlimit * memory active (''TCL_MEM_DEBUG'') * memory init (''TCL_MEM_DEBUG'') * memory onexit (''TCL_MEM_DEBUG'') * memory tag (''TCL_MEM_DEBUG'') * namespace exists * trace add * trace remove * trace list '''Removed Tcl subcommands''' * memory display (''TCL_MEM_DEBUG'') '''New Tk subcommands''' * clipboard get * image inuse '''Expanded syntax/new options''' array names ''arrayName'' ?''mode''? ?''pattern''? bell ?-nice? binary format wW ... binary scan ''string'' wW ... button ''pathName'' ?... -disabledbackground ... -disabledforeground ... -readonlybackground ...? checkbutton ''pathName'' ?... -overrelief ...? entry ''pathName'' ?... -compound ... -overrelief ...? frame ''pathName'' ?... -padx ... -pady ...? expr ... ne ... eq ... wide(...) fconfigure ''serialId'' -mode ''baud,parity,data,stop'' -handshake ''type'' -queue -timeout ''msec'' -ttycontrol ''signalMap'' -ttystatus -xchar ''charPair'' -pollinterval ''msec'' -sysbuffer ''sizeList'' -lasterror glob -tails ''pattern'' ... grid columnconfigure ''master index'' ?... -uniform ...? grid configure ''slave'' ?''slave'' ...? ?... -padx {left right} ... -pady {top bottom} ...? grid rowconfigure ''master index'' ?... -uniform ...? info script ?''filename''? lindex ''list'' ?''index'' ...? listbox ''pathName'' ?... -disabledforeground ... -state ...? lsearch -all -ascii -decreasing -dictionary -increasing -inline -integer -not -real -sorted -start ''menu'' add ''type'' ?... -compound ...? regsub ?''switches''? ''exp string subSpec'' ?''varName''? tk_getOpenFile ?... -multiple ... -message ...? tk_getSaveFile ?... -multiple ... -message ...? unset ?-nocomplain? ?--? ?''name'' ...? '''New Tcl global variables''' * tcl_platform(wordSize) '''Changed behavior''' ''fcopy'' now respects encodings of its channels. ''format %ld'' and likewise treat argument as wide integer ''scan %ld'' and likewise no longer ignore the field width specifier ''source'' treats the byte 0x1a as an end-of-file character on all platforms. ''subst'' treats ''break'' and ''continue'' during command substitution differently Global variables ''tcl_traceExec'' and ''tcl_traceCompile'' only have their tracing function in the TCL_COMPILE_DEBUG variant of Tcl. ''tk_getOpenFile'' and ''tk_getSaveFile'' are different in whether the returned file name includes the extension.