[http://sf.net/projects/tcl/files/Tcl/8.6.11/tcltk-release-notes-8.6.11.txt/view%|%Released] December 31, 2020. **Tcl Changes** ***Changes to Tcl Commands*** ****New Subcommands**** * [interp children] [[[http://tip.tcl.tk/581%|%TIP #581]]] ***Changed Tcl behavior*** * Revised [binary encode] [base64], [binary decode] [base64] for roundtrip safety and RFC 2045 compliance. * [clock scan] adds support for CCyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss ---- **Tk Changes** ---- **Changes to Bundled Packages** ***Updated packages*** * [Itcl] 4.2.1 * [sqlite3] 3.34.0 * [tdbc] 1.1.2 * [tdbc::mysql] 1.1.2 * [tdbc::odbc] 1.1.2 * [tdbc::postgres] 1.1.2 * [tdbc::sqlite3] 1.1.2 * [Thread] 2.8.6 * [dde] 1.4.3 * [registry] 1.3.5 * [http] 2.9.5 * [tcltest] 2.5.3 * [platform] 1.0.15 ---- See also: * [Highlights of Tcl 8.6] * [Highlights of Tk 8.6] * [The major new features of Tcl/Tk 8.6] * [Changes to consider when moving to Tcl 8.6] <> Documentation | Changes in Tcl/Tk