** Changing [Ttk] Widget Colors ** This page is intended to collect all the information on setting the colors of [Ttk] widgets in one place. This information is sparse, difficult to find, missing, often wrong and is spread out in many places. For many [Ttk] widgets, the foreground and background colors use: 'active' for the color displayed when hovering over the widget; 'disabled' when the widget's state is disabled; 'readonly' when the widget's state is readonly. When using the ttk::style map command, it is not necessary to list all of the different styles, only the ones to be changed. ---- ** ttk::button ** ====== ttk::style configure TButton -background color ttk::style configure TButton -foreground color ttk::style configure TButton -font namedfont ttk::style map TButton -background \ [list active color disabled color readonly color] ttk::style map TButton -foreground \ [list active color disabled color readonly color] ====== ---- ** ttk::checkbutton ** ====== ttk::style configure TCheckbutton -background color ttk::style configure TCheckbutton -foreground color ttk::style configure TCheckbutton -font namedfont ttk::style map TCheckbutton -background \ [list active color disabled color readonly color] ttk::style map TCheckbutton -foreground \ [list active color disabled color readonly color] ttk::style configure TCheckbutton -indicatorcolor color ttk::style map TCheckbutton -indicatorcolor \ [list selected color] ====== The base 'indicatorcolor' is the color when the checkbutton is not selected. The 'selected' value is the color of the indicator when the checkbutton is selected. The indicator's color also supports disabled, active and readonly, but these are meaningless and confusing as they only show up when the checkbutton is not selected. ---- ** ttk::combobox ** ====== ttk::style configure TCombobox -background color ttk::style configure TCombobox -foreground color ttk::style configure TCombobox -fieldbackground color ttk::style configure TCombobox -selectbackground color ttk::style configure TCombobox -selectforeground color ttk::style map TCombobox -background \ [list disabled color readonly color] ttk::style map TCombobox -foreground \ [list disabled color readonly color] ttk::style map TCombobox -fieldbackground \ [list disabled color readonly color] option add *TCombobox*Listbox.background color option add *TCombobox*Listbox.foreground color option add *TCombobox*Listbox.font namedfont .combo configure -font namedfont ====== The combobox is unusual in that the 'option' command is required to set the listbox settings. Note that: ====== ttk::style configure TCombobox -font namedfont ====== Does not work. 'selectbackground' and 'selectforeground' apply to selected text. 'active' also works, but is pointless, as only the color of the drop down selector changes. I could not find a way to set the listbox hover background and foreground. ---- ** ttk::entry ** ====== ttk::style configure TEntry -background color ttk::style configure TEntry -foreground color ttk::style configure TEntry -fieldbackground color ttk::style configure TEntry -selectbackground color ttk::style configure TEntry -selectforeground color ttk::style map TEntry -background \ [list disabled color readonly color] ttk::style map TEntry -foreground \ [list disabled color readonly color] ttk::style map TEntry -fieldbackground \ [list disabled color readonly color] .entry configure -font namedfont ====== This: ====== ttk::style configure TEntry -font namedfont ====== does not work. ---- ** ttk::frame ** ====== ttk::style configure TFrame -background color ====== Frames only have a background color. Note that to set your top-level window's background color, you need to do: ====== . configure -background color ====== ---- ** ttk::label ** ====== ttk::style configure TLabel -background color ttk::style configure TLabel -foreground color ttk::style configure TLabel -font namedfont ttk::style map TLabel -background \ [list disabled color readonly color] ttk::style map TLabel -foreground \ [list disabled color readonly color] ====== ---- ** ttk::labelframe ** ====== ttk::style configure TLabelframe -background color ttk::style configure TLabelframe.Label -background color ttk::style configure TLabelframe.Label -foreground color ttk::style configure TLabelframe.Label -font namedfont ====== ---- ** menu ** ====== .menu configure -background color .menu configure -foreground color .menu configure -activebackground color .menu configure -activeforeground color .menu configure -disabledforeground color .menu configure -font namedfont .menu configure -selectcolor color ====== 'selectcolor' is the color of the dot or checkmark for radiobutton and checkbutton menu types. ---- ** ttk::menubutton ** ====== ttk::style configure TMenubutton -background color ttk::style configure TMenubutton -foreground color ttk::style configure TMenubutton -font namedfont ttk::style map TMenubutton -background \ [list active color disabled color] ttk::style map TMenubutton -foreground \ [list active color disabled color] ====== ---- ** ttk::notebook ** ====== ttk::style configure TNotebook -background color ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -background color ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -foreground color ttk::style map TNotebook.Tab -background \ [list selected color active color disabled color] ttk::style map TNotebook.Tab -foreground \ [list selected color active color disabled color] ttk::style configure TNotebook.Tab -font namedfont ====== 'selected' is the current tab. 'active' is the color displayed when hovering over an unselected tab. 'disabled' colors are used when the tab is disabled. ---- ** ttk::panedwindow ** ====== ttk::style configure TPanedwindow -background color ttk::style configure Sash -sashthickness 5 ====== Paned windows only have a background. Note that there is no visible sash, and you may want to have the paned window's background be a different color than the contained frames. ---- ** ttk::progressbar ** ====== ttk::style configure TProgressbar -background color ttk::style configure TProgressbar -troughcolor color ====== Progress bars are either horizontal or vertical and when you create your own style name, you must have MyStyle.Horizontal.TProgressbar. ---- ** ttk::radiobutton ** ====== ttk::style configure TRadiobutton -background color ttk::style configure TRadiobutton -foreground color ttk::style configure TRadiobutton -font namedfont ttk::style map TRadiobutton -background \ [list active color disabled color readonly color] ttk::style map TRadiobutton -foreground \ [list active color disabled color readonly color] ttk::style configure TRadiobutton -indicatorcolor color ttk::style map TRadiobutton -indicatorcolor \ [list selected color] ====== The base 'indicatorcolor' is the color when the radiobutton is not selected. The 'selected' value is the indicator color when the radiobutton is selected. The indicator's color also supports disabled, active and readonly, but these are meaningless and confusing as they only show up when the radiobutton is not selected. ---- ** ttk::scale ** ====== ttk::style configure TScale -background color ttk::style configure TScale -troughcolor color ====== Separators are either horizontal or vertical and when you create your own style name, you must have MyStyle.Horizontal.TScale or MyStyle.Vertical.TScale. I did not find a way to change the scale's slider color when it is selected. ---- ** ttk::scrollbar ** ====== ttk::style configure TScrollbar -background color ttk::style configure TScrollbar -troughcolor color ttk::style configure TScrollbar -arrowcolor color ttk::style map TScrollbar -background \ [list active color disabled color] ttk::style map TScrollbar -foreground \ [list active color disabled color] ====== 'active' is used when the mouse is over the scroll bar or the scroll bar is selected. ---- ** ttk::separator ** ====== ttk::style configure TSeparator -background color ====== Separators are either horizontal or vertical and when you create your own style name, you must have MyStyle.Vertical.TSeparator. ---- ** ttk::sizegrip ** ====== ttk::style configure TSizegrip -background color ====== ---- ** ttk::spinbox ** ====== ttk::style configure TSpinbox -background color ttk::style configure TSpinbox -foreground color ttk::style configure TSpinbox -fieldbackground color ttk::style configure TSpinbox -selectbackground color ttk::style configure TSpinbox -selectforeground color ttk::style configure TSpinbox -arrowcolor color ttk::style map TSpinbox -background \ [list active color disabled color readonly color] ttk::style map TSpinbox -foreground \ [list active color disabled color readonly color] ttk::style map TSpinbox -fieldbackground \ [list active color disabled color readonly color] .spinbox configure -font namedfont ====== This: ====== ttk::style configure TSpinbox -font namedfont ====== does not work. ---- ** ttk::treeview ** ====== ttk::style configure Treeview -background color ttk::style configure Treeview -foreground color ttk::style configure Treeview -font namedfont ttk::style map Treeview -background \ [list selected color] ttk::style map Treeview -foreground \ [list selected color] ttk::style configure Heading -font namedfont ttk::style configure Heading -background color ttk::style configure Heading -foreground color ====== The treeview's background is white, but as long as there are enough items to fill the vertical space in the tree, the white background will not show. ---- Edit History: 2013-4-29 [bll] Treeview had incorrect name, information, was missing 'selected'. <> Widget