|What:|CharEntry| |Where:|http://freshmeat.net/projects/charentry/ <
> http://billposer.org/Software/CharEntry.html| |Description:|CharEntry is a tool for inserting non-ascii characters into text, with particular emphasis on linguistic notation. It provides charts of the consonants, vowels, and diacritics of the International Phonetic Alphabet as well as a chart of precomposed accented characters. Clicking on a character inserts it into a text region, the contents of which may be saved to a file or copied and pasted elsewhere. A widget for inserting characters by Unicode codepoint is also provided. Furthermore, it is possible to read from a file the definition of a custom character chart. In the screenshot below, the Armenian chart in the middle was created by a definition read from a file.| ||Currently at version 1.5| |Updated:|2007-05-24| |Contact:|Bill Poser (billposer@alum.mit.edu)| [http://billposer.org/Software/Images/ArmenianCustom.jpg] <> Application | Human Language